Throughout 2016, many experienced an increase in different types of phenomena that was related to our now constant movement into and embodying higher frequency Light energies. At this point it doesn’t matter much to me where exactly these higher frequency Light energies are coming from—the Milky Way GC, other galaxies, our Sun, transmitted to and through our Sun from other locations, other dimensions etc. They’re all caused by natural, automatic evolution and at this point within the Ascension Process I just want to move through each phase and level as best I can, with the least amount of drooling possible. Just wanted to see if you were paying attention, although there has been occasional drooling in past years when things got extra severe.

Some of this increased phenomena many of
us have experienced throughout 2016, has greatly increased and gotten
even more unusual and other worldly during this Zero Zone
transition from 2016 (9 energies at a lower frequency level) into 2017
(1 energies in a higher level). We knew this particular shift was a big
and important one for many reason that have been covered last year, but I
doubt most were really prepared for the weird, surreal factor that it’s
been and continues to be. That famous old line from the TV Star Trek series automatically plays in my head during those moments when I question where exactly I am — ‘…to boldly go where no man has gone before.’ Right,
we’re going where no one has before, not exactly like we now are and
it’s okay to get momentarily lost in space and time and have different
symptoms and side effects from doing so.
Speaking of it being okay to have side
effects from ongoing evolution. I’m so unimpressed with people who shame
other people for experiencing Ascension symptoms and side effects. I
understand why some people haven’t and aren’t experiencing Ascension
symptoms but I don’t need to demean, insult or shame them for not having
them. Really? For god sake it’s 2017. One more time for any in the
cheep seats — discernment people.
The symptoms/side effects of this ongoing
Living Alchemy Ascension Process have been intense for a good long
while now and they won’t be ending any time soon now that we’re in 2017,
so, haul your aching and sometimes confused and disoriented backside up
these latest energy Stair-steps and acclimate. This is the routine, and
after all these years and decades we’re old pro’s at this so just do it
and take notes along the way if that helps you with it all. Validation
and confirmation are always nice, but after two or three decades of
doing this Oh Great Master of Light in disguise as a dumb-ass bumbling
human, you know exactly what’s going on and
why and that it hurts occasionally and why it hurts occasionally. Said
with the utmost love, gratitude and respect.❤
Here’s a bit from my latest mental note taking. Yes, being Conscious of Process has been a lifelong thing for me and I take mental notes especially when things get heavy-duty like they’ve been.
I can’t even remember if the inner ear ringing
(the Vegas nerve vibrating from higher Light Energies affecting it and
being embodied) started up again back in September or October but it’s
been epic since November 2016 and it’s still going meaning we’re still
“upgrading” like crazy in January 2017.
The head, skull, face, jaw, Brow chakra area business has also been very intense lately. So much so that I’ve had bouts of nausea
caused by how badly the pains and pressures are inside my head from the
Crown chakra above, down into my brain and multiple brain glands. There
are, once again, some big evolutionary changes/improvements taking
place in our heads, brains and specifically our brain glands.
Whenever my head and brain/brain glands go through these big “upgrades”, my physical eyes
are always affected by it. They feel strange, hurt sometimes and are
numb sometimes, which sounds weird but that’s how it often feels. They
get dry and my physical vision becomes blurry while my Higher Vision becomes more clear, vast and complex. These two go together, which also sounds strange but there you go. Eventually the physical eyes
acclimate to existing in greater higher frequency Light Energies and 7D
Photonic Light and they too clarify and aren’t so dry and sore anymore…
until the next energy Stair-step arrives that is and then we go through
it all again.
The sense that the earth under my feet is
shaking and/or just not being there in those old familiar ways has
increased lately too. I’ll get to the recent amplification of actual
physical earthquakes in a moment because they’re related and connected to our Ascension symptoms.
These two go together because we’re symbiotic with earth/earth with us
and what one goes through so too does the other of course.
