THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Full Moon Phase:
clarity, revelations

Moon in Pisces

Sun: 18 Leo - "a chemist conducts an experiment for his students"
  • Higher Expression:  remixing or reshuffling elements of a situation, trying something new, transformation of one state (of mind?) to another
  • Lower Expression:  fear of venturing outside of boundaries or into something new, holding back, discarding ideas or options based on fear of change

Earth: 18 Aquarius - "a man being unmasked at a masquerade"
  • Higher Expression:  out in the open, pleasant surprises, going beyond the persona, transcendental
  • Lower Expression:  secrets, embarrassment, harsh self-criticism and judgment, going into something unprepared

True colors show today.

Within today's Sabian symbol energetics we have a chemist (an "alchemist"), a masked man, a lady wrapped in fox fur, and a clown.  What do you think about this crew?

These energetics bring REVELATIONS!  Are you ready for more?

This Full Moon phase continues to bring out things that will filter into consciousness through December.  So what we are seeing and experiencing now will be built upon through the Sagittarius lunar cycle (which begins mid-December).

This does not mean things will take until December to fully bloom or come to fruition.  On the contrary, the speed at which these revelations unfold will be rapid and will bring rapid changes.

Overall, today's energy seeks to uncover the truth of matters, show who or what is being deceptive or trying to put one over on us, and teach us new ways of thinking, doing, and being.

We are wise to connect with our "inner alchemist" and turn things that are lackluster into gold -- the soul's gold.

The Moon will conjunct Neptune today (bringing even more clarity or even more delusion/illusion) while Venus and Neptune are moving into a trine.  Venus and Neptune bring the heights of beauty and creativity, which will be in effect for the next three days.  Bring on the love!

With this today, Venus is specifically calling bravo -sierra (BS) on things.  Venus is discharging "a clown caricaturing well-known personalities."  Ridiculousness is well-represented by humor today.  Satire is extremely effective for bringing full-on change.  Laughter will be the best medicine.

Neptune is discharging "a lady wrapped in fox fur."  This energetic always shows what is real and what is fake.

So today, we get ready for a big dose of the truth.  What we do with it, as aspiring alchemists, is the experiment we are undertaking.

Not only can we handle the truth, we can turn it into something beautiful and meaningful.  Let's make the most of it.  Remember that we are in the waning Moon, advancing toward the Total Solar Eclipse, and preparing for a massive jettison of that which no longer aligns with our highest and best.

Hold fast to your soul's gold.  Rely upon it.  Wrap up in it.  And call upon higher forces for assistance if you need it (and don't we all need it a little right now?).

Note:  I will not be posting tomorrow but will see you back here on Friday.