Thursday, July 21, 2016

BEN FULFORD : ATTENTION Bounty Hunters! One Ton in Gold ($46.7 MILLION-DOLLARS) Bounty To Be Collected On Each One On This List! (see below) July 19, 2016 by Edward Morgan | Prepare for Change

[Note: this is not to be confused with the full weekly Geopolitical News Report by Ben Fulford**, available to subscribers on Tuesday and to the general public on Thursdays] ~PB

BEN FULFORD : ATTENTION Bounty Hunters! One Ton in Gold ($46.7 MILLION-DOLLARS) Bounty To Be Collected On Each One On This List! (see below)
July 19, 2016 by Edward Morgan | Prepare for Change

Benjamin Fulford has formally listed a list of career criminals who have been directly responsible for the death of millions of people around the world and untold misery/disruption in their lives in many nations.

Please re-post this post in many discussion forums and send out copies of this in your emails to be forwarded everywhere.

Surely there are groups of retired Special Forces who have the capabilities to raid and capture the list of people below, yes?

How does the reward — payable in GOLD — of over 46,700,000 dollars (USD) sound?

Let’s say that an “Ocean’s 11” crack team does this job: 11/46.7 = 4.2+ MILLION BUCKS EACH!

Note to bounty hunters: Call the phone number next to Ben’s name below for confirmation of the bounty and for the protocol for collection of the bounty.

And here’s the list (prefaced by a comment that I had posted in Ben’s forum just minutes ago):

My Comment:

This is too important to wait until Thursday for the free versions of Ben’s report, so I’m going to post this blurb from this current report for ease of reading and of re-posting elsewhere.

Ben’s Comment and List:

“Also, representatives of the White Dragon Society had meetings with several Asian factions to discuss the 1 ton gold bounty placed by the WDS on certain members of the Khazarian mafia.

The WDS explained that the West was like a beautiful woman infected with syphilis and that the Asians need to make sure she takes anti-biotics before getting too friendly. The Asians agreed and confirmed gold and agents will be made available.

Pentagon and agency sources responded to the bounties with requests for more names to be added. So, at Pentagon and agency request a one ton gold bounty will be placed on the people they mentioned:

<b>Jacob de Rothschild,

Evelyn de Rothschild,

Jay Rockefeller,

George Soros,

Dick Cheney,

Paul Kagan,

Henry Kissinger,

Angela Merkel,

Neil Bush,

Jeb Bush,

Marvin Bush,

Michael Mukasey,

Scooter Libby,

911 judge Alvin Hellerstein,

Paul Wolfowitz,

Richard Perle,

Dov Zakheim,

Michael Chertoff,

Frank Lowy,

Larry Silverstein,

Rudolf Giuliani,

Michael Bloomberg,

Paul Singer,

Mark Zuckerberg,

Mikhail Khodorkovsky,

Tony Blair,

Haim Saban,

Sheldon Adelson,

Arnon Milchan,

Hank Paulson,

Bob Rubin,

Sandy Weill (Citigroup)

Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs),

Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan)

and Stanley Fischer.

My Additional Comment:

I had already written out this post above, then sent an email to Ben to ask him for permission to re-post this in other forums, and to send this out by email, and he quickly replied:

<blockquote>Sure XXXX, please go ahead and do that

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558

**Chaos everywhere as current world order continues to collapse
while new age begins

Posted by benjamin, July 19, 2016

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