It would be so nice if ascension was a ‘done for you’ process so you could just sit back, relax, and it would all happen. But that is not the way it works and even with the best, strongest, most aligned, and powerful intentions, we are still driving the car. Nothing happens if we do not put the key in the ignition, put the car in drive, and point it in the direction we want to go. The term ‘ascension takeout’ came to me during a client session when she was saying the process was moving so slowly. It’s a process of alignment, integration, and manifestation and each step occurs on its own, divine timing.
There is an important reason why the ascension path can appear to take so long and you feel like a step forward is accompanied by a huge step backwards. Each time you set an intention you also set a simultaneous process in motion that alerts you to everything that is blocking the expansion of the intention because other things are occupying the energetic space space needs to occupy.
So an intention for joy creates the revelation of everything that is not joyful in your life.
An intention for harmony reveals everything that is out of alignment with harmony.
Do you want a new job, more money, more success in your life? Get ready to be shown everything that is currently blocking those things so you can clear them.
The ‘ascension takeout’ that we think is a ‘done for you meal’ is actually a 12 course banquet that we have to create, starting with planning the menu and doing the grocery shopping. But that is not a bad thing because what we want is ‘true’ congruence and not a false congruence coverup. We want a long term result, not a short term fix because this is a paradigm shift, for ourselves and for the planet. To create the lasting results that will empower us into the next infinity, we must clear up the limitations of the past that completely block our joy in the present.
Too often we are at war with the past, in the form of anger, regret, resentment, victim consciousness, and limitations from experiences which have led us to feel that we are powerless, with no control over our individual reality. And that is actually a true statement, because we believe it, until we clear out all of the energy that those beliefs occupy in our energy field.
Every emotion is an energy with its own energetic frequency and signature and every energy holds a space in our energy field. When these energies are inconsistent and misaligned with our higher intentions, we must decide whether they stay or go. And sometimes that involves the people who are part of these energies too.
Every person in our life is part of our energy field and participates in a specific frequency and energy signature with us, so when our new intentions for peace, joy, love, and prosperity clashes with their energy of drama, misery, unhappiness, fear, and limitation, either they have to change or we have to change our relationship with them and sometimes that means they have to leave our energy field and our life.
As much as we focus on ascension we also have to consider transcension, the upward movement of our energetic frequency (ascension) is accompanied by an outward and expanded movement of our energy field, which is transcension. We cannot have one without the other and when the outward expansion is limited by energy blocks the upward expansion stops too. That’s when we feel stuck, limited, blocked, and start looking at making changes.
This is part of the ‘awakening’ process and it is happening with exponentially strong frequency now. We want to go up and enjoy the blessings but we also have to expand and clear out old energies and frequencies that prevent us from fully aligning with and integrating the new 5D frequencies.
Is the ascension process worth all of this effort? Absolutely but it is not ‘done for you’ nor is it the quick takeout meal you can call in and pick up when you do not feel like cooking. While it is a natural part of our energetic evolution, it takes effort to do the integration work that is required. Everyone gets to the point where they have to make the energetic choices to keep their limitations and blocks in place or move them out of the way. And when we’re willing to make those choices so we can be aligned with the energy we want in the present moment and not live from past energy, we can experience the power and potential that is possible when we are fully aligned with and can integrate the highest frequencies into our lives.
No it is not ‘ascension takeout’ or ‘done for you’ but it can be a wonderful, enjoyable banquet and feast that we can savor and remind ourselves that a full meal is healthier than takeout anyway and sometimes cooking for ourselves is fun and a way to slow down, live intentionally, and find joy in the simple, self awareness of life lived with intention.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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