Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Weirdness of it All: Changing Timelines Again | HighHeartLife

The Weirdness of it All: Changing Timelines Again
| HighHeartLife

Personally, the past thirty days (around February 12th or so) have been extra difficult, exhausting, frustrating, educational, bloody, trying, and did I mention difficult? I was aware of the brutality of it all while it was happening of course but didn’t completely understand exactly what was going on and why. It just felt horrible and difficult, and at this late date and age, I really don’t want horrible and difficult anymore. Or at least, I want to have Higher Multidimensional Awareness of what’s happening because I can deal with everything so much better and more easily then, but, that’s part of the educational aspect of these Ascension related events. So, do the latest Work, pay attention to what you’re learning about yourself and your old 3D habits, beliefs, expectations etc. so the whole thing isn’t as difficult and horrible the next time.

Does This Timeline Make Me Look Fat?

I’ve always hated when we have to move the clocks forward an hour. Turning them back an hour is great because I like it when it gets darker sooner, but losing an hour when we ‘Spring forward’ I’ve never liked and last night was no exception. It was a long, rough, strange night and I’m sure many also felt this because a lot got jockeyed around, realigned and energetically matched up with NEW and different timelines/realities. And you thought you were just tossing and turning all night!

The moment I woke up this morning (March 12, 2017) I instantly knew I’d jumped timelines again and that this jump was an important and big one for me. As I laid in bed this morning feeling this latest timeline change, I knew it was due to my having done some more of The Work throughout the past difficult and horrible thirty days. Yep this is a Process, and like all the others it too has sequenced steps we all go through, repeatedly, and the moment we do we automatically jump/change timelines again and again and again. It goes something like this: 1) Some remaining personal stuff gets dealt with like it or not, difficult and horrible or not while 2) you emotionally feel and consciously see and know more about yourself and your old 3D world beliefs, expectations etc. which automatically leads to 3) energetic course correcting, evolving to, jumping to another timeline that’s a better current energy match to you/me/each of us because you/me/we lived and Worked through steps #1 and 2.

People have a tendency to think and believe that these Ascension related Processes are a one-time-only, one-level-only deal when they’re anything but. We do The Work at one phase and level of being, then things progress and we continue doing The Work at another level of being, awareness, consciousness and energy and on and on. This never stops but simply continues expanding and getting much more complex as we expand and become more complex. We are after all going from existing within a world, dimension, reality, consciousness and physical body system that was strictly linear, dualized and profoundly dense and narrow in its level of frequency to, Spherical Consciousness in non-linear time space quantumness that’s aware of our being multidimensional Beings functioning in all of them simultaneously. We’re in the phase now of adjusting and readjusting to being increasingly conscious of being multidimensional and existing in multiple places and dimensions simultaneously while we continue casting-off whatever it is that each of us still needs to that’s from the old lower 3D patriarchal linear earth world. I doubt I need to tell you this but that’s a whole lot to have on ones plate at once.

I rarely ever have some human say anything to me about myself that’s from their current level of awareness and development. I’ve had them say all sorts of idiotic things to me, and vice versa to be honest, but rarely are humans honest enough to say something to you about yourself based solely on what they see and feel about you in that moment. I was fortunate enough to have some male stranger do this to me, for me, last week. He didn’t know what he’d done for me by sharing his impressions about me but I was very grateful he did as it was a unique insight into how we Embodying Forerunners going increasingly multidimensional consciously, appear to regular, linear only consciousness humans. Long story short, he perceived me as being intensely focused, overly mental, jumpy, confused and all over the place but all while being highly focused. Sounds like a lot of contradictions doesn’t it? Well, when one is Working and functioning from multiple levels, multiple dimensions, multiple points of perspective, being and awareness simultaneously one would have, I suspect, a very strong appearance of being “all over the place” while being highly efficient at the same time to unaware humans. Glowing light radiating off of me would have been nice, or faint etheric wings would be cool, or the scent of beautiful flowers emanating from me would be soothing to the wild beasts but no, I get intensely focused and all over the place. So much for my super hero identifiers!  

What I’ve had some difficulties with occasionally with all this is my physical body—central nervous system mostly—becoming over stimulated by all the super high-frequency Light Energies coming in from everywhere now. I’m the first to confess that I do sometimes feel a bit more twitchy and angular than usual, like multi-colored sparks are shooting out of every physical orifice (they probably are and isn’t that wonderful and hilarious, especially for the Higher Levels of Beings watching us do all this?!) because I haven’t fully acclimated to the latest Embodiment phase and total Light scrubbing taking place on a cellular and DNA level. Eventually I adapt however, which is the clue that it’s all about to start-up again at an even higher level with even more potent Light energies coming in and momentarily unnerving my central nervous system again.

This is our lives and reality now Forerunners; continuously taking on greater higher frequency Light energies while lower merges with all that and we further expand into greater conscious Multidimensional awareness and being while existing less and less in linear time space reality.

The main point I want to get across now is that we have been, still are, and will be for a good while longer in such profound and constant evolutionary change in every way imaginable and many we can’t imagine, that we cannot fully comprehend exactly all we’re actually living now. I’m oftentimes glad I’m not fully aware of everything I and my body/bodies are going through because that might just be too much at this point. Higher Selves knows when to withhold certain information/awareness until all aspects of me/Me/ME can safely and correctly cope with the latest expansions and additions etc. Trust, stay in your HighHeart, let go of whatever needs to be released now, see and feel whatever needs to be seen and felt now by you about yourself and/or whatever, keep going forward into the NEW, and ignore the current extinction process of the old lower global 3D patriarchal dinosaurs as they are not your concern whatsoever. There are 3D deconstruction crews, and there are 5D and higher construction crews creating and building the NEW and each group needs to do what they are so stay in your lane and do what you’re great at doing.

So yeah, here comes the rest of March 2017 with its NEW 1-energies and our first Equinox with its matching NEW Light Codes/Blueprints/Templates at this NEW level of being, reality and Separation of Worlds & Timelines. We’ve not been here before so expect the unexpected and roll with the cosmic punches and ongoing sudden timeline changes because they’re going to be abundant from here on out. What I have to keep reminding myself during those difficult and horrible phases is that, This too shall pass, so just do the latest Work and keep evolving into more NEW higher and better while you continue learning how to go multidimensional in your current tight-fitting physical body gear. How does one get so much Light into such a small physical body system anyway? Slowly and carefully, step-by-step, level-by-level and phase-by-phase is how. You’re doing really great, now do more great for Self and All everywhere this month and beyond and thanks so very much.


March 12, 2017

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Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

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