I’ve had the strong feeling that the
ground under my feet was shaking lately. I’ve also had this same
sensation in my physical body — Inner Body vibrations — that have become so amplified lately it often feels like Inner Shaking. Personal inner “earthquakes” we could say, along with increased external physical earthquakes around the entire Pacific Ring.
There were a couple of weeks in late December 2016 into early January 2017 where the possibility for
some very large magnitude earthquakes in multiple locations around the
Pacific Ring was very high. But, thank gawd, for decades now there has
been a higher dimensional crew that monitors and directs/redirects
Ascension related earthquakes and energies in earth. Only when
absolutely needed will these higher dimensional crews redirect those
energies that must be released because they’re caused by the Ascension Process, to physical locations that will benefit from things being collapsed.
Some incarnate Forerunners/Lightworkers have also done this type of
energy work with earthquakes and storms primarily, by intentionally
redirecting them to less populated areas to save lives. (Some Souls want
to experience death via high drama earth changes. Other Souls want to
experience death quietly with as little high drama as possible, and some
Souls want to experience death via Ascending their physical body.
Options, lots of creative options always. No right or wrong, just what a
Soul needs for greater overall balance of experiences and personal
Increased dizziness goes along with these other side effects which often is so severe that it causes nausea too. More heart thumps,
flutters, rolling movement sensations and pains in the center HighHeart
chest area. Combine all this and include the patriarchy devouring
itself while pounding its chest over it all and not knowing anything
about anything other than greed; the earth repeatedly shaking and
quaking around the Pacific Ring like it’s trying to birth something NEW;
mass exodus of humans out of their physical bodies right up to the last
day of the previous 9-yearlong cycle (2016); amplified Ascension side
effects and traveling through the Zero Zone with nothing under your feet
but a wing and a prayer—and who needs more than that anyway
right?—and it has been something else lately just like we knew it would
be. I promise it’s gonna get more exciting for all throughout 2017, in
high and wonderful ways, and in OMG sorts of ways too at times. This is
the death of the old happening under the building of the NEW all taking
place simultaneously. Aren’t you glad you started all that central
nervous system Rewiring all those years ago? Our brains
would shoot out our noses now if we hadn’t over all this profound
compressed evolution manifesting very physically for ALL finally. Enjoy
watching the masses “wake up”, get really pissed off and band together
to intentionally create positive change for everyone. This is Phase Two
to the 1960s and the Hippies Phase One revolutions against wars and the patriarchal “establishment”, and the Indigos are the “Hippies” of this phase of it.❤❤
The end of December 2016, brought with it a whole cluster of earthquakes around the Pacific Ring.
I rarely get worried about big earthquakes because I’ve repeatedly Seen
that higher crew plus assisted with them over the decades. But, I had a
couple of moments in December 2016 where things were popping all around
where I physically live, literally I mean and I’m only a few miles off
the San Andreas fault-line in SoCal, when I became momentarily concerned
that there just might be a big local earthquake. Still might be
although this is diminishing at the time of this writing. However, it’s
been many years since I’ve felt the potential for multiple
large earthquakes around the Pacific Ring (and right were I live too)
this severe so it’s been somewhat stressful at times lately.
Because of this I’ve checked the USGS
earthquake website every few days to see what, where and what size
they’ve been recently. During this time I felt something very NEW was/is
literally being birthed through the Pacific Ring.
Years ago I wrote (at TRANSITIONS) about my having clairvoyantly Seen a
new good-sized island being birthed in the Pacific Ocean well above the
Hawaiian Islands. This feels closer now that we’re in 2017, along with
other potential large islands surfacing around the Pacific
Ocean area. It’s not old Lemuria resurfacing but something NEW and much
higher frequency than original Lemuria was. Uooo...
