May brought us so many changes. June is going to give us the opportunity to rest and catch our breath, before the energies pick up again during the eclipse and multi-retrograde season later on in the summer.

The first week of June will offer us the opportunity to think outside the box, and to focus on expanding our consciousness in ways that we might not have thought of before.

This is an excellent time to write down any ideas and inspirations you might receive. They will serve as golden gems that help you navigate through the next few highly energetic months, beginning in July.

Clear Communication

The first part of June will also ask us to get clear on how we communicate with others. This will be a great time to check in to see if we’re expressing ourselves fully, honestly, and freely.

Many empaths find it a challenge to fully express themselves in a way that feels authentic to their true self. The reason being, empaths are usually natural diplomats, who desire to create peace and harmony in their surroundings.

Empaths are also very honorable people who desire to speak what they feel is the truth. This truth is often very “matter of fact,” with little or no room for misinterpretation.

Although having this trait is a gift, those who are not empathic can also find it very hard to be on the receiving end of this truth-speaking.

So that when an empath does speak their truth, their words are often met with great resistance.

This leads empaths to believe that speaking their truth is something that hurts or takes something away from others.

As a result, they begin to censor and hold themselves back from speaking their truth.

Yet we are in a time now when censoring and holding ourselves back are becoming much more challenging than having to deal with any resistance we might encounter when speaking our truth.

The first part of June is going to offer us celestial alignments that help us address any parts of ourselves that we have been holding back and censoring, so that we can speak our truth openly and freely again.

We did not come to this planet to sit on the sidelines and let ourselves dim our own light.

We came here to expand the Universe through our Soul’s presence, gifts, truth, talents, and energy, whether it be in our relationships, career, or anything in between … and June will nudge us to express ourselves in ways that feel most authentic to who we are at our core.

Creative Flow