Friday, June 15, 2018

An important reminder from Emmanuel Dagher...

An important reminder from Emmanuel Dagher...

My soul friend,

There's no need to ever make anyone outside of ourselves a guru, because we are all equal.

The moment we make someone else our guru is the moment we give our power away to them.

It's important to surround ourselves with people who inspire us to remember that
WE have everything we need inside of us to live our greatest lives.

Our Spirit is our greatest guide, and It always keeps things simple through the gift of feeling.

If it feels expansive, freeing, empowering, loving, joyful, graceful, exciting,'s a confirmation that the experience is aligned with our Spirit.

If it feels tight, constricting or as if there are too many conditions being placed, that's our sign that it's not for us and we can lovingly bless the experience and move on.

When we hear things likes "you should, you need to, you have to, or this is the only way," these are red flags to look for when experiencing someone with a guru complex.

If you are ever intentionally made to feel like you are less than, like you are being talked down to, that you have to get rid of or fix something about yourself, or that you are wrong in any way, then those are also confirmations that you may be giving your power away to someone who sees themselves as a guru.

You are PERFECT exactly as you are, even with all of the things your mind deems as imperfect.

Most people who 'follow' a guru see something in them that they want for themselves.

This usually starts out as an innocent attraction to them physically and energetically.

When we are physically and energetically 'attracted' to someone, the mind starts to give that person a 'pass' in how they behave, and this can cloud our discernment.

A person who views themselves as a 'guru' to others is often very charming and intoxicating. They know how to use their body language, voice, and eyes in ways that create a 'sedating' kind of experience.

A teacher and a guru are different.

A true teacher sees themselves as an eternal student, and is always open to learning from and expanding with those they teach.

A teacher doesn't desire to have any devoted followers, but rather they desire to empower others to become their own teachers.

A teacher simply desires to serve as a catalyst and message bringer to help others discern for themselves what is or is not in alignment for them.

A teacher cares about what others have to say, and makes them feel seen, heard, loved and appreciated.

We can admire and learn from others who mirror back qualities that we'd like to also activate within ourselves, however the days of making someone else a guru is archaic and no longer helpful to our evolution.

The guru pattern comes from the old cast system of separating people as a means of controlling them.

We are all exactly where we are meant to be on our path, and the patterns that had us thinking someone else is either ahead of or behind us on our journey is coming from an old paradigm, and doesn't really serve our present reality.

It's time to transcend the guru, and embrace that we are all equal teachers and we are all equal students sharing this journey called life together.

I love you,


"Co-Creating Real Life Miracles."

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