Friday, March 31, 2017

Sarah Biermann: Disclosure, Discernment and Cognitive Dissonance

Disclosure, Discernment and Cognitive Dissonance

I haven’t been my “normal self” recently. Historically, I have not put my time, energy or focus on the ugly conspiracies and abuses that happen on our planet. That stuff really “brings me down” and I believe it has been important for me to stay away from the Old Earth Game duality/polarity as much as possible. I am aware that a lot of crap like that is happening but have not been interested in “living in that reality” because my spiritual job is to bring in more light and to help people move into the New Energy.

For almost a year I’ve been drawn to learning more about the negative/abusive things that some people enjoy doing to other people. It made me feel sick and anxious. There is a lot of information as well as disinformation available online, so I was using discernment to decide what felt correct to me.

This investigation was traumatizing to me, yet I kept going back. I had to work very hard to get it out of me in order to sleep at night. One night while meditating I finally got an answer to my often repeated questions for my Greater Self, “What is the value of doing this?” “What’s right about this that I don’t know?” (For more really useful questions please read the Seven Questions that can Change Your Life.)

A subtle but very powerful wave of delicious, warm energy flowed from my center and expanded out to fill my body and beyond. It felt like contentment, safety and a huge amount of love. It washed away the tight, cold, traumatized knot from my belly and I was finally able to take a deep breath.

“What a relief! Thank you, thank you! "

Like the proverbial frog swimming in a pot of comfortably chilly water and doesn’t notice as the water gradually heats up until it’s too late, I didn’t realize it had gotten so bad!

And then a veil was lifted. I remembered and earlier “discussion” and planning session  about going down this path. I chose this in order to help others get through/beyond the negative emotions triggered by the upcoming events. Now I know that I didn’t abandon my spiritual job, I just changed my “strategy” and focus.

It is finally time to disclose truth!

There is a lot going on right now on the other side of the veil. The events we have long been waiting for are beginning to gain speed. The true history of our planet is a well-orchestrated secret, a secret who’s time is up.

Things that will be revealed include:
  • The presence of extra-terrestrial life, not just possibly somewhere “out there”, but here and now. For people like me and you this will be good news, but for many people on this planet discovering that there really are extraterrestrials and they are walking among us will threaten their world-view in a big way. 
  • The existence of“free energy”. It has already been invented (though is black shelved by the elite) and it’s time we get off fossil fuels.
  • The technology to control gravity. This already exists too.

This leads to the question, “Why has this all been kept a secret?”

The increasing light will expose some very dark, negative things, like the actual existence of the a nefarious elite who have abused and used us for millennia. Many things will be shocking, gross and/or and frightening. Example: Suppose you learn that somebody who you thought you knew and liked (either a person in your community or from seeing them on television) is actually a person who performs satanic rituals or has abused people deliberately to create mind-controlled “secret weapons”. That is. going to be shocking!  You must stay conscious to avoid getting pulled down into the muck.

Learning that so many things most people believe in and trust, like governments, religions, oil companies and banks etc., are not what we thought, will upset most of us. People will feel betrayed, frightened and angry! When a persons world-view is threatened, it causes cognitive dissonance defined by Wikipedia as:

Per Wikipedia: In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time; performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values; or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values. 

The magnitude of dissonance depends on two factors:
1. How important or personally valuable the original beliefs are
2. How disparate the original beliefs are to the new information/beliefs 44

When a person’s world-view is threatened they feel unsafe and powerless and will react in two ways:

* They will try to find some way to deny the new information, one way is to attack the “messenger”, perceiving them as stupid etc. This creates a prejudice against those who have a different belief.

* They will be attracted to what makes them feel more powerful and in control.

The combination of these two things is a slippery slope. There is the potential for people to join or create a special group which they view as being smarter and better than others. This is the draw of being special, elite and even a “star”.

Younger souls, especially narcissist ones, usually find this too enticing to be resisted.

Older souls will very likely be put into the prejudiced group, the woo-woo, conspiracy theory believing nut jobs.

There are definitely challenges ahead! But, together we can get through this period of chaos and rapid change much more smoothly.

The smoothest way to get through this.

First, use discernment about what is true and what is false. If it feels light or neutral it is more likely to be true. If it makes you feel sick and anxious, it is less likely to be true or completely true.

There is a lot of disinformation out there, some is deliberately trying to instill fear in order to control us. There are also a lot of people offering information from their point of view, based on their experience or frequency, but what they offer is not the reality that you and I prefer. If you read something or see something on the Internet that makes you feel extra anxious, disgusted or heavy, choose to pass that by.

Focus on the reality/future that you prefer. Always remember that we are on the track leading to the transformation and NOT to destruction (like a WWIII). Only one reality can exist in each parallel so the old reality must be uncreated before the new reality can be created.  So you know that we are on the right track and because the old is crumbling.

Watch for ego involvement. Are they saying that they are the only one with this information and/or these special contacts? If they want to be special they are more likely to attract people with less than positive intent who give them information. Again, it is some truth and some not truth.

Don’t trust the news. Watch for False Flags, dramatic events that increase fear.

Lastly, join with like-minded others for discussion and energy work.

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