Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Timeline Split, Cosmic Stargates and the August Eclipse with Sandra Walter

The following passage struck a chord in me, because when I lived in the S.F. Bay Area, I used to do healing meditation and energy work when I went out each week to dance to high-frequency Electronic Dance Music at clubs. That is one thing I lament since I returned to Massachusetts.  I pretty much stopped going out dancing once I moved here, as it is a different kind of club culture/vibe here in Boston.  I miss the fun, the therapeutic release, the physical high, and the community of the dance scene in S.F. where friends my age still go to clubs.  Here it is mostly kids.  I know there are pockets of shiny, happy people who "Carpe Noctis" here in Boston and Cambridge, although clubs and transit shut down early here in this sleepy town.  Sure, I can dance in my room, but its not the same.  Now is a time to find community, so perhaps I will check out some ecstatic dance places someone told me about long ago, and find my groove and express my creation through sacred dance. ~PB

"According to your path and your goals, again, your personal perspective and choices, on what reality you'd like to experience, you can call that in.....you know, we are all learning how to be great creator beings, this is the whole point of our Ascension, is to rediscover that Creator State of consciousness, and express it as a unique facet of Creator. ...Let the mind level go, and experience DNA Activation, as I said earlier, in many ways... I go to ecstatic dance every week, and I treat it like a DNA Activation and Lightwork.. and it looks like I am dancing, In this reality, it looks like I'm dancing like no one's looking, but in the higher reality, I am shifting worlds, I am creating new DNA, I am opening up Gateways of Pure Consciousness, it's beautiful, and I can see other people around me who are doing the same thing, because they hold that intention. You are very consistently holding that intention in your energy field, as you level up for the Ascension process." ~Sandra Walter

Timeline Split & August 2017 Eclipse - Sandra Walter Interview

I’m certain many of you have listened to this great interview by Lauren Galey with Sandra Walter already, but in case you haven’t heard it yet and/or may need to listen/FEEL it again right now on the 8-8 Lion’s Gate peak point, I’m sharing it for all the reasons that Sandra talks about in it. Thank you Lauren Galey and Sandra Walter for it and so more. ❤ ❤ ❤

August 8, 2017


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