Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Arcturian Group Message for JANUARY 28, 2018 by Marilyn Raffale


Dear ones, we come to you in love and with a clear understanding of the difficulties facing so many in these times of upheaval and change. Be not afraid, for everything is proceeding according to plan. The intense frequencies of Light pouring onto earth at this time are serving to expose and bring into universal awareness the many obsolete and false beliefs still comfortably residing in third dimensional consciousness.
As the people of the world become increasingly more enlightened, the outer scene will/must reflect this as higher and purer forms of everything. Heretofore undiscovered and advanced ideas regarding government, medicine, education, spirituality, work, environment, etc. will begin to manifest as world consciousness evolves more fully into Light and truth.
These times are forcing many to carefully examine their choices and all who are spiritually ready are being guided to step more fully into enlightenment. However, there remain those who although spiritually ready, are choosing to remain in the third dimensional belief system using the excuse of social position, family, friends, careers, etc. as their reasoning. They tell themselves that living spiritually is too impractical in a "dog eat dog" world.
Many of you are in this situation right now and must make the choice. "Do I really believe what I have learned about truth, or do I not?" Mankind can no longer continue to live happily with one foot in the spiritual world and the other in the material. Third dimensional consciousness and spiritual consciousness have been residing side by side for a very long time. However, this will be no longer possible as the earth ascends into a higher dimensional resonance. It is time to make your choice dear ones, which side will you choose?
Living truth can be difficult in the beginning when appearances seem to contradict everything about it. For a time (sometime years) automatic responses based in lifetimes of programming will continue to manifest without thought, spewing forth as irritation, anger, disgust, judgement, and criticism. Never believe that you have failed when this happens, or go into resistance and self-condemnation, but rather simply and with self love examine the beliefs underlying these responses asking yourselves; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way?".
Choose some word or action that can quickly shift your awareness out of negativity and into truth if you find yourself reacting in some habitual or unloving way. Quickly bringing to mind one word like error !, hypnotism ! false !, separation !, etc. or an action like bringing your hand to your heart can be the trigger that stops the process and helps you to realign.
A particular word or action in and of itself has no power, but represents your intention to shift out of alignment with an old habit. Choose some word or action that resonates with you and don't be afraid to change it if it doesn't feel right. You will know the word or action that is perfect for you by an inner response to it.
Become alert to old personal programming by noticing when and how easily it slips in. Example; You drive somewhere and find there are no parking spots. Without thought, you suddenly find yourself becoming irritated and angry toward the drivers or the owners of the store and by the time you finally get to where you are going, you are carrying energies of anger and irritation, and a sense of separation.
The moment you recognize that some old programming is beginning, use your special word or action. This will serve to "nip it in the bud" so to speak, allowing you to step back, rethink the situation, and access it from a higher level. With time, your automatic responses will no longer reflect old programming but will instead flow from a higher level because you have done the work of retraining yourself to respond with truth.
There often come situations that will leave you upset and fully immersed in old programming. If and when this happens, set aside time after things have settled, to take the event into meditation, examining without judgement, the how's and whys of your responses. Never judge, condemn, or hate yourself for some seeming failure but rather realize that being on earth is about experiencing and learning, and you are doing exactly that.
In the beginning, spiritual awakening is very basic and three dimensional, built around knowledge, pondering, books, classes, discussion, study, and simple practices. This can continue for lifetimes depending upon the individual. These practices eventually serve to open inner doors that allow the flow of Grace. Grace is the gentle and loving energy of Divine Consciousness capable of automatically dissolving anything not in or of it. The spiritual journey then begins to unfold more through grace, rather than from any specific action. It gets easier.
Living the spiritual life is never acting "holy" around friends, relatives, or co-workers while trying to save, fix, or heal them by pointing out the error of their ways. Those around you never need know the truth you hold within but those receptive will feel it in your energy of love, forgiveness, patience, and acceptance. This is when those who are ready, will be drawn to ask you what it is that you know. These are the ones with whom you can begin to share, starting with just a little at a time.
Even saying the word, "reincarnation" during some ordinary conversation can be the seed that creates a small opening in the consciousness of a person ready for more but who out of fear and tradition still holds himself in bondage to concepts of rigid religiosity and teachings that preach death as being a portal to eternal damnation or a cloud in some imaginary heaven but only if "rules" are obeyed.
Living the spiritual life simply means going about everyday ordinary tasks from a level of truth. It is a monastic life lived without the vows and dedication to one belief system. It is being "in the world but not of it". Convents and monasteries were necessary when it was the only way to safely live a spiritual life, but this is no longer the case.
It may be the right choice for some even today, but not for anyone who understands that a person carries their state of consciousness with them wherever they go. God is not in a material place, but is brought to that place through the consciousness of some individual or individuals. This is why there are certain places on the globe-chapels, churches, or sanctuaries that continue to hold an energy of peace and love.

