Monday, June 4, 2018

NorthPoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for June 4 to 10, 2018 By Pam Younghans

Photo: Noctilucent clouds over a field of wildflowers in Hjørring, Denmark,
on June 3, 2018 (photo by Ruslan Merzlyakov, posted on

NorthPoint Journal 

Highlighted Aspects this Week
TUE: Sun quincunx Jupiter, Mercury quincunx Jupiter, Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus opposite Pluto
WED: Mercury semisquare Uranus, Mercury square Neptune, Sun semisquare Uranus, Sun square Neptune
THU: Mars conjunct South Node
FRI: Uranus trine Vesta, Mercury quincunx Pluto, Venus square Eris
SAT: Mercury sextile Ceres
SUN: Pluto square Juno

THE SUN AND MERCURY travel side by side in Gemini as we begin the week. With these two planets joining forces, our thought processes are exceptionally active and our need to speak our minds is strong. This can be useful in situations where brainstorming is needed, since Gemini is well known for its ability to ask questions and for its communication skills. We can also use this week for learning new concepts, or for teaching what we know.

When the Sun and Mercury exactly conjoin on Tuesday, they are in alignment with the fixed star Cursa, activating our creativity and helping us access higher ideas and solutions. As astrologer Roderick Kidston writes:

"Under Cursa, you have access to a fund of help from the universe. It is partly about consenting to go with the flow, rather than trying to force the direction of the River -- the River of Life will find its own way with you, and for you. Sometimes it helps to become still, and go within, and see what presents or suggests itself."

AS ALWAYS, there are a few rough patches in this week's road to illumination. The Sun and Mercury are in quincunx aspect to Jupiter on Tuesday. This minor aspect represents the potential for information overload, and the likelihood that people will exaggerate the positives or negatives of any situation. It will also be hard to rein in our judgmental tendencies and moral justifications.

A Venus-Pluto opposition adds to the finger-pointing game on Tuesday. Resentment and defensiveness may be our first reaction when dealing with those whose frame of reference is different than ours. Our task is to be willing to explore our own motivations rather than blaming others for their choices.

OUR MINDS are on overdrive on Wednesday when the Sun and Mercury interact with both Uranus and Neptune. We are feeling the tension between the old ways and the new, and may be questioning recent decisions as we struggle with the shift in perspective that the new road requires.

We are being challenged to move beyond previous perceptions of reality. For most of us, it is not comfortable to break away from long-held mindsets, and so it is natural to wonder if we're making the right choices.

But in these transitional times, each of us is required to release old conceptual frameworks and open our minds to new options. This is as much a soul-driven exercise in consciousness expansion as it is an opportunity to make essential changes that will help resolve current problems.

MARS exactly aligns with the karmic South Node on Thursday, but this influence is in effect throughout the week. The key in working with this alignment is self-awareness, paying close attention to what irritates and angers us and questioning why we respond as we do.

The South Node represents behavior patterns that can hold us back, interfering with our growth and evolutionary development. With the South Node and Mars in Aquarius, there can be a tendency to withdraw when we become angry, when the best solution may be found through having the courage to become more involved, seeking creative solutions that are both inspiring and empowering (North Node in Leo).

The Café Astrology website describes this choice point well in their description of the North Node in Leo:

"We need to avoid falling into the easy trap of worrying about what others think about us. Instead, we need to strike out in our own individual and creative path without fear. We need to make a conscious effort to deal with others in a more personal, involved, and loving manner, rather than falling back on reason and intellect which detaches us from our feelings."

BY THE END OF THE WEEK, Mercury has moved ahead of the Sun, and is traveling alone when the Messenger Planet forms a quincunx aspect with Pluto on Friday.

Any aspect involving Pluto can bring forward unconscious patterns that seem to be outside of our control. With a Mercury-Pluto quincunx in effect, we'll want to be aware of compulsive behaviors and patterns of speech -- those visceral reactions that later we look back at and say, "I can't believe I said (or did) that." Or, we may raise our voices out of proportion to the situation in an effort to make our point.

If this occurs, we can use the experience to gain insights into the workings of our own psyche. With the awareness gained from this introspection, we can learn to communicate in more empowered ways, rather than being letting fears of not being heard dictate the quality of our responses.

MERCURY has a more relaxed day on Saturday, thanks to a helpful sextile aspect with dwarf planet Ceres. This is a subtle influence, but it should help increase intellectual and emotional rapport, resulting in a better ability to communicate empathetically.

We'll want to take advantage of this influence, and use it to reconnect with loved ones and allies, since we may be tiptoeing our way through relationship issues in the last half of the week. A Venus-Eris square on Friday and a Pluto-Juno square on Sunday both make us aware of how an imbalance of power affects the health of any partnership.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your skills of communication are central to your success this year. It will be very important to be clear in your thinking before you share your ideas, since it may otherwise be difficult to convey your intended meaning. Also be aware of a tendency to share too much information. Tap into your knowing of what the other person is ready to receive, and offer your gift of information in small, manageable bites instead of expecting the other to be able to digest an entire meal all at once. Remember that listening is half of the communication process. And, when another person feels truly heard, they are more able also to receive what you want to share.

In light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All rights reserved.
Photo: Noctilucent clouds over a field of wildflowers in Hjørring, Denmark, on June 3, 2018 (photo by Ruslan Merzlyakov, posted on

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