Monday, August 21, 2017

NorthPoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for August 21 to 27, 2017 By Pam Younghans

Photo: The Little Mermaid sculpture in Copenhagen, Denmark

Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Pluto opposite Ceres, Solar Eclipse/New Moon 11:30am PDT (6:30pm GMT)
TUE: Mars trine Saturn, Sun enters Virgo
WED: Pluto trine Vesta, Venus trine Chiron
THU: Neptune sextile Pallas Athene, Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune, Mercury semisquare Jupiter, Venus square Uranus, Sun sesquiquadrate Pluto
FRI: Saturn stations direct 5:08am PDT (12:08pm GMT), Venus conjunct North Node
SAT: Mars trine Eris, Sun conjunct Mercury, Mars conjunct North Node
SUN: Jupiter sextile Saturn

emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form: The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought."

These words describe the Sabian symbol associated with the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon that is occurring on Monday at 11:30am PDT (6:30pm GMT). This image reveals the divine purpose at the essence of this powerful eclipse, which is designed to move us forward on our evolutionary path through an expansion in consciousness. It is notable that the mermaid is emerging from the "ocean waves" -- not calm waters, but waves that represent the turbulence and emotional upheaval that we have all been feeling in these past days, weeks, and months.

Astrologer Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this symbol speaks of a "great evolutionary urge" and asks, "Will the intuitive feeling fade away, reabsorbed into the unconscious, or will the inexpressible realization acquire concreteness and expressible form ...?"

In other words, will humanity take the opportunity provided by this eclipse to move into its higher expression? That is both our test and our directive.

THE TEST appears in the form of a cardinal grand cross in effect at the time of the eclipse. This formation involves Uranus and Eris in Aries; Ceres, Venus, and the North Node in Leo; Jupiter in Libra; and Pluto in Capricorn.

As these planets interact in stressful aspect with each other, a deep anger is emerging, and long-held resentments are coming to the surface. We are being compelled to deal with uncomfortable issues that have been affecting members of our planetary family, and can no longer be ignored or dismissed.

This configuration represents a challenge to be our highest self -– to be assertive but not aggressive, to be powerful but not manipulative, to be cooperative but not codependent, and to have empathy without losing our boundaries. 

THE DIRECTIVE manifests in the form of a fire grand trine involving the Sun and Moon in Leo, Uranus and Eris in Aries, and Saturn in Sagittarius. This configuration inspires great creativity and infuses us with confidence and strength -- very positive qualities if we channel it consciously. It can inspire leaders to come forward who express the higher qualities of Leo -- generosity, kindness, and openheartedness.

At the same time, a grand trine doesn't have any brakes, only a gas pedal! This means we need to make sure the fire doesn't get out of control in the form of recklessness, over-confidence, and destructiveness. 

THERE IS SO MUCH MORE to say about this eclipse, it would take pages and hours to cover everything! That’s why we've just created a 30-minute Youtube video -- here's the link:

In the video, I talk about the divine plan behind eclipses in general and this eclipse in particular, how the event is affecting the people of the United states, as well as who will be feeling its influence in their personal lives.

I also discuss timelines, how Mercury being retrograde at the time of the eclipse is likely to affect us, and why we need to watch carefully how events unfold over the next two weeks, and especially during the first 10 days of September.

ALSO SIGNIFICANT this week is Saturn's station on Friday. After being retrograde since early April, the Ringed Planet is now ready to begin moving forward.

If your career endeavors or other ambitions have met with delays over the past four months, such setbacks are Saturn's way of teaching the value of patience and proper timing. The obstacles we've been working to overcome ultimately will contribute to our ability to be a greater success as we proceed from here.

Saturn’s retrograde phase has also allowed us to uncover weaknesses in ourselves or in existing systems that would have hindered our progress, had they not been resolved.

THE JUPITER-SATURN SEXTILE that perfects next Sunday is a subtle but very positive influence, representing an opportunity for hope and belief to work together. This aspect can motivate us to do the work necessary to manifest an ideal and to bring greater harmony and balance to our lives.

We might not yet have all the details worked out, but we do have the sense of potentials unfolding -- even if we have to wait until after Mercury goes direct on September 5 to see clear results in physical reality.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a very powerful year for you, one that propels you into new creative enterprises and inspires within you the courage needed to take a leap of faith into your future. You are able to sense the right choices to make, based on a firm knowing of what you believe and what you value. This is your year to become more involved in life, to open your heart, and to express yourself with joy and confidence.  

In peace,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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