A person who moves in order to avoid unloving, mean people, will quickly find them again in the new place. Ponder that.
It is difficult to remain out of judgement when you see the news, but know that living unconditional love does not mean loving troublemakers in the human three dimensional sense of love as being emotion, attraction, and approval. You love with Divine love, which means from a conscious realization of their oneness with Source and the reality of their true Divine Nature in spite of any and all appearances to the contrary.
Unconditional love never means aligning with ideas that do not resonate with your attained state of consciousness, nor does it ever require becoming someone's doormat, but neither does it give you carte blanche to stand on some imaginary soap box at home or office, proclaiming that you hold the only correct beliefs.
There are many paths up the mountain and all are valid. There are some who need the structure of organized religion to help them focus or get serious about the spiritual journey. Others have graduated beyond any need for others to tell them what to believe and for them to stay would block their evolution. Evolution is an ongoing process and the beliefs you hold now may well become obsolete as you graduate into new and higher levels of understanding.
Certain people or circumstances in your life may seem to hold power over you leading you to believe that you are trapped and cannot move beyond or change something. Realize that anything you bestow power on, be it person, place, or thing, will continue to hold that power until you and you alone remove it. Once power is given, it will continue to act as a power maintaining and sustaining whatever issues are involved simply because it continues to be fed and kept alive by belief and fear.
Know, accept, integrate, and attain the consciousness that the master and all real teachers of truth attained--that God alone is Power. Because you are creators, you endow things with whatever power they seem to have. Nothing but the fullness of Divine Consciousness is or ever can be power, for in reality absolutely nothing else exists. All appearances of duality and separation whether good or bad, are reflections of material sense--conditioned mind interpretations of some Divine Idea.
Each day do what needs to be done. Pay your bills, drive the kids to school, go to work or whatever is required of you, but do these things without giving inordinate power to the outer scene. This never means that you do not step in if needed or guided in the human sense, but you do it with a realization that the one and only real power, is present within you and is the reality of who and what you are.
This is the journey--stepping and falling, stepping and falling until at some point the fabric from which the falling is formed no longer exists. In reality there is no time, but in third dimensional energy awakening seems to be a journey requiring time--time to retrain thinking and learn to see through outer appearances.
Never pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained, but simply practice the truth the best you know how, translating the events of each day into the reality behind them. More and deeper realizations come as you are ready for them because the practicing of what you know has begun the flow. Examine every unpleasant issue in your lives to find what you are still giving power to. No matter how seemingly insignificant something may seem to be, it is important to recognize it because the tiniest bit of consciousness will always express itself.
This is advanced spirituality. This is mysticism and you are ready. A mystic is one who has realized his oneness with Source. Most organized religious groups do not teach the truth of Oneness firstly because most don't know it, and secondly because they would teach themselves out of existence were people to know they didn't need them.
You are ready to come out from under the umbrella of domination in every facet of your lives. You are ready to see through the ignorance of an unenlightened three dimensional consciousness that presents physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues as power over you.
Examine your belief system honestly and thoroughly. Find any remaining concepts and beliefs hiding in the corners of your consciousness and shine the Light of truth on them.

It is time dear ones, and you are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 1/28/18

A Message to Lightworkers – January 29, 2018 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Powerful Co-Creator!

