Sunday, August 20, 2017

THE ORACLE REPORT: Sunday, August 20 - Eclipse Monday, August 21, 2017

Note: to check the Eclipse totality and exact timing for your location (I zoomed in to my neighborhood and clicked on my house).  Here in the Jamaica Plain district of Boston, we will see 63.34% maximum eclipse at 2:46:51pm.  Please visit Sky & Telescope and use their widget here:

Don't forget that many of us will be preparing for the eclipse by releasing what no longer serves us and going within at totality to co-create the New Earth, a world with Truth, Beauty, Liberty and Justice for all. Visit Cobra's blog for details and updates.

PHoto taken at deering point, palmetto bay, florida by wise owl kahlil

Photo taken at deering point, palmetto bay, florida by wise owl kahlil

THE ORACLE REPORT: Sunday, August 20 - Monday, August 21, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase until New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse Monday at 2:29 pm ET/6:29 pm UT
Moon in Leo
Sun: 29 Leo - "a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form"
Earth: 29 Aquarius - "a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis"
On the eve of the Sun's main event, we find ourselves in the ocean, underwater, looking up toward the light, ready to surface and become something more.

In a similar way, we also find ourselves stretching out of a cocoon of familiarity, ready to break free and spread our wings.

Has the beauty of the Sabian symbols ever been more evident?

Since the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago, I have been discussing the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse and offering suggestions about how to make it most meaningful.

Now that the time has come, I feel it is time to be silent and allow space for the energetics.  As we enter this portal in time, space, and consciousness, remember:

A grand collaboration between the Sun, Earth, Sky, and Humanity is in process.  It inherently produces vague feelings of being unready or unprepared for something that seems bigger than what we understand.  Generalized fear is a natural part of growth and transformation.  This is because it leads to something new.  The feeling is not actually fear - it is "new."  We tend to fuse the two.  Align the inner self with Source.  Collaborate with open arms of change.  Jettison archontic intrusions and attempts at fear and separation.

We turn to the Sun and to Renaissance!

See you on the other side, wise owls!

*Link to archive of Phoenix Rising Radio, Thursday, August 17 discussing the Total Solar Eclipse and (some of) what it all means:

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase:
release what you do not want to carry into the Sun's impending new energetic cycle

Moon in Cancer/Leo 1:55 pm ET/5:55 pm UT

Sun:  28 Leo - "many little birds on the limb of a large tree"

Higher Expression:  multiple possibilities, like-minded, re-arrangement, sure footed, relaxed, able to hear truth

Lower Expression:  too much information, confusion, unsettled, feelings of vulnerability, anxious

Earth:  "a tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter"

Higher Expression:  alternative uses, reinforcing inner reserves of energy (do things that you like and that are helpful and healthful), thinking ahead, warm hearted, care for others

Lower Expression:  anger, impatience, fear about the future and future security, self sabotage, against nature or one's nature, unsure, cold hearted, selfish, destruction

CHANGING PERSPECTIVE TO ONENESS AND UNITY is essential today, as it is all too easy to separate and divide.

Reconsider the Sabian symbols today:

"many little birds on the limb of a TREE"

"a TREE felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter"

The little birds need to find another tree -- one that is not getting ready to be chopped down in order to be transformed by fire.


Emphasizing this notion is the Black Moon completing discharge of "a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses" today (and moving toward exact conjunction with Saturn during Monday's New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse).  We are advised to look at things a different way.

Is something on your mind, weighing on you, bothering you, worrying you, bubbling up, or upsetting you?  There is likely something.  It may show itself through anger or sadness or confusion.  Mars is active today, and Mars brings things up, often through anger, sadness, or confusion.  All of this serves to show us what needs to CHANGE PERSPECTIVE -- what we need to look at another way.

We are in complex times, where there is a lot of information swirling around.  Mind chatter reaches heights when the "many little birds on the limb of a tree" is in effect.


What can be rearranged or redone without having to sacrifice it all?

We are moving beyond the mindset of either/or and zero sum.  We already exist in the space where All Serves.  Everyone "wins."  Now, we are learning how to live in that place.  Thought and action are progressively aligning with truth, love, and the understanding that we are all humans- that We Are One.

Primarily, this involves confronting the intrusive (invading) thoughts instilled by archontic energies trying to survive.  It is important to counter any negative thoughts that enter our minds (especially since the "many little birds" mind chatter is in effect) with the inverse statement.

For example, "the world is on the brink of chaos" is, in truth, "the world is on the brink of rebirth."  Apply this method to whatever mind chatter about yourself inserts itself today, remembering that we are being baited towards thoughts of doom and destruction by the Black Moon-Saturn conjunction (with Mars energizing it via a trine).

Today, break through.  Turn toward the new.  See the interrelatedness of all things.  Banish fear.  Embrace the beauty of a world undergoing renaissance.  Accept your place as a participant in that.  Take command of your own mind.  Set a course for a new tree -- a new perspective.  Fly there with ease.

See you tomorrow, wise little bird.

*Link to archive of Phoenix Rising Radio, Thursday, August 17 discussing the Total Solar Eclipse and (some of) what it all means:

Friday, August 18, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase: 
release, dream

Moon in Cancer

Sun: 27 Leo - "daybreak - the luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky"

Higher Expression:   a new start, moving forward, emergence of a new perception, opportunities, illumination

Lower Expression:  fear of change, lack of trust or faith

Earth: 27 Aquarius - "an ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets"

Higher Expression:  sincere, pure-hearted, simplifying, refreshing, renewal of something existing

Lower Expression:  insincere, uncontained, lack of appreciation for the past

Last night I was the surprise guest with Phoenix and Ney Sey on Phoenix Rising Radio to discuss the upcoming eclipse and how to maximize the opportunity it offers us if we put in the effort.  Listen here while the archive is still available on demand or support the work at Truth Frequency Radio to catch more of the fascinating discussions going on there:

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome.  Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

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