Saturday, June 30, 2018

YOU ARE A STAR OF COSMIC SACRED FIRE June 30, 2018 | MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-7-2018 by Ronna Herman Verzane | Starquest Mastery

Beloved masters, in the very beginning, each of you were one of the Holy Innocent Ones, a brilliant Spark of the Supreme Creator. When it came your turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a fragment of the ALL THAT IS. Then came a startling awareness of your own conscious I AM Presence as an individualized Facet of the Creator. This awakening of Souls has continued at every level, in every Dimension of Creation, and continues today as Great Beings of Light are brought forth to create new galaxies, solar systems, planets and worlds without end.

In these extraordinary times, to one degree or another, there is a major internal, transformational process occurring within every Soul on Earth. Individually, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process as well as modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies; changes which are necessary if you are to hold up under and integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bombarding your Earth at this time.

There is an ever-increasing number of energy fields of consciousness available to you, the awakening StarSeed. Just as the Creator Light pours forth from the cosmic treasury of Light to be used by the Elohim and Builders of Form, this rarified Light is available to those of you who are now attuned to at least the higher Fourth- and lower Fifth-Dimensional frequency patterns.

Each star in the galaxy is a node of vibrational energy frequencies. Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonious frequency patterns according to his/her level of consciousness. These frequencies are called your Soul Song. The universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song.

Your seven major chakra centers could be likened to seven electrical batteries or seven dynamic force centers within the physical vessel. You draw forth into these seven power centers the specific qualities, attributes and virtues of the seven Rays of God-consciousness via the RAY-diance of the Seven great archangels who OverLight humanity. The manner in which you qualify and use these energies determines your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song. Your supersensitive, awakened fellow human Beings feel your resonance and can discern whether it is benevolent or discordant.

The wondrous and never-tiring Devic Kingdom angels focus on the creation of form under the direction of the Elohim and their vast group of Builders of Form. Each and every one of you had to undergo what could be called an apprenticeship under these Master Builders so that you could become proficient at molding and creating a great variety of things of a corporeal nature. While in the higher levels of universal Light, it seemed to be a fairly simple process to mold and create that which you wished to manifest. That is because you were functioning in the realm of pure thought where there were no distortions or negativity to contaminate the Seed thoughts sent forth from within your Sacred Mind. And, also because you were drawing forth the maximum amount of Creator Light available to you at that time within this universal experience. It becomes increasingly more difficult to hold the pure Seed thoughts of manifestation in each stepped-down level or dimension as you refract yourself into more and more Sparks / Fragments of God Consciousness. Therefore, is it any wonder that humanity has had to struggle for so long to manifest that which is needed and desired while existing in the restrictive, distorted Third- /Fourth-Dimensional world of reality?

The Devic Kingdom angels are bearers of Cosmic Sacred Fire and could be called Sacred Fire Beings. They function from within the Etheric Planes of existence, and they, along with other great Fire Beings you have named “Dragons,” are the transmitters of the Metatronic Light substance of this universe, which is constantly radiated forth from the heart core of our Father / Mother God into great storage units – Pyramids of Light – which are strategically placed throughout the vast Dimensional and sub-Dimensional realms of Creation. From the greatest Devic Angels, who oversee the mountains, oceans, great forests and lakes, to the tiniest Elementals, who radiate life-sustenance to the trees, flowers and every blade of grass, these wondrous Beings of God-Essence, under the direction of the Elohim, supply the cosmic streams of Life Force energy for every Facet of creation that is not blessed with an individual God Seed Atom (a Soul) and the I AM consciousness of Being.  A Spark of the Supreme Creator’s Essence is in All things, from the greatest to the smallest.

You must release old restrictive, out-moded, fear-based frequencies, and replace them with the appropriate level of God-consciousness and universal laws, which will assist you on your current path of illumination. It is a step-by-step process and it cannot be rushed. It is the ego that constantly desires more information, especially dramatic and sensational news or revelations, even though, most often, there is no desire to integrate or make use of the information. However, during these critical times of accelerated change and evolution, a Divine dispensation has been given to somewhat relax the requirements, and to speed up the process of divulging the more-advanced Universal Laws and Cosmic wisdom in order to assist humanity on the path of ascension.

