THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, August 21, 2017

First Quarter Moon Phase:
step out of comfort zone, take action

Moon in Capricorn

Sun: 09 Virgo - "an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing"

True Alignments: originality, a vision for the future, ahead of the curve, enjoying the present moment, lining things up, something to say or show

Catalysts for Change:  pressure, worry about the future, not listening, afraid to speak up or express oneself

Earth: 09 Pisces - "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed"

True Alignments:  advancing a goal/idea/project, stamina/endurance, from the heart, reserves, pacing, bursts of energy, focus, "going for it," coming down to the finish with something

Catalysts for Change:  pushing self or others too hard, overly-competitive, acting before thinking (impulsivity), racing the clock/rushing

Pacing oneself while moving forward or gaining a lead is very important today.  It is very easy to exhaust oneself because the energetics are fast-moving, and we naturally follow the speed.  Paying extra attention to one's health and wellness is advised, as today's energies can take a bit of a toll on the physical, emotional, and cognitive bodies.

The past and the future often come into clearer view when these two Sabian symbols are activated.  Sometimes they even come together (the way to complete, close, finish, or succeed with something becomes apparent).

Representing or abstracting a goal in some symbolic way has a powerful influence on our psyches.  After it is conceptualized, it is ready to be offered to the world.  The unique expression of you is being called upon today.

Advancing or projecting a positive vision of the future is the nature of the energies.  Holding a hopeful, unified view of the world will make a faster future.  Humanity is destined to unite, not divide.  We are not each other's enemies; we are all the same - human.  The archons have pitted human against human.  We jockey out of that closed system, understanding that truth and love prevail.

You can see the abstract nature of the energetics, as this report may not be making much sense.  Rely upon the True Alignments and Catalysts for Change above for more concrete guidance.

PACE.  REPRESENT.  ADVANCE.  If we keep these things in mind today, the world is our Monet, Chagall, Kandinsky, Kathe, Baber, Kollwitz, and Van Gogh.  Express the masterpiece of you in some way today and watch the world change.

(PS - Looking at expressionist art will stimulate the mind and provide a good lift today.)

THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, August 30, 2017

First Quarter Moon Phase:
  step out of comfort zone, take action

Moon in Sagittarius - moves to Capricorn overnight 4:19 am ET/7:19 am UT

Sun: 08 Virgo - "a girl takes her first dancing instruction"

True Alignments:  in the flow, letting the Higher Self lead, seeking more information, conditioning, creative expression, release of emotions

Catalysts for Change:  self-doubt, defeating oneself before one begins, continually having to start over, not grasping lessons, control issues, perfectionism, unrealistic expectations or unfair standards

Earth: 08 Pisces - "a girl blowing a bugle"

True Alignments:  awakening, seeing the signs, the outbreath of Spirit, music (how about some jazz?), the inner child, being alerted to something

Catalysts for Change:  noisy, difficulty concentrating, dissonant, being too sharp or critical with self or others, projecting anger or blowing up

There are two common denominators between the locations of the Sun and Earth today: PRACTICE and THE FEMININE.

In each symbol, girls are involved in performances.  One is at the beginning of her talent and one has progressed enough to be able to do it.

(Remember that the symbols were received at random by Elsie Wheeler in 1925, so she did not know that these opposite degrees in the sky were both about girls or practicing something.)

At heart, these symbols tell us to recognize that it is time for a new beginning and that new beginnings take effort to succeed.

They also tell us about structure and discipline.  Anyone can dance.  No instruction is needed.  But skill is acquired through instruction, and the best instruction comes from a framework or structure (something thought out).  Anyone can pick up an instrument (device, program, etc.) and make sounds.  But by going back to it and continuing to learn about it, one can master it.

Structure and discipline.

This is the PRACTICE portion of today.

Where it gets tricky today is the Moon making conjunction with Saturn and the Black Moon.  Saturn and the Black Moon remain close, in tight conjunction.  The tendency with this is to be very hard on ourselves, which is either motivating or debilitating.

Unconscious fears are triggered when the Black Moon is activated.  Saturn is a tough task-master that demands responsibility and order.  The Black Moon wants to rebirth and Saturn wants to constrict.

Conflicts occur.  Oftentimes people become angry.  Negative mind loops (particularly about perceived failures or perceived weaknesses) can roll around in our heads.  If you encounter these sorts of things (with yourself or others), remember the wisdom of today's symbols: it is time for a new beginning (thus an end to archontically-inserted negativity and self-perception) and new beginnings take effort to succeed (don't give up).

The Black Moon represents the dark feminine - the place of the creative void.  The Black Moon is in the process of conjunction with the Galactic Center - the place of the spiritual void.  Limitlessness exists in these spaces.  Untapped wells of energy and creativity are available.

One only need be receptive.

This is THE FEMININE portion of today.

Putting the Divine Feminine into practice is the aim of Archers of Consciousness as the Moon completes transit of Sagittarius today.  Where will it lead?

9:19 am ET/1:19 pm UT - Moon trine Eris Point
10:32 am ET/2:19 pm UT - Moon conjunct Saturn
12:23 pm ET/4:23 pm UT - Moon conjunct Black Moon

Saturday, September 2: Mars and Mercury (retrograde) will make conjunction at the degree of the Total Solar Eclipse

Tuesday, September 5 at 7:30 am ET/11:30 am UT: Mercury stations direct
Data on Harvey from a video found by wise owls and sent in: