Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Embody Your Highest Soul’s Reality By Shanta Gabriel

Embody Your Highest Soul’s Reality

 Join Us for the 8:8 Lion’s Gate Portal Teleconference!

Every year on August 8 we have a potent opportunity to flood our Hearts as well as the Earth with Light!
This Lion’s Gateway is creating an even more powerful portal into the activation of your Soul’s Highest Reality.

On August 7th there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15º Aquarius. Eclipses offer us a chance to break to realign normally, but this eclipse is not just realigning our energy, it is shutting off the main power conduits so our inner computer system can have a full new beginning as it restarts.

That means that those pesky patterns that have been in the way of Light Bearers expanding into the full expansion of your new reality will be ready to clear like magic when the reboot occurs. Since the March Equinox, we’ve spent months purging all the dross from our energy system. As uncomfortable as it has been, this was our way of preparing our physical vessel to embody Soul power and freedom.

Know that you may experience a void space after the eclipse but don’t let it throw you off center. It is part of the process for a very big transformation in your life.

For maximum personal empowerment, it is important to create your new intentions for a world that nourishes all people with more Equality and Equanimity. We all want to live in a world that allows us to use our special gifts to create a new, more beautiful sense of expansive Wholeness and Wellbeing. When we are more clear about the areas where we want to expand, and how we want to feel in the process, it builds an energetic container around us so the Universe can support us by filling this matrix field with the frequencies we are asking to receive. Name it and claim it becomes a useful process for creation of your new reality.

On the way to Wholeness, eclipses also shake up the status quo and offer new life changes suddenly. Stay in your center with the process, use your prayers and keep your connection to your Earth body. This way you will stay in alignment from Heaven to Earth within you during the incredible process of change during the month of August.

The 8:8 Lion’s Gateway Portal opens each year to inspire new balance between your heart’s intelligence and your physical being, creating a connection that will become your new reality; a reality so deeply aligned with your soul that it provides a platform for a profound inner foundation of Love. As you taste this new reality, the doorway opens, gently revealing to you the Wellbeing and structures that are possible when you relinquish fear and open into a new alignment with Divine Love.

As inviting as it sounds, this may be uncomfortable for some. Most people are not used to the level of expansion that a state of Inner Peace entails. Most are familiar with their energy field functioning in a contracted state to feel more safe as the new frequencies that are electrifying the nervous system.

However, the activations that are being provided on a daily basis during the Lion’s Gate Portal are offering your energy system a lift in Light Frequency so you can have a true experience of pure alignment within your being. Your work as a Light Bearer of new consciousness is to fully open to the perception of this unfamiliar reality as one of Love and Alignment with your Soul’s gifts. The Lion’s Gateway is the portal where you can allow this connection to your Soul to be the consciousness that inspires your life.

And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
Copyright: August 3, 2017

*Permission is given for this post to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.

All Are Invited to a Free Lion’s Gate Conference Call!

You are invited to the Lion’s Gate Teleconference with Angel-communicator, Shanta Gabriel and Shamanic Astrologer, Kelly Beard

5:00 pm PDT and 8:00 pm EDT on August 8, 2017
712-770-4010 Code: 755342
Join dedicated Light Bearers of new Heart-centered Consciousness
as we walk through the Lion’s Gate Portal.

August 8 is the 8th day of the 8th month. This numerology offers a potent springboard that provides an amazingly expansive potential for positive change, both personally and globally. Working together the Lion’s Gate Portal allows us to create a new empowerment within our hearts that will enable us all to anchor our Soul’s Highest Reality into the world.

  • You will receive mastery information from Kelly for greater resourcefulness in this changing time.
  • Through a guided meditation carrying the transmissions of Love and Mastery from the Archangels, Shanta will be gently lead you into new Light fields of conscious awakening that can be grounded into every area of your life.

You are invited to join us! Tell your friends!

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