Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 2017 Gateway Choice Point | HighHeartLife

October 2017 Gateway Choice Point | HighHeartLife

I feel it’s important to immediately pass this information by Sandra Walter along to as many in the Ascension Communities because things have been and are in such a profound state of change and shift and lift… and there’s much more right around the Divine corner.

For a while I’ve felt many of my readers retreating somewhat, which I completely understand because I’ve done the same myself over these AP years when I’ve needed to and/or been having a difficult time of it. But lately there was a slightly different feeling to this and it didn’t feel good or right and I wondered if some interference was happening. No need to go into detail about that, just a brief mention that some get real happy when any of the Team Light folks become super exhausted, confused, beat down feeling etc. mainly because we’re not Working like we normally do. I bring this up because after I published my October 17th article yesterday, my familiar High Vibe Tribe readers were back again and the vast power I instantly felt from us reconnecting (unifying as a Group of Forerunners) and sharing with each other in Comments here at HighHeartLife, things shifted back instantly and very powerfully. ❤

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this in any article, I may be wrong, but earlier this year while driving and stopped at a red light I physically saw the Sunlight flashing repeatedly and quickly, almost like a solar strobe light. I didn’t see this directly looking at the Sun because I was driving, but I saw it physically and very clearly as I watched the Sunlight around me and the area flash repeatedly. I knew in that moment that we are very close now. Close to what some of you may be wondering? Close to everything flipping up into the NEW fully and completely.

I’ve also mentioned over the years about that amazing AP side effect of feeling a near constant Inner Body Vibration. Over the years this has increased to the level of feeling like I’m shaking intensely internally and almost constantly now. I’ve described this sensation like feeling how a huge passenger airplane revs up its engines right before the pilot releases the brakes and guns it down the runway as fast as possible to get airborne. Last week during these intense Solar winds/magnetic field blasts at a NEW higher level, while half-in and half-out of my physical body I observed this same Inner Body Vibration revved up to a speed that matches the energies coming out of the Sun now. I knew in that moment that these two things, these two Processes have reached that high enough level in the Sun/in most of us Forerunners (High Vibe Tribe) that we’re close to reaching “liftoff” finally. Sandra’s quoted article below hints at this. Don’t get too goofy giddy yet as we’ve got some more Work to do first, but Team Light, we’re super close now.

It’s always extra ugly, difficult and discouraging for a bit before major AP improvements arrive. I know many of you FEEL how dramatically things have improved in just the past 24 hours. Anyway, read and re-read Sandra Walter’s article below so this really gets into your HighHeart human you so you better understand a bit more about what’s been going on recently and why. You and your Creator abilities are needed now to override and overwrite some more old lower crap doing its best to drag this out and hang on as long as possible. Not havin’ it, so let’s do this as the consciously unified Light Tribe powerhouses we are and more quickly vibe up as many more people globally as possible.

Thank You Sandra Walter. ❤ ❤ ❤
October 18, 2017

Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective Timelines

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
“Our next acceleration and collective timeline choice-point arrives October 21-25. Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very strong on Mount Shasta last evening), and this morning the SUN began to get active, right on schedule.

As mentioned in last week’s article, these incoming amplifications hit much higher levels during the 21-25 in both October and November. Last week’s Divine Feminine influx provided a strong geomagnetic storms, prompting a strong release of Divine Feminine expression in the external (the Me too revelations and disclosure dynamics increased). Notice how quickly magnetic field stimulation causes polarity releases in the collective. This sets us up for the second half of October’s shifts; let us actively participate in this unfoldment.

We, as the High-Vibe Tribe, hold tremendous vibrational influence in the collective choice because of our activated Hearts and highest intent. Remember the quantum effect of raising our vibration; it pulls many others up. Highest trajectories are being attained by many; the Primary Christed Timeline has us locked into the experience of pure Presence. Our intent to lift as many with us into this new experience – right now – can assist the Secondary timeline tipping points. In brief, we can end the delay tactics by utilizing our pure intent through grounded activity.

Assisting the Collective Timelines
Let us use this New Moon (Thursday, 12:11pmPT) and the Gateway (October 21-25) to assist in OVERIDING and OVERWRITING the programs used to stretch time dynamics to delay the inevitable fall of old systems and the full experience of Ascension for all concerned. This is part of completing our Ascension; learning to use our collective consciousness to create what we desire in the Now.

Right now, this week, this Gateway, take as many steps as possible (please, just one will assist) in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that you have been procrastinating. One small energetic shift from each of us pushes the envelope to break through any remaining blockages to the highest timelines and outcomes – in the NOW.
Let us end the old waiting game through our collective action. Just one grounded, physical action in this reality to override the procrastination programming will help. Whatever it is for you: a conversation you put off, a new creation you’ve been desiring, an action to move forward, a Unity Meditation you’ve intended to participate in, a change you have delayed, something you always wanted to create … anything shifting the personal reality assists the global shift-point. It doesn’t have to be huge (although that is appreciated), just forward momentum in the Now.

Changes in the SUN
We continue to go deeper into this highly-charged area. I AM sure you have noticed the different quality of SUNlight as Solaris receives this consciousness-shifting energy. Gatekeepers ask if we can collectively call forth the flashing activity we have seen in our visions into the Now. Events are quickening – even with the manipulation – for the Secondary timelines. Our collective nudge will greatly assist this unfoldment of needed events. Certain things must occur to tidy up the lower experiences, and it can be quickened by benevolent action.

With the bifurcation in progress, many of us are beginning to experience the intended consciousness shifts which the Solar flashing activity will create on a global level. Many have seen the SUN flashing this year, both in vision and external reality, and this activity is opening our Hearts to the more palpable, consistent Now Presence. We are receiving the encodements and reality-shifting frequencies already. We are anchoring this, through embodiment, into the HUman heart collective to make it easier for all when the brilliant moment arrives. In this Now, that series of flashes already exists.

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday
It is our 18 month anniversary of this weekly activity! Let us utilize our collective empowered BEingness to co-create the return of peace and the Christ consciousness, shift the timelines into high gear, and assist this influx of Divine Light. The energy field during these meditations is palpable, healing, and activating. Add your light, every Heart is witnessed. Join us on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pmPT. Details can be found HERE.

We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You for your service and dedication to HUmanity, Gaia and Source.”

In Love, Light and Service,

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