Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tania Marie: Spring Equinox Portal of Possibilities

Spring Equinox Portal of Possibilities

Peace and harmony to you on this beautiful Spring Equinox portal. Where ever you are I hope you can take some time to tune in and anchor in your own “change of seasons” with some reflection on where you are on your journey, envisioning what you would like to be creating as your path continues to unfold, and honing in on what actions you can take to put it all into renewing motion. I was just thinking about the last few years and where I was on Spring Equinox…last year in the Grand Canyon on our Magick Bus adventure, the year before on the island of Amantani in Lake Titicaca for our sacred journey to Peru I organized, and the year before hosting the Reiki Renewal Retreat in Laguna Beach, CA. And now, sitting above Lake Tahoe in our treehouse in Nevada engaging in what I feel to be my life’s work come full circle.

My how things shift and yesterday and this morning I’ve been reflecting on where I’m headed and how much has changed to get to this more anchored place I feel to be in with solid direction and fullest embodiment of what’s in my heart.

glacier national park.jpg

This photo is from last year’s RV adventure in the Magick Bus while exploring my favorite Glacier National Park. I love the hint of double rainbow that shows up in the clouds above and the hawk flying in the blue area of the sky that wanted to be captured in this image too.

This photo not only embodies the essence of today to me, but anchors in the visions I’m supporting from the guidance channeling through and my own intentions and dream visions unfolding.
I hope it ignites a spark of inspiration for you too.

Renewal is yours if you are willing to lovingly close doors, take action, and open to receiving new portals of experience because you’re worth it as an embodiment of All That Is.

Everything to me right now feels like we’re planting our own spirit gardens and it’s incredibly liberating and enjoyable to choose the seeds we want to see blossom and learn what each needs to be cultivated and nurtured into fruition. All the while knowing you are Spirit in motion of being and everything you do is a merging of this.

And if you don’t yet know what you want to be growing in your garden, this is a wonderful and revealing time to receive revelations and inspiration that uncover the seeds of your spirit’s truest calling.

Words that come to mind are surrender, balance, harmony, integrity, trust, and renewal.

I shared this message, below, before around the same time of year, but it still feels to be the theme and so I’ll reshare it again.

Things you might ask yourself in line with the words above are:

In what areas of your life can you surrender and stop trying to do and control it all? What can you let go of to make room for allowing and receiving?

How can you maintain your equilibrium, and remain balanced? Are you fortifying your source of energy and learning to shield yourself from all externals that knock you off your axis?

Are you being consistent with the integrity of your life and making it a priority as to your vibrational resonance you embody? Where might you release things, people, and situations that aren’t reflecting the same integrity? Are you ready to invite higher discernment into your life with the choices you make? Are you living authentically in expression of your inner truth and essence or is false ego running the show creating illusions and lack of self love and self worth?

Do you operate solely in your head and forego the knowing in your heart? Are you willing to cultivate more trust in that gut feeling, or are you more happy allowing all of the “stuff” out there to determine the course of your life? Is fear your friend or enemy?

Can you commit to letting go of the old with love, gratitude, and compassionate understanding for the way things have been, but no longer need to be? What are you willing to release in order to have the new experiences you want? Do you talk about things rather than do them?

It all boils down to how seriously you are willing to make different choices and back them up with action. The first step is the most challenging, but it all gets easier from there.

We are just like energetic coils, spiraling through the cycles of our life and able to “spring” back and regenerate ourselves.

You are more resilient than you think.

What you believe and the actions you take in support of those beliefs are shaping your experience and either bucking the natural harmony of your coiled embodiment or flowing gracefully with that spiraling essence.

Asking questions right now feels even more potent than simply sharing inspirational words, as it engages you to partner more in the empowerment you seek.

If you are willing to honestly answer the hard questions, then the next question is, are you willing to take the actions in support of helping you toward different answers you perhaps may seek to experience?

Only you can do the work.

Only you can make the changes….embrace new perspectives…and realize more expansive potentials.
I can’t do it for you and neither can anyone else.

We can only help guide you back to you, if, and only if you are ready to go there.

There is no wrong. There’s only choice and free will.

There is no timing to meet except your own soul’s gauge.

To reclaim your sovereignty you’ll need to reclaim it.

How that looks is up to you.

If you feel you’ve lost your way, yourself, your innocence….you can always choose a different spiral of experience. True, it may take time and it may not be easy, but neither of those are reason to turn a back on yourself for.

Nature has many mirrors for us of challenge and resiliency, of symbolic death and renewal…and yet it goes on as that is the nature of its reality that knows what it is here to do and doesn’t judge it against anything else.

The nature of your reality is that you, too, are powerful beyond measure, are beautiful in all of your seasons of inevitable change, and no matter the roads your journey takes you, you are and always have been an embodied miracle.

The truth of it is, there is no magick.

Magick is simply when you are surrendering to your essence.

Magick is when you express your creative piece of life force energy moving through you.

Magick is simply you being you.

And when you are embodying your essence expression and trusting in the knowing of that beyond all else, everything you touch is a process of alchemy creating alignment, abundance, and grace.

That’s the “magick”. It’s a natural process.

When you aren’t being natural you don’t experience this.

It’s that simple.

From being in the core essence of you, you are then able to branch out into new things from a stable, solid, and sustainable energy source that isn’t being depleted by having to manage frustration, inner torment, or having to support inauthentic, contrived, conditioned, or illusory ideas of you, what you think you should be doing, or how you think you need to look to others.

For myself, I have come to a place of great clarity through letting go of personal stagnation I was feeling, although to the outside world would not have been detected.

This has resulted in cultivating and nurturing those key themes I mentioned at start: surrender, balance, harmony, integrity, trust, and renewal.

It’s come with letting go of EVERYTHING that doesn’t mirror the integrity I’ve become ultra sensitively discerning about.

It’s like a complete update and upgrade, which ultimately is a total renewal.

So, not only is it Spring time for the next quarter cycle of the year, but this whole year feels to be a year of allowing new blossoms to open from the work you’ve done all of these years, while also planting tons of new seeds and working them fully.

A time you can activate more trust and surrender to “knowing” while branching out and following new aspirations or creative directions.

A good time for cleaning out your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical house literally and symbolically.

A time you can live more from a place of saying “yes” to your inner truth.

And tend to your own inner garden of blossoms, while planting like crazy.

Time to branch out into new areas that aren’t tied to anything but essence embodiment.

lake tahoe reflections

This photo is from yesterday.

I was in gratitude of coming full circle to “everything” that ignited here once in Lake Tahoe, NV and was seeded in my soul, now to actually surface through the sands of time within my essence. This unfolding after having followed the threads that tied up all loose ends, integrating, weaving, and retrieving, which helped me understand more fully their reason for being there and how Spirit truly has been designing it in perfect merging of love and mission as One.

All that I/we need to know is in my/our heart(s).

And then it comes down to trusting that.

The answers have always been there. You’ve always received the inner nudges. You/we just hadn’t been taught to listen to, recognize, and support them. Now you can by choosing to do so and it will get stronger the more you do.

Wishing you an invigorating, inspiring, and revealing Spring Equinox.

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