It has always been a slow process of learning the rules, guidelines and requirements for each step on the path. Qualities, abilities and knowledge must be integrated and perfected so that the higher truths become a part of who you are. When you are living your new truths as a natural part of your Beingness, the wisdom garnered from that knowledge is stored for future use within the Facet of your Higher Self that resides on the Causal Plane of existence. This wisdom becomes a permanent part of your I AM consciousness. You must understand that your I AM Presence is a vast source of Light and Creator wisdom; however, you and all the Fragments of your Higher Self within this universe hold the wisdom and experience that have been gathered during your many sojourns and vast experiences throughout time and space. All of the positive experiences, successes and wisdom gained during all your lifetimes within this universal experience are stored within your Causal Mind.

When your Energetic Signature reaches a certain frequency level, you automatically begin to tap into the gifts, information and wisdom that are stored within your Sacred Mind, and also within the mind of your Higher Self residing on the Mental-Causal Plane. Remember, it is vitally important that you filter all new information and knowledge through your own conscience and consciousness.

It has taken many ages for you to incorporate the distorted energy you now carry. However, this is a time of miracles, and there was another special, Divine dispensation given by our Father/Mother God, whereby every effort you make to return to Self-mastery will be magnified and accelerated during these wondrous evolutionary times of ascension. Self-mastery is always gained through the process of upgrading your consciousness and increasing your capacity to integrate and radiate more Divine Light substance. In the process, you will become a pathfinder, a wayshower and a World Server filled with goodwill for all Beings as you radiate unconditional Love/Light out into the world.

Your awareness will gradually expand to include all humanity, the Earth, as well as the solar system, galaxy and universe. No longer can your primary focus be on the little self alone. Your ultimate goal is to become a galactic citizen and eventually a universal Being of Light. Expansion of consciousness results in the wherewithal to tap into higher, more complex information. This will result in the ability to integrate more and more of the virtues, qualities and talents of our Father / Mother God. In the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment, the human emotions rule. In the higher levels of the Fourth- / lower-levels of the Fifth Dimensions, the mental nature and more refined abilities are predominant, and they are OverLighted by the purity and illumination of the Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and Higher-Self.

Dear hearts, do not just read the profound statements we give you, such as the ones below. Rather, study them and commit them to memory, for within these words of wisdom are critical factors you will wish to draw upon when you are perfecting your mastery of Self, and when you are called upon to share your hard-earned wisdom with others.

**  A master seeks his/her highest truth, and then lives it to the best of his/her ability. A master learns to view the world and its great drama from a higher vantage point, downward.

**  A master is adept at manipulating energy, always for the greatest good. He/she exists in a vortex of harmonious spiritual forces.

** Ascension is mind- and Soul-expanding, forever passing from one state of heightened consciousness to another. Time becomes malleable as you move out of the linear time-line into the spiraling, undulating vibrational waves of the higher dimensions.

**  You have entered into an Age of conscious awareness. A conscious awareness of and awakening to the nudgings of your Soul-Self are step in attaining Self-mastery.

**  A master knows when to speak and when to be silent. A master is deliberate in his/her speech. Constant mind chatter and senseless gossip disturb the tranquility of your auric field. You are to seek the harmonious, higher wave frequencies of Light in all things.

**  Knowledge alone divides. Wisdom and Soul awareness unite.

**  As an initiate on the Path, you are constantly increasing your capacity for Creator Light. When you deny any Facet of your Divinity, you are denying your Divine wholeness.

**  The universe is constantly remaking and redefining Itself via the impulses / desires of the Supreme Creator and our Mother/Father God. The Supreme Creator’s desire is to experience individuality by refracting Itself into an unimaginable number of various-sized Sparks of consciousness.

**  The Omniverse is filled with dancing, flowing, merging and separating Fragments / God Sparks. The Creator is alive and conscious in each and every one of these Fragments, no matter how large or how small.

**  Space is an entity within itself, waiting to be programmed or molded into infinite possibilities.

QUESTION: How do we know if we have any etheric tears?  If so, how do we know where they are located, and how do we heal them?    

Healing etheric tears in the auric field is a process that is initiated as soon as you begin the process of integrating more of your Soul-Self. As you begin to integrate more and more higher frequency energy into your physical vessel, and start the process of balancing and harmonizing your chakra system, one of the major benefits is that any etheric tears you may have will slowly begin to heal.  Often, you will have physical discomfort in areas where there are tears or etheric scar tissue in your auric field. The most prevalent etheric tears are in the areas of the three lower chakras, across the heart area / solar plexus, or in the back of the body between the shoulder blades.

