Friday, March 17, 2017

Ann Albers: The Heart Has Its Reasons

The Heart Has Its Reasons

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

While there is nothing wrong with being a “creature of habit,” it is your habits that either enliven you or slowly cause your energy to withdraw from life. Life is meant to be lived openly, as an adventure and an exploration of self.

Life is a never ending series of present moments in which you get to choose your experience, based on your God given guidance and soul-level desires.

Your desires inspired you to grow. Your guidance tries to help you grow gracefully and kindly.

For example, say you desire a relationship. That is wonderful. The desire itself begins to draw life force through you. Suddenly your mind starts to take over. “It must be this kind of person and not that. He/she must look like this and not that,” or sometimes worse, “Forget it. Relationships hurt. Better to avoid them!"

Then you meet someone. Your instincts tell you that you want to get to know them better, but the mind starts chattering, “They don’t look like what we expected. What if they’re not ’the one’? You know relationships hurt, just give up!" You talk yourself out of your natural instinct to get to know them better. In doing so you rob yourself of the gifts life has to offer.

There could be a whole variety of reasons you are guided to get to know this person. Perhaps they could help you with career. Maybe they would become a friend who would help you feel safe in the world. Possibly they would be exactly the type of person you've been with in the past and this would give you a chance to trust yourself, and leave, when you see the warning signs a few weeks into the relationship. Maybe they're a potential love. The possibilities are endless.

Perhaps you have a desire to try something new - a class, a food, a career, or a hobby. Your heart feels excited. Your mind starts to offer all sorts of reasons why you should ignore the heart, “You’re too old. You don’t have enough time. You read an article on the Internet that says this isn't good for you. What makes you think you could that?” Your mind make excuses and you give up before you even give your heart a chance.

Maybe you would not have liked the new food, but you would have learned something useful from someone in the grocery store or restaurant. Maybe you wouldn’t have maintained the hobby, but you’d meet a dear friend along the way. Maybe you're guided into a new career and then fired, only to discover this is a stepping stone to your dream job.

If you don’t listen to the heart, you may never discover its reasons. If you don’t remain open to life and your instincts in each moment, you might miss the fullest life you could be living.

Dear ones, we honor your need to grow on earth but we always attempt to guide you to grow in the most kind and loving way possible. We attempt to guide you to grow in ways you wish to grow when possible. We attempt to help you grow in love.

Use your minds, by all means, to review the past, but always pay attention as well to how you feel right here, right now. While the mind may argue against the heart, the heart always knows the kindest and most loving path... in each moment.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message From Ann 

This has been the year I’m challenging myself to “Try something new.”
When a thought doesn't make me happy, I remind myself to "try something new." For example, earlier in the year when I created a health challenge, I caught myself saying, "How many more times do I have to do this to learn!" The thought didn't make me happy so I changed it. "Thank God I've learned and I'm done with this!" I could feel my energy rising immediately and my entire body relaxed.

I caught myself one week, dipping into a very, very old whine, "No one cares about me," and immediately changed it to a better thought, "Life loves me!" I got the sweetest outpouring of thank you notes and kindnesses shown to me within days!

I've been challenging myself to give up old stuff in the house that is past its prime and treat myself to upgrades. I've been trying new foods that appeal, new books... and it has been fun!

Change breathes fresh air into our minds, hearts, homes, bodies, souls, and lives. But it isn't always easy. I may want new towels, but giving up my old ones was like giving away old comfy friends! I may want new thoughts but giving up my old ones requires some willpower and dedication. I may want to try new foods but that meant I have to branch out a bit and risk a little failure here and there. Change requires letting go.

I was pondering the joy of being like a child and "trying something new” on Monday, while making hard boiled eggs for snacking this week. They're really yummy with a drizzle of olive oil, a dab of Dijon & Dill, and a sprinkle of Hawaiian black salt!

Back to the point, the eggs were cooked and I was carefully dumping them into a strainer in the sink, trying not to crack them prematurely, when I heard the most delightful voice in my head…

“See how gladly the eggs jump out of the pot, releasing themselves from the boiling water, joyous about being cracked open and released unto their new life!”

The language was quaint but the message was clear and beautiful! The angel in my head was reaffirming my desire to release old patterns, habits, etc… to leave the "shells" that had both protected and confined! Sweet!

See how gladly we can leap from situations that are behind us, and no longer work. See how gladly we can release the shells of our old past programming and release ourselves into delicious new thoughts, new circumstances, and new life. See how gladly was can embrace change!

I felt the familiar angelic warmth embrace me and radiate from my heart with an exquisite tenderness. To the angels every single moment is new, never before experienced, and never to be seen again. Change is exciting, an opportunity for a new experience, a new joy!

I smiled, thinking of all I wish to create this lifetime, all I wish to experience, and all the change that will required. Gladly, in God’s time – just like those eggs – I will jump!

Here are a few tips to help you "gladly jump" this week...

1. Pay attention to your loving desires

When you feel a desire in the moment to do something, say something loving, or try something that appeals and feels wholesome (because your guidance is always loving), say it, do it, try it.

Pick up the phone and call that person you are thinking about. Write the email. Sign up for a class. Get outside and take a walk. Take a ten minute nap. Look at that new career online. Go up to that stranger and compliment them! (You know you want to!) Get the food that sounds appealing and healthy. Politely bow out of a conversation that is annoying or boring you.

I rarely call clients because I have a wonderful assistant, but once I had an urge so strong to call a particular person that it was positively urgent. I picked up the phone and dialed... and interrupted a suicide in progress. This person is still alive today due to that guidance.

When you feel something that sounds loving, wholesome, appealing… say it, do it, try it. Trust. The heart has its reasons.

2. Use Your Mind, but Don’t Let it Rule You

Sometimes we’re disconnected from our hearts. We’ve ignored them for so long we can’t hear our true desires. Instead you hear secondary desires that don't really satisfy.

For example, say you’ve ignored your desire to eat food that nurtures you for so long that you are now low on energy. Now your body wants sugar, carbs, and things your mind already knows from past experience don’t feel so good. Thank the mind for reminding you. Now sit quietly and ask your heart… Heart what does my body really want right now? You’ll get the answer.

Suppose you have ignored your need for joy. You meet someone. Your heart really wants this person to be “it” because you're lonely. The mind tells you, “You’re seeing red flags, things that aren’t right. Be careful.” Thank your mind for pointing out the warning signs. Next, ask your heart, “What do I want in life for my own joy? What do I want in relationship.” Listen. Then use the mind to see if your true desires are being met in this current situation or not. Be honest with yourself. Askyour heart, “What next?”

Your mind is a useful tool for analyzing current situations against knowledge, past experience, and desired outcomes. Used correctly, it can inform you and let you know whether or not something is in alignment with your heart.

3. Every now and then have a little “heart time”

In this age of so much information, we all need a little time to get back in touch with our hearts. We know when we’re disconnected. We feel stressed, tired, angry, upset, ill, etc. At these times it is important to spend some quiet time alone.

Journal, ponder, walk in nature, listen to beautiful music. Ask your heart, “What do you need? Where am I listening? Where am I ignoring you? Given my desires, what next?”

Have a beautiful week listening to your beautiful hearts, and may you “Gladly jump” when the time is right for delightful change!

Love you all!


Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,

This message was originally posted here

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