Another Full Moon is coming up on Wednesday!

We can form powerful intentions now, and keep them foremost in our heart-minds from now through Wednesday night, so they can be empowered all the more by the Blue Moon energies coming in.

This is a co-Creative time, if there ever was one!

The Collective point this out in today's Message—that our co-Creative powers, long hidden and suppressed, are now rising to the surface again, along with all the knowledge and wisdom needed to use them in beautiful ways, as we honor and connect with Lady Gaia.

Sending much Love & Light,


A Message to Lightworkers – January 29, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, LightWeavers and co-Creators of the New Earth!

We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

We have been asked by several of you about Earth’s Ascension, and the changes the Earth is experiencing at this time.

And so we will offer the questions and our reply here, with the request that each of your Spirit teams speak to you in ways you can clearly hear and respond to, on these issues.

QUESTION: How is Mother Earth—the plants, flowers, trees, rocks, water, air—all the Elementals—responding and changing with these new fifth dimensional frequencies?

We hear a lot about all the high-impact changes to our Earth—hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, fires, drought, weather swings.

The Collective talk about being out in Nature, to ground as we transition, and to walk in Gratitude, Joy, and Peace.

Are there new ways we are to connect with the Earth and its elements in these 5D frequencies? Are there new ways to support the Ascension of the planet as we Ascend?

I keep feeling that I need to see with a new perspective, and to support the rising consciousness of the planet.

You are indeed correct, that the Earth is becoming new again, in the sense that She is evolving into not only a higher frequency, but a higher expression of what you call the physical. And that you are also evolving.

Just as Earth evolves into a higher vibrational version of Herself, you are also, down to every cell, becoming the New Human, in order for higher frequencies of Light and higher expressions of Universal knowledge and wisdom to live in your spirit/psyche, as well as in your outer being.

Were these to take root and express themselves in purely fifth dimensional terms right now, you would find yourself stepping out of your body in order to inhabit those frequencies, rather than remaining in the body while experiencing them.

And so as with any newly birthed being, there is both a sense of real violence—the tumultuous Earth shifts you refer to—and the sense of the extreme delicacy, yet also, the hardiness, the determination to live, of the tiny being who is just now being birthed.

We would say, that if you could walk the Earth mindfully, with respect and compassion for Her shifts and changes, just as you live with compassion and kindness for your own mind, body, and spirit’s changes and shifts, that you would do a great deal for your own well-being despite the tumult of this time you live in.

This is in fact not a new way to honor the Earth.

It is the way of the pre-ancients, the indigenous folk who walked the Earth and knew Her power, and knew their own co-Creative power, including how to work with not only Earth energy to create or remold outer circumstance (including the weather, and Earth shifts and eruptions), but how to work with Universal energy as well.

That information is again open to you, if you are open to learning and accepting it.

It does indeed feel dangerous at times to be in certain places on the Earth now, just as childbirth feels to have an element of danger in it.

And we, as the midwives assisting in that birth along with your guides, Angelic guardians, higher selves, and all the Galactic and Angelic legions now assisting the Earth—we are aware of the toll it is taking on your mind-body-emotions, to be moving from one etheric shape to another, and to be taking the physical with you on this profound journey.

And so when you speak to this New Earth, send Her the Light you would send to one who is birthing a new reality.

Then send that same Light, shining out from your high heart, to everyone on the planet at present.

Your mind may tell you to send that Light only to fellow Lightworkers in the throes of the Ascension process.

Yet as a fifth dimensional human, you would not send healing Light only to certain parts of the Earth, ignoring those volcanoes erupting or earthquake-prone areas, because they seem troublesome, and you don’t like how they behave.

We understand the desire to support those who appear vulnerable and are open to such.

Yet we assure you, those in most desperate need of your Love and your Light at this time, offered in unqualified and open ways, are those who appear least open to it.

And so send that same Love and Light to those whom we have often called the dark hats—for that is a title they once gave themselves, and taken on with great pride and determination, though they now find themselves in a greater pickle than they could have ever imagined.