You can speed up the process by going into your personal pyramid. Lie on the crystal table and ask your angelic helpers to scan your body and to let you know where (or if) there are any etheric tears in your auric field. If you get an indication that there are some tears, ask that I seal these tears with my blazing sword of Light and it will be done. This procedure may take a while; however, the healing process will begin. It will accelerate as you access the higher vibrational patterns of Light. Bringing in more Adamantine Particles of Light via the Infinity Breath and toning the vowel sounds are also a great benefit, and will assist in the healing/harmonizing of your auric field, as well as your four-lower bodily systems.

My brave ones, no matter where you live or the conditions you are presently living in, there is a grand opportunity for you to begin the process of attaining Self-mastery. You are urgently needed as a Bearer of Light and a World Server. This applies to every one of you reading this message. I surround and enfold you in an auric field of protection. I am forever your guardian and faithful companion. I AM Archangel Michael.


Jamye Price: July 2018 Ascension Energies – Universal Family

July 2018 Ascension Energies – Universal Family

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

June Review

June’s energy of embodying the physical support is setting the stage for great transformation. As we released past trauma (much of it experienced through physical symptoms, especially throat and eyes for many) and opened to more connection—through a focus on layers of family; we began a powerful catalyst of change that the third quarter is ushering in.

June began a transformation of the Earth Family; how we feel connected and supported in the physical realm. This is important for evolving into a greater connection, as humanity progresses beyond separation into the next level of connection—Universal Family.

June’s energy emphasized letting go of painful perceptions from the past so it becomes the great foundation of support and clarity it was always meant to be. When you connected with the strength and compassion your past has offered to you, you are more cohesive (rather than “separated” within due to to fear or pain) and powerful. This changes the future.

July Energies

July energies build on the Earth Family support into an expansion of opening to Universal Family. This energy is about ascending into more universal laws, allowing our consciousness to lead with more clarity rather than defaulting our responsibility into the external world.

From duality to the trinity, we begin to operate with the invisible connection in mind and heart. This helps us embody (June Energies) the universal laws (July Energies) that are much more about the subtle energy—the vast invisible engine that builds form.

The month of seven will see a lot of crown chakra activation as the disperse spiritual energy intensifies in our experience. We will be called to see beyond physical rules and use the “imagination” to initiate new ideas, inspiration and possibilities. The work is holding your resonance to that new vibration.

You don’t do that through perfection, you do that through authenticity as you allow your own resonance to readjust to your new potential. Sometimes it feels pleasant, sometimes it feels like the discomfort of release and transformation—a creative state. Embrace your change, you are elevating to new levels.

Universal Family

Family is about connection and an aspect of our Ascension is beginning to connect with the cosmos in greater capacity. I don’t feel this is about disclosure, this is about embodying your value in the universal scheme of things.

You are of the stars, you matter.

Own that profound expression of Life—it’s you. You have been given the keys of the kingdom. Where June helped shape a new foundation, July helps catalyze you into new vision. It’s Time.
Time is something that is such a valuable expression for the physical realm. It helps us mark this linear experience. Yet it is a subtle energy, and therefore does not interact the same in the subtle realm. You have a relationship with Time that is more malleable than it may seem. Your imagination, your inspiration, your spiritual nature is more attuned to the subtle energy of Time. Then your physicality needs the patience (ugh! ;o) to allow the subtle to build into form.

Patience is the neutrality that allows you to discover the “path” to new form. When the steps that you take in the physical are attuned to your subtle bridge (thoughts, emotions and intuition), you are free to adjust to new information. It is your universal connection that opens you to that broader flow of information.

Dream Time

Observe your dreams in July, for it is likely that you will be processing, learning or creating more in your dreams this month. In the dream state, your brain activity is flowing in a resonance that is not as bound with physical density rules. This is an easier way to interact with the universal energies for many, releasing you from the binds of Time and form.

Observe what stands out to you in your dreams, for you need not have all the details, you merely access your neutrality (as much as possible) to keep connecting to the next dot, the next dot, the next dot…

Form builds.

You may find a lot of activity around the eclipse periods in July. On July 12, the solar eclipse in Cancer will amplify your Universal Family connection as you move past the hard shell of form and embrace the waters (emotions/subtle energies) that surround and support you. This may move you past your comfort zone, but it is preparing you for the discomfort zone of creativity, where fear and excitement blur.

On July 27 we have a lunar eclipse in Aquarius amplifying nurturance that will be the perfect relaxation before the August energies (and final eclipse in Leo on 8/11). Eclipses are a concentrated flow that offer a “reset” point. To focus around these times adds a potent amplification to your transformation. With 3 eclipses triangulating in the 3rd quarter of this Year of Amplification.
What a beautiful trinity.

