Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekly LightBlast: Focus and Diversion Jamye Price ~ a message from Jamye Price

Weekly LightBlast: Focus and Diversion

Blessed Being, your freedom is an aspect of the unconditional nature of Life. You are free to choose love or hate in a moment, and Life embraces you fully. You are free to choose within, your subtle bridge, and Life responds to your choice without judgment. Your work in this physical realm of conditions is to merge your subtle choice with your physical action and create Life.

This time of Ascension is your evolution into a species that merges the physical focus with the subtle, the unknown, the unseen potential—amplifying the effort of the invisible. This allows you to create with less physical effort, more synchronistic wonderment. This begins to establish your understanding of the unknown, your connection with the cosmos, and your interaction with the non-linearity of time.

As you begin to interact with the unknown, it may first stir more of a worry about not being prepared, capable, or knowing the right action. It may first seem overwhelming, as if there is so much unknown that you just need more information before an action can be chosen. It may feel overwhelming as you begin to focus on your rampant thoughts, seeking to only allow positive ones, and not being sure what to do with your vague frustration with the system, as it doesn’t seem to work.

What is actually happening is you are at the beginning stages of moving beyond duality, into a more complete connection with Life.

The duality of you and the world (inner and outer) meeting the invisible connection of Love rather than just rules. It is where you move beyond the rules of the physical alone and into the invisible guidelines of Love merging you with the physical world.

Here we arrive at Focus and Diversion. Two opposites it seems, one productive, the other perhaps not? We combine these two opposites to help you see the connection that Love brings. This may help open you to the Focus of Diversion so that you may begin to value your state of allowing, play, relaxation, and lack of worry. It is an important energy to allow your physicality the open state of Diversion.

Your Focus is a direct and masculine energy. It brings detail to creation and is vital for discovering your true nature. Self observance, observing your life, observing logical possibilities—these are valuable aspects of your path of Ascension.

Your diversion can be an open and receptive feminine energy. Your Diversion is not just play, though sometimes it takes that form. It is an openness, an allowing of the joy of Life, an unfortified connection rather than just an internal choice. It is a connection with the outer world. How do you divert your attention? Do you connect with nature, read a book, talk with a friend, or watch a movie? What this brings is renewal, new ideas, a soothing of the self.

To Di-vert is to (two) open to a connection, to allow your focus to open to another view, to connection.

Your Divinity, your dual nature, that you are One and All, is reaching a level of empowerment and understanding that it is ready to reach out, connect, and form a new fractal expanding within and without. The whole has always been and will always be connected with you. Now your Focus diverts to an expanded connection, invisible at first, but as you focus it becomes known.

You are safe to connect with Life. Seek to Focus your attention on the self connecting with Life and you will find response that seeks to strengthen you, embrace you, and perhaps even divert you again. Do not worry about the response of others; it is all a gift. Focus your Love and then Divert your attention outward. Begin the invisible connection of a new Light anchoring on Earth (over and over again).

As we sit to Blast Focus and Diversion, we are Focusing within our subtle realms as we fortify our Love. We are Diverting our attention to the beauty of Life, and bringing new Light to Earth. We are holding a new space of Love that will anchor in time, for we know the core of All Life is wanting to birth the creation of Love within. We are so strong in our Love that we will be the strongest force in our lives, appreciating the exercise that opposition has offered. We are focusing so boldly on the Loving potentials of humanity, that Life becomes a play of creative flow. Blast on!

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