Because as they say, “The power of Love is overcoming the love of power,” and it has never been more true than in this moment of Earth’s history.

You will never again see such a tumultuous shift in power than this shift, which is the move from the ego-mind or pure willed determination to rule, oppress, and exterminate, into the heart-mind’s quiet decision to birth, heal, forgive, release, and nurture.

This is what makes this a New Day, dear ones!

You have collectively, as a race, decided to give up the need for control, and are surrendering to your own higher good and higher purposes.

And so when you send Light each day to your own body and heart-mind, thanking them for how strong they are, for how smoothly and beautifully they are making this transition to the Lightbody, take a moment to send that same Light, Love, and heartfelt appreciation to every being on this Earth.

Every tree, bush, flower, or blade of grass.

Every Earth movement or eruption, or rainfall or wind blowing.

Every bit of soil, air, water, or ether.

Every human, animal, and insect, as well as the Faery beings guarding and guiding their growth.

Every molecule of Earth is in need of your care and concern, but not only in the sense of picking up bits of rubbish you see by the side of the road, or not using dangerous cleansers or weed killers.

Not only in the sense of recycling, or drinking and cooking with structured water, and signing petitions to keep nature preserves and national forests protected.

All of that is exceedingly important and fine.

But some of the greatest work you can do, is speaking to Mother Earth as the dear and precious goddess that She is, thanking and acknowledging all She has done for you and all that She is.

And in that same moment, understanding that You Belong To Her, and that your life is inexorably caught up in Her well-being.

Then, just as you would have compassion and patience and respect for all She is experiencing now, extend those same high intentions toward yourself, for all the remaking and revising and transmuting going on in your every cell, etheric and physical.

Remember you cannot live separate from Her processes.

And so respect both with all your heart—have a special moment each day where you thank your body and spirit for all they have done for you, and then extend that same Light and thanks to all who live upon and within the Earth, and to Earth Herself.

And know that as you do, that beautiful intention will be magnified many, many times over by every Angel and elemental working to assist in the birth of the New Earth, and in your own Ascension.
You are here to witness a miracle—the release of one expression in this Universe, as it gives way to a far higher one.

You have asked to be here at this time, and have been given the great honor of helping to birth and bring forth nothing less than the even and honorable balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and the gratitude of a thousand Suns will reach you, as you allow yourself to feel their warmth.

Namaste, dear ones!

You are not alone in this.

We are with you, always.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author and speaker who channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

UPDATE: KEEP UP HIGH YOUR FREQUENCY AND LIGHT! by Ute Posegga-Rudel | Messages from the Realms of Light

Beloved Friends,

in the last few months I have been going through great challenges, here where my new home is. And it is still not over but improving. I got also finally a better internet connection even if quite expensive.

Not only ordinary daily life, including basic technical requirements, takes a lot of effort and endless time in this region to make things work, because nothing is well organized and most people are poor. 

Although this island is divine, I had also to deal with unexpected most difficult volcanic energies at my place here, and all the archaic and from inner earth coming negative entities closely attached to them.  It is and has been very hard work and affected my health. But I feel that this work I do is breaking through the paradigm of the old world altogether. And I know that I am doing it not just "for myself", I am doing it for humanity too. Just living for myself, I could simply look for a cosy place to live in bliss.

But where ever YOU live, my friends, probably you all feel and sense and experience more or less that life has become more difficult everywhere. This is because the frequencies of the old ways are not supported anymore, a new energy wants to establish here and we are still waiting for that great cosmic solar event to arrive. But we do not know when.

But the sleeping masses hang on to the old ways, trying to prolong them,  that are ever more imploding and collapsing into the dead end of an artificially created world, the domain of the AI agenda. That’s why there is so much chaos in the world, for everybody to see. 

According to my own personal experience only very few people – compared to the number of 7.6 Billion that makes the totality of humanity – start to wake up, willing to leave the blissful illusion pretending that everything is "OK" on this planet and enter the necessary path of initial phase of disilliusionment and possible depression in order to grow their consciousness in Truth to reach the light.