In Summary

Your merkaba is strengthening so that there is less friction-drag and more excitement as we continue to spiral into a new level of connection and ultimately creativity. Our foundation of support in the Earth Family allows us the strength to expand into our Universal Family connection.

July will offer us expansion through the power of new vision. What do you see when you look around you? Look for the potentials, there’s always improvement available, even from challenge. Be that change. It’s Time.

Tania Gabrielle: Astro-Numerology Insights: [Half Year] Exciting Changes are Coming!

Lots of excitement is in store for us over the next weeks!
There is a flurry of activity in the stars and numbers as we enter the second half of 2018.
Eclipse season is right around the corner (you’re feeling the first mid-July eclipse building already!)... plus, joyful Jupiter is about to station DIRECT again too!
As we move from June into July, Mercury is very active.
Mercury is squaring Uranus creating a quickening… this means your life is unfolding in unexpected ways.

Mercury is also trines Chiron! You are more open to sharing your deep feelings, including anything that is bothering you, as Chiron facilitates harmony and healing.
Breathing in deeply BEFORE you speak (or write) will change your life.
As the energy quickens, so will the need to make on-the-spot decisions. When you take time to slow down (deep breathing) you leave behind ego-centric responses and embrace SOUL-inspired clarity.
Your messages (Mercury) are emitting a very high vibrational energy.
Sharing becomes an ART... a beautiful opportunity to love!
Your BREATH is your eternal connection to the Divine.
As we rapidly approach a rare cycle of 3 Eclipses and celebrate Jupiter’s change of direction, being in SYNC with your divine inner pulse is very important.
The recent start of Mars retrograde (on June 26) is also taking your energy within.
Your inner landscape is your greatest resource! Trust it.
At this important half-way point, you are leaving behind old habits and replacing them with a brand new influx of energy. You are discovering how to stay in alignment from one moment to the next – able to attune to the rapid changes in other people and situations around you.
There’s no way to process the rapid changes with your mind ALONE.
The only way to stay attuned and aligned to the present – is to consistently breathe in…. and listen.
Answers are provided as feelings, symbols, hunches, a "knowing".
  • YOU are your best resource - always remember that.
  • Re-Source means: re-connection to SOURCE.
Mercury trine Chiron enhances listening with LOVE.
Mercury square Uranus facilitates sharing ideas from an exciting new out-of-the-box perspective.
Conversations and communication you have now, either with yourself or with others, are creating a sacred space for profound healing.
Uranus loves activating your inner adventurer, so you explore CHANGE and HEAL.
When situations nudge you to shift your approach, be OPEN to the shift.
Take the plunge!
Healing happens in an instant.
  • Many little instances of present-moment healing add up to BIG internal shifts!
There is nothing more life-enhancing than inspired action… inspired living.
Inspired Action is the song of Love singing through you.
Enjoy this beautiful weekend as we transition from the final day of June on Saturday to July 1 on Sunday – and welcome the second half of 2018 with open arms!
Make sure you have the most trusted universal Star Code forecast by your side as we journey into unexplored territory.
July brings two eclipses – and August one additional eclipse!
There is so much that is cracking open, healing and expanding…
So, tune into the detailed DAILY movement of the stars and numbers’ codes in the Premium Wealth Forecast... You get access to each edition before the month even begins, so you can leverage the star codes and PLAN ahead!
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle 

My tags: Astrology, Tania Gabrielle, Awakening Change, Eclipse Season, Jupiter Direct, Mercury, Uranus, Unexpected Change, Slow Down, Harmony, Healing, High Vibrational Energy, Sharing, Breath, Mars, Inner World, New Habits, Be present, Signs, Listening with Love, Instantaneous, Inspired Action,

PS. Get instant access to July’s important Eclipse forecast now. Included: Complete PDF transcript and specially selected monthly music selections – ALL downloadable!

