Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hillory Skott: Weekly Forecast for March 27- April 2, 2017

Weekly Forecast for March 27- April 2, 2017
~ contributed by Hillory SkottListen to the podcast version here

Is the First New moon of the New year, there is a ton
of power to start anew on this day. This week too,
Mercury is in a harmonious connection to Saturn-
giving us wisdom and focus. Mercury is shifting from
its fiery Aries into let’s back up a minute change hater

Monday March 27, the new moon, is the day to sit
yourself down and create a game plan.   A wonderful
way to show the Universe, your guides, or Guardian
Angels what you want is to make a collage.

Gather what you need. Magazine clippings that represent
what you would like to show up in your life, markers or
crayons to draw what you want.  Get some paper and glue,
some scissors. And go make something great to remind
you of our goals. To remind yourself that you have a vision,
and you are always guided by it.

Make something real and tangible with your own
two hands. It is the first step in making it really real.

The New moon has a helpful aspect between dream
maker Neptune and get it done Mars.
 This is the kind

of energy that helps make things real. A poem, or a song,
from your mind to paper to notes on an instrument.  This
combo can take a hazy dream and make it solid, make it
real. It works on dreams.

Thursday the 30th Jupiter is Squaring Pluto.  
Jupiter wants to expand its connections, make its high ideals
real, and Pluto may very well be keeping you focused on the
work of the moment.  Not into ideals but realities.  Tricky mix,
both have a valid point to make.  Try for both using the work
of the moment to create the high ideals. -This is the right mix
for all involved.

Friday Mercury moves to Taurus. Thank goodness- now you
can slow down.  Way down- Stop and smell the roses, Marvel
at marvelous things. Steep yourself in the sensual pleasures
of this earth plane.  Feed your soul nurturing thoughts and ideas.

Mercury will be in Taurus for a while, and will even go retrograde
on April 9th, backing up into Aries again for a spell- giving us just
what we need to go over what we may have forgotten.

Have you stepped in to your power and spoken your truth?

Once again a powerful week.  So much momentum is happening
now it would be hard to resist the forward pull. The planets are
shifting constantly bring us closer to where we need to be to be
who we are.  Enjoy the flow- enjoy moments of stillness as well-
Sometimes just floating for a while is just what we need to refuel
for the next leg of our Journey.

~ contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy your week …
and Create Amazement!

Karen & Salma

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. http://unboundedpotential.com
| 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6

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