Monday, August 7, 2017

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast + Eclipses: Aug 6 – 12, 2017

Weekly Forecast + Eclipses: Aug 6 – 12, 2017

8/7 ~ AQUARIUS Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse:
What have you become “too” attached to? And/or what have you become “too” detached from (and need to reconnect)? We have spent recent months navigating the Mutable energy of thought and ideas (Gemini), along with the Cardinal energy of action and choices (Cancer), whose theme continues but now the energy has become decidedly Fixed and it is time to anchor something … in your Heart (Leo). What ideas have you gotten going that need some tending to make stronger, more viable? This Aquarius Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (8/7) may bring up revelations of when, where and with whom (mostly Self) you have not been completely (if at all) authentic. Start with the *motivations* ~ if/when they are pure/clean/neutral, then being authentic becomes less challenging. But if/when your motivations are based in power (manipulation) or control (fear) then you will never acquire the satisfaction you claim (to the Universe) to be seeking to create or experience. The ultimate blessing is to actually BE CONSCIOUS THROUGH these incredibly shifting times! To recognize where you are & that change is the only constant (whether we like it or not) so decide how you want to contribute to this particular evolution – get your vote in! How can you co-create with this energy for you, the individual, and how can your creation (contribution) serve the planet/all life? Big questions ~ Small singular answer: HEART.

Lunar Flip ~ Also, this lunation includes TWO New Moons in Leo, which also facilitates the lunar FLIP (full moon will now precede new moon), changing the rhythm of our daily lives and how we co-create our reality. Leo/Aquarius represents the highest potential for humans & humanity. Their energies represent the electro-magnetic connection of the *Heart* ~ linking all life to the core of Mother Earth, as well as all the way out to our protective shield surrounding the planet. See how the Heart IS the connection between personal & global? Aquarius has to integrate the self-love lesson of Leo, in order to make its unique contribution to the community and reminds you to think outside the box (Aquarius/Uranus) & follow your Heart (Leo/Sun) for the betterment of all. We need both. We are both. We have both in our charts somewhere. At this time of immense & powerful shifts, we can only do our individual work (being heart-centered & connected to source energy) because THAT IS our primary contribution to the collective work (honoring the planet & the heartbeat that links all life).

As the Sun moves through Leo, it activates the *Annual* Check-In with your Heart & Authentic Self, are you being true to YOU? and expressing your unique *Light & Brilliance* ~ from the inside out? Leo energy activates your Self-Love/Self-Worth issues. As you discover your unique strengths & gifts, it becomes your responsibility to share them with the Community to which you belong. Consider that “whatever’s inside comes out” (especially under any kind pressure) … so if you are full of Love & Light, then a generosity of Spirit comes out … if you are full of Fear & Doubt, then obstacles and blockages come out. What’s inside you? in your true heart-of-hearts? Now more than ever, we must be congruent with our Inner & Outer Natures in order to thrive & evolve. If we are “serving two masters” (or incongruent on one or many levels) ~ having the private side of your nature be too drastically different from that which you present to the world ~ then you’re going to have challenges, blockages and delays until you get into more alignment. Leo energy teaches us all how to BE it (your Authentic Self), not just “appear” to be it; it asks that you know who you are (then next month, Virgo will perfect it ;-)). What has changed on a *fundamental* level (Cancer/Capricorn ~ personal/professional) for you, that has now made you aware of how vital it is to honor your essential nature (Leo/Sun), so you are able to contribute to the whole (Aquarius/Uranus) in a more useful and delicious way?

Relevant Reflections:
The following was written back then but applies again now! See if it rings any bells for you personally because this cycle is back again ; -) However, you have evolved and the planets are in all new positions, lending new & different support this go-round. So if you do pick up on a theme or your own personal pattern and want to change it, now is your chance! You have more support than EVER!