So looking at the course of events on our Beloved Mother Earth, it does not look like that humanity as a whole has made such a progress that allows us to rightly assume that a Golden Age is at our doorsteps as hoped for in the years leading to 2012.

What happened? In my blogpost in 2011 “THE ELOHIM AND THE ASCENSION PLAN FOR EARTH AND HUMANITY” I wrote:

“The reason why there was no complete ascension of the ascension candidates on 11.11.11 is, that the Darks have influenced with their mind control  and brainwash technology  the souls of the sleeping masses  in a way that they unconsciously agreed with their agenda. This means they can only be "awakened" by Divine Grace as their "soul-contract" has changed and they are now closely attached to the Dark.  Pretty weird, but I couldn't sleep last night and this scenario was so present in my awareness, that I could not deny it. And even today this story is still very present in my mind as a given fact. Before I had received this information, I had very seriously asked for understanding what's going on and what the  delay of the mass awakening was about and what the further plans were for them.”

The consequences of this brainwashing are obviously much more serious than anybody would have imagined! It has reached catastrophic dimensions for humanity, our planet and beyond.

Studying what other people have to say presently, people whom I consider to be of true spiritual intelligence – I found that some have similar concerns. Please see further below an example.

Unfortunately inspite of a lot of disinformation, claiming a blissful spiritualization of humanity, it has become darker than ever before. True spirituality is hardly to find anymore and many lost their path, sinking into deep materialism, - disappointed and discouraged that the promises of 2012 did not happen. 

Perhaps this exactly is testing us, whether we are true to our genuine Divinity, in spite of all the obstacles and increasing difficulties of life.

If we acknowledge the new frequency and ever more expanding light, we shift our consciousness. It allows us to live a new paradigm entering a new time line, as we begin to fine tune with it. The new energies are here to create a much more smooth and beautiful life, a life flowing with  happiness, joy, abundance and love.

We may enter parallel worlds and hopefully a freedom beyond any world which signifies our true Essence of Peace, Joy and Beauty. Therefore, beloved friends, don't give up, ever! Hell is not worth living.
But how to enter a new timeline and implement this in the midst of a disturbed and chaotic world that is functioning less and less for those who are awakening? There we face obstacles after obstacles as our own new energy does not match with the old establishment that still vibrates very low, predominant with self-serving attitudes, non-love and irresponsible actions.

Most importantly it is required of us not to mingle with or to rely unconsciously on the old energies, but to turn everything into a co-creative act that is based on a clear heart-vision, a vision that is rooted in the heart.

And indeed, the new dimension of light is manifesting itself as clear, pristine and radiant presence in our heart. It is a conscious zero-point field radiating at infinity. It must be the foundation for our new creations to bring this light into manifestation.

I have published so many messages regarding humanity's original Divinity, and basically they all speak of the same, though with a lot of variations. And I consider these messages in these darkening times as more important than to speak of this or that possible event, pointing to the great expected shift for the better. Because it is the discovery of our true Divine Nature that shifts our consciousness which in turn would allow a new Divine World to manifest. The law is "from inside out", our consciousness invites the shift in the outer world: Because YOU yourself ARE the world and the universe.

Whether this shift for the better will start rather benign or cataclysmic, is depending on humanity's actions. The future is not fixed. Therefore each one of us must carefully watch out to keep our vibration high, no matter what. This is not about gleeful and naive New Age-ish raving how everything is going now so wonderfully spiritual and happy. It is not true! Look at your circumstance and look at the world! There is so much suffering, it is increasing and has not become less! The intensifying earth disasters just mirror the state of humanity's consciousness and the present great universal crisis. Love and compassion on the world scale have not improved, and neither happiness has, rather depression, desperation and health challenges are on the forefront!

However, for you, facing this, remember it is NOT about becoming depressed yourself, but it is about rolling up your sleeves, keep your mood up and positive and using your Divine creative power to envision and manifest the signs of your Divinity.

This is how you serve the world and humanity at best. Willing to keep up your vibration, living the light and living love. Finding out who you truly are, rather to submit - disillusioned by unhappy events - to a darkening world. Instead, do not forget to exercise your higher will to open your heart, to let the light in that is waiting to be accepted by you.