Another thing, well two related things
actually that I wanted to remember to include in this. One is how these
higher frequency Light Energies have made the water, the liquid in my physical body and the water/liquids in my cells
feel lately. In short that would be electrified, zapped from the
inside. When this happens my body (and many of you reading this have
experienced this treasure many times over the years) feels extremely inflamed from so much higher frequency Light Energies electrocuting the cells and fluid around each cell to bring home the goods so to speak which is further evolve the DNA — the multidimensional quantum DNA. So, one is probably feeling inflamed through-and-through again because, as Lauren Gorgo so aptly put it a few years ago, we’ve been ‘Electrocuted by God’ again.
This happy side effect is related to ongoing evolution to our physical
and nonphysical DNA, which spills over into the quantum NOW Moment
because all this is multidimensional and exists both in and outside of
physical reality and linear time space. Our spark plugs are
being “upgraded” so to speak so we can travel greater distances in the
multiple quantum NOW Moments and spaces and not blow an engine, or
anything else. But I have to say that this particular Ascension related
side effect is not much fun due to that sense of being inflamed and swollen throughout my entire body for days or weeks at a time.
The second part to this same business is
the sudden end to the long and horrible drought (and heat) that’s been
so severe here where I live and in much of the country elsewhere too.
These two things, these two side effects are, once again, related. One
is us going through it and the other is earth going through it but it’s
the same thing taking place at the same time just like the earthquakes
and our inner shaking etc.
I mentioned that shortly after my best
cat friend died in November 2016, eight days after election day here,
that the rain arrived which let me know that one long miserable cycle
was finally over. The rain has continued here on the west coast ever
since and then travels eastward across the USA and gets colder and more
intense as it goes. Just like the water/fluids in our cells are being
zapped by higher frequency Light Energies also triggering further DNA
evolution, the water in the form of rain and snow is now increasing to
help wash away whatever needs to be cleansed and cleared via this
element and embody higher frequency NEW Light Energies. It’s going to
get easier to see and understand how what humans are going through via
the Ascension Process and its side effects, so too is the earth and all
life on Her. The ancients knew this and lived from this knowing but
current humanity is just starting to consciously reconnect with
earth/Gaia, and then with everything else too of course.
To wrap this up I’ll add quickly because
I’ve got to get horizontal for a while, increased weird dreams. Hearing
strange sounds that you’re not sure are even physical. I’ve heard tiny
bells tinkling occasionally, plus strange beeps going off that sound
like some machine or alarm yet I don’t have anything like that in my
house so I’m not sure what it is I’m hearing with this. Other sounds
that I can’t even describe because they’re not physical so I have
nothing to compare them to. Strange in between worlds types of sounds.
There’s also been and continues to be a lot of very strange, foreign thoughts and emotions. I’ve
had some stuff suddenly roll through my inner landscape space that
shocked me at how dark, violent and outright strange it was. I’m pretty
familiar with my own Basement, and this stuff ain’t coming from
there! I also know to take an honest look/feel at it and then release
it so it can move on to the trash bin where it and all other “trash” now
goes. I don’t need to dance with it, spend extended time with it, love
it, heal it, dissect or analyze it, just acknowledge it, feel it and
then hand it over to Divine Source to reabsorb and keep moving forward.
And I’m just gonna say this and I’m sorry
for getting so intimate but we should be beyond all that at this
point! 😉 Urinating, going pee, going pee at night specifically has
changed again recently and it’s connected to the water/fluids in our
bodies and cells and DNA all being further infused with higher frequency Light Energies triggering
greater evolution in all ways. Problem is that sometimes this one makes
it a bit difficult to urinate at night and one has to really make an
effort to get it all out. Gads what we go through in the name of
evolution! Anyway, I thought I’d be brave and publicly admit this
Ascension related side effect. If however you’re concerned about having
to push hard in the middle of the night to get all the pee out, then see
your doctor. Otherwise, be happy in the knowing that your DNA is being
further evolved. 😀 Happy NEW Year everyone and expect the unexpected to
not only continue but increase. No fear, just big changes.
January 5, 2017
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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