Jen Eramith: The Akashic Records of July 2018 (an excerpt from the Monthly Message)

Akashic Transformations

Monthly Message: July 2018

The Akashic Records tell us July promises to bring a swirling, spinning energy. I have already channeled the Looking Ahead Message for August, and it looks like we will continue to see some wild energy for a few months to come. July is just the beginning of a chapter of head spinning change (as if the world weren’t already moving too fast!).
Remember, as the Akashic Records emphasized in the recent Healing Trauma channelings — Part One and Part Two — we were born for this. Surviving and even thriving in a tumultuous time is exactly what our souls signed up for. Let us all find ways to accept, embrace, and move with the changes in the coming months. I will be here offering what I can from the Records, and you will continue to be a source of light and love for the people surrounding you. Hold on to your hats and hold your hearts open!
With love and light to you,
Jen and the Akashic Transformations Team

Welcome to Akashic Transformations! We offer channelings, meditations, and more from the Akashic Records. Join us in a magical conversation with Spirit!


The Akashic Records of July 2018
(an excerpt from the Monthly Message):

This month has a spinning energy; everything moves around in circles and cycles. The feeling is that things spin quite rapidly like a tornado. But the energy is also very soft, as if it is padded or you are wearing protective gear. You can imagine the energy of this month as a whirling dervish in a room full of pillows. While much will happen and much will change, and it may be difficult to find your way this month, it looks like you are protected.  

If you can get your bearings enough to enjoy it, this energy will bring many opportunities for fun. Yet no matter how hard you try and no matter how well you do, there will be times this month when you feel profoundly disoriented. There will be times when you feel you have spun around for too long and then you cannot stand up properly or you get sick. You may even experience a dizzy feeling this month.

The sense of disorientation will appear in both in your personal lives and in the collective world. You will see that it will be difficult, even impossible, to choose a path and move forward with it. As soon as you get your bearings and take a step forward, everything will change. You will come around a new corner and everything will look different.

The primary thing that will serve you this month is to be as adaptable as you possibly can. Change, then look again and change again, then look again and change again, and so forth. This is an opportunity for you to practice being on an accelerated enlightenment path. The ability to change without losing your sense of self is central to being an enlightened being. This is like a master class in exploring how to change without being attached to things staying the way you thought they should be, and yet to retain a sense of self to continually come back to who you truly are, what you truly believe, what is really most important to you. You must continually return to those things over and over again without becoming defensive, reactionary, angry, or bitter. Seek to find a sense of elegance and grace as you spin around and around...

Akashic Transformations

Dana Mrkich: Mars Retro: Anger and other Energy needing Expression

 Goddess Kali: Artist Unknown

Happy Solstice everyone! It's the shortest day of the year for us in the Southern Hemisphere, and longest in the Northern 🌞

We also have Mars, the planet of "energy needing expression", preparing to go retrograde next week. Retrograde periods highlight and intensify the influence of a planet, making us more aware of how we're using a particular energy in our life. With Mars, it can bring up: anger, rage, explosive outbursts or aggression.

It's a time to look at why these emotions are coming up:

What is really being triggered?
What underlying issue is wanting your attention?
What is your habitual response when it comes to anger?
Do you shut down, suppress it or project it?
Do you need to change this response?
Do you need to learn to express yourself and your needs in a more assertive way?

Mars retro can also increase your desire to be physically active or vice versa enforce or encourage a period of rest.

It's also a great time to cook up creative ideas that you can implement a few months down the road.

If you are one of the many for whom anger or rage is bubbling up, or if you're empathetically absorbing it from the collective, strong physical workouts are an excellent, healthy way of moving that energy through you. Exercise is great for clearing any "excess" energy that doesn't belong to you. It clears your mind so that you can healthy address any authentic anger that does belong to you. Anger and rage are powerful emotions and messengers. We don't just want to "release" them, especially if they are coming up strongly or recur often. It's better to look at why the emotion is there. Ask the emotion: what are you wanting to tell me?

There is A LOT of projection going on at the moment- personally, socially and politically. We are angry about that over there, meanwhile the same thing is happening here (in our psyche/our home/our life/our country/our side). Projection happens because it's just too painful or overwhelming to see/accept what's happening "here".

There is nothing wrong with being angry. What isn't helpful however is being angry when it happens "there" but ignoring it when it happens "here". The tricky thing is we can often have a blind spot when it comes to what's happening "here" which is why listening to each other is SO important right now. Other people can see our blind spots, and we can see theirs. Our new human mantra needs to be listen up instead of lashing out.

How are you all feeling? #listenupinsteadoflashingout
Life & Soul, Humanity Rising, Mars Retrograde, Anger, Outrage, Rage

MY TAGS: Dana Mrkich, Mars Retrograde, Aggression, Anger, Rage, Outbursts, Self-Expression, Triggers, Underlying Issues, Knee-Jerk Reaction, Physical Action, Listening, Projection, Personal Responsibility, Blind Spots,