Please be aware that you can choose in any moment whether to submit to darkness or to open up to Divine Truth. None of you is the victim of anyone who claims self-appointed authority over you! YOU are given free will that you can utilize always because it is your Divine birthright. There is no reason why not to engage your God-given free will in any moment. Although often you cannot change a situation, you are free how you respond to it.Trust and love yourself to respond with an open heart, even if it is extremely difficult and requires a great deal of self-transcendence. But you can do it. If you fail, stand up again. This is your native Divine power. You are born from the light. And your light is contagious to those who carry still a spark of it in their heart.


Here follows the above mentioned "example",
quoting the Seer Almine. I wrote this article a while ago, it has been sitting unpublished in my blog waiting for the right time, which has arrived now. 

I decided not to make any changes, although I might repeat myself in some way. It shows how this whole human situation weighs  on my heart, as it does certainly on all those who came here to help humanity ascend.

With love and blessings,


From a conversation with Almine:


Dear friends, 

I had to publish this short conversation, Almine had with her students, because it confirms what I see, feel and know.

Unfortunately there are countless messages around on the internet  awakening the illusion that humanity is ascending now as a whole. This is just a bold lie if you look with open eyes and listen to and feel with your heart, because it is not true!

The situation is like with the emperors new clothes! 

This is  not about being negative or something, or creating fear,  it is about having the courage to face the truth that  there are very few who truly serve the true Divine light.

In my experience, the seer Almine is one of the purest and brightest and spiritually most evolved Mystics alive in our time, serving selflessly humanity in the ascension process. She has great wisdom and large knowledge as a Toltec master and is a great Creator Goddess with a very high state of enlightenment.

In this question and answer session she speaks of  humanity´s possible future.  I appreciate that she is not one of those who idealize  humanity and awaken false hopes  suggesting that a few people just need to do the hard ascension work and the rest takes it easy and is being simply  taken into the 5th dimension, without personal responsibility for their own purification process and growth in divine consciousness.

Obviously the extensive spiritual work of the few has not inspired the majority of mankind - as it has been hoped for and envisioned and prayed for by those who came to help humanity to wake up and to ascend. Just observe the world and your environment, be aware what most people have on their mind and do to one another and the animal kingdom, and most of all: FEEL the energies!

Then you will realize that quite the opposite has happened in the last years and even in the last few weeks, unfortunately rising in a crescendo  towards the worse. To continue living here on earth has become meanwhile a horrible suffering for those with a light body, as most humans now carry more and more negative,  painful and destructive, life-denying energies  with them.

I believe it was in 2010 or earlier,  also the Arcturians, channeled by David Miller who founded the Group of Forty, said that there was  a possibility that humanity would not survive. 

Dear brothers and sisters, in spite of the seemingly obvious, we will not give up hope that humanity can still be saved. We never give up to remember to nurture the light from moment to moment, to be love, to stay strong and to practice integrity in the midst of the growing chaos, so that our frequency may match the higher 4th or the 5th dimension. It is all about the level of frequency!

With my love,

Here now the quotes from a short conversation between Almine and her students:

Would it Be Merciless for The Infinite to Wipe Out the Human Race?

Almine: The volcano is like a timebomb** yes. But what it’s related to, is the possibility of the Infinite wiping out the human race — their destructive madness is threatening the planet and the animal kingdom.


Almine: It became clear during The Ohio Event (one of Almine´s retreats) that the Original Ones* have to stop saving humanity. You cannot pull those up that don’t want to. That only pulls you down.

Question: This perspective seems so without mercy to me? 

Almine:  Mercy, the way man defines it, is listed in the dictionary as: kind or forgiving treatment of a someone who could be treated harshly; kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation; a good or lucky fact or situation.