9-18 year Cycle Initiated August 2008 …

Both Nodes & Eclipses have 9 and 18 year cycles (9 being the halfway mark; 18 being completion/initiation). So, the current North Node is in Aquarius and 9 years ago, the Lunar North Node was in Leo and the Eclipses year fell on the Leo/Aquarius axis (1998-1999). What shifted in your life that you can look back on and say, “that was fate or destiny” ~ “I was shifted irreversibly, the manner or mode or whatever facilitated the “shift” is irrelevant”. Remember the polarities all work together, so Leo/Aquarius takes its turn every 9 and 18 years to teach you more about your inner light and love, who you are and what makes you special (Leo) … as well as detachment, objectivity and the ability to use your special gift to better your community/your world (Aquarius). During 1998-2000, what did you learn about your core Self, your essential nature that was changing at the time? Now, how have you activated, embraced, embodied, and cultivated your special gift since then? Is it ready to contribute to the community (Aquarius NOW 2008-2010)?

8/8 ~ LEO Gate of Power/Cross Qtr:
This is the Mid-Point of whatever you got going 6-months ago, in Feb 2017 at the Aquarius Gate. Do you remember “Crossing Borders” 6-months or 1-year ago? (many of you got those readings then and can refer back to them now for new insights). Think: 9-mo gestation process for year 2017, you have nurtured & developed something over the last 9-months that is about to need some space to exist. Aug/Sept is all about preserving what is growing strong, solid, useful and nourishing … while releasing density, weight & excess to be composted in to something more useful in the season to come. It’s a time of cleansing & purification, as well as gratitude & celebration, in anticipation of the Fall Equinox season of Harvest. Some call this the Pre-Harvest. You can get a jump-start on assessing the year if you’ve completed your “clearing & releasing” process. If not, this is the final *purge* in preparation for the Harvest Season. The Eclipses will help! The Eclipses are considered “course correctors” ~ whether you’re a little (or a lot) off ‘course’ ~ and they are “intensified” solar and lunar energies pouring around and through you (no matter your level of consciousness). Things will be particularly intense now for all of us, but especially those of you with Leo/Aquarius/Taurus/Scorpio activated in your chart.

8/10 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~sextile~ Venus (art & beauty):
This energy turns your thoughts and ideas toward how you feel, what inspires you with love and beauty. This is a great time to be particularly creative or do something related to the arts. It is best to keep it light and let go of your mundane burdens just for a time. Pleasure reading, walk on the beach, a play or museum are all good things to do at some point this week.

8/10 ~ Sun (core Self) ~sextile~ Jupiter (optimism):
This energy is sometimes considered “lucky” but the success you achieve under this influence is more likely due to a positive outlook and clear vision of who you are and what you want. Your life is expanding, your self-understanding is deepening and it will be easier to be around other people of higher consciousness, improving things and creating opportunities that benefit a larger number of people. There is a healthy dose of optimism around some grand plan, and things are moving, but make sure to do the foundation work to support this larger vision as it manifests in reality. If you are a teacher/guide/leader of any sort, this energy supports your group efforts, so giving workshops, seminars or new classes is totally supported and will benefit you, while serving others.

8/12 ~ Venus (relationships) ~trine~ Neptune (vision): 
This is a very supportive energy for dreaming your world into being! Allow your imagination some latitude to wander and see where it leads. You may be very connected to others and what they are going through. You may have a very spiritual encounter with another, friend, family or lover, but only time will tell if it is Neptune playing tricks on you or it is truly a spiritual union.

8/12 ~ Mercury Retro in VIRGO:
Mercury rules how we think & express ourselves, how we gather & process information and our mental body in general (and much more). It pulls back to do a review 3-4 times per year, which I think is deliciously organic & perfect because when would we EVER give our minds a break if we weren’t forced to? Now I don’t really believe in “being forced” to do anything and with the planets, it’s all about the energy they support or block in a lot of ways. So where Mercury Retro may block mechanics in the world (communication, cars, computers etc), it is tremendously useful to pull back from those things and look within for your “information & resources”. When it goes backwards in Virgo, we are to review our basic systems for living, the rhythm & routine of your life. How is that going? It is time to be more authentically you, to express more of your creativity & light and to lead in new & different ways than you ever have before. So use this pull-back to reexamine how what you do or think about all day/every day tells the Universe what your true priorities are and make space & time to allow the current upgrade.

Click Here for Mercury Retro 2017

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