The cruelty of man against animals, people (especially those who cannot defend themselves), the Earth herself, is like a virus spreading through the cosmos. I’ve always said that humanity, being the root race, are archetypes for all other cosmic races. What they do affects all. Mercy, the way man applies it, often means that you have prevented another from learning the hard way, something that in future could call in an even harder way. The most merciful thing you can do is to maintain an eternal perspective (which often seems merciless to one with contracted vision), and live your highest truth. If the great light this sheds can uplift man, then it is merciful. If not, then at least there’s one that will gladly use the opportunities you gift — the Earth. To elevate her beyond the possibility of man destroying her is also merciful.
* The Original Ones: According to Almine divine humans, gods, who were here from the beginning

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Isis Astara - Goddess Call ~ by Untwine | Recreating Balance

Monday, January 29, 2018

Isis Astara - Goddess Call ~ by Untwine | Recreating Balance

I want to say a few words about the passing of Isis Astara to the other side.

I am forever grateful for her anchoring divine feminine energies on this planet, during times where it is so needed. She was not so well known in public, but her work and influence had vast and vital effects on the planet. What I remember most of her is how dedicated she was (and surely still is, on the other side) to anchoring the Goddess energies on this planet. For her it was not just something different to try on sunday afternoon, or something to get personal power over others or recognition and approval. It was her divine purpose, to bring the balance back, for the liberation of this planet and all sentient beings. She has inspired me and countless others, she was working so much to keep anchoring the Goddess energies into the planetary grid and help stabilize and harmonize situations.
So I want to put out this call, this reminder, to all of us, and especially other women and priestesses, we need to keep the Divine Feminine flame alive during these critical times on Earth that we are in. A huge cosmic cycle is ending, and a new one starting. Profound changes will come no matter what. The closer we get to the Breakthrough, the more everything will be compressed, pressurized, intense, and volatile. Goddess energy is and will be absolutely critical to help keep situations stable.
We need to stop criticizing, stop projecting tension and negative perceptions, on others and ourselves. We need to be gentle with others and ourselves. Have Grace. Connect with our Soul, our I Am Presence, I Am power. Know that I Am always all the Goddess energy that I require. Know that I Am always the Divine Love that I require. Support each other. Radiate and visualize it everywhere, the pink Light ray of Cosmic Love. Connect and call the Goddesses, Isis, Tara, Durga, Quan Yin, etc.
Isis always had us sing this song during Cobra conferences :
We are One
You are inside me
Every step I take, you're there
Every breath I breathe, we share
We are One

Let's keep the dedication, let's keep the flame alive.
No matter what, we will make it, to the final Victory of the Light
It is the nature of Life
We will all be together again after the Liberation of Earth, together in Oneness as angelic beings of Love and Light. In the meantime we stay connected in network of Light
Much Love

DailyOM ~ Take Action: : The Laboratory of Life

Take Action: The Laboratory of Life

by Madisyn Taylor
In order to make our dreams come true, we must take action
rather than simply wishing for what we want.

There is a popular misconception that we might be able to just wish our dreams into being. Maybe on some other level of consciousness this is the case, but here on earth what we need to do is take action in our lives. Vision is an important companion to our efforts, but it can't accomplish anything all by itself. When we focus on what we want and ask for what we want, we are initiating a conversation with the universe. Our desires, passionately defined and expressed, bring about valuable and relevant opportunities, which we then respond to by either taking or leaving them.

Many of us are afraid to step out into the world and make things happen, and so we hang back, dreaming and waiting and watching. There are times in life when this is the right thing to do, but this phase of inaction must eventually give way to its opposite if we are to build our dreams into a reality. This can be really scary, and we may fail and struggle, but that's okay because that's what we're supposed to do. Waiting for everything to be perfect before we act, or waiting for what we want to be handed to us, leaves us waiting forever. No one expects us to be perfect, so the best thing we can do for ourselves is to get out there and take action on our dreams.

One of the hardest parts about having a vision is that when we test it in the laboratory of life, it often comes out looking completely different than what we had in mind or, worse, it doesn't come out at all. If you read the life stories of people who have brought their dreams into reality, you will hear many stories about this experience. But you will also hear about hard work, taking action, perseverance, and, finally, the successful birthing of a dream.