Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: June 24 – 30, 2018

Weekly Forecast: June 24 – 30, 2018

6/25 ~ Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Jupiter (expansion & consciousness):

This energy is a happy-go-lucky kind of energy that doesn't really want to be bothered with the mundane, however, you must not allow that passing energy to get you so off track that it costs you more than it is worth. If you don't have any pressing obligations, then this will be a fun, relaxing time, possibly with friends having some fun. However, if you have work to do, make sure it gets done first so you can truly enjoy yourself without the worry of the pile being bigger when you return.  Watch the excesses as well, food, drink and/or spending. On a deeper level, you may have to make some adjustments in your relationships or finances. Jupiter always reveals the excess or where we make things 'bigger' (consciously or not). This activation usually helps us realign our true priorities with our grandest vision for the future.

6/26 ~ Mars Retrograde @9* AQUARIUS:
When Mars Retrogrades, it is the time to do the Inner Self-Work - to redefine what you really want and how you express the power & passion of Mars. It spends March-Nov 2018 in Capricorn/Aquarius so you may feel the Retrograde in that whatever direction you were heading in (over the last 2 years) may now be slowed or even reversed (temporarily at least). Things that were easy may seem challenging and things that used to be challenging may now become simple. Remember, all delays & detours are not necessarily “bad”. Pay attention to the aspects of your approach to acquiring what you desire, as well as the motivations behind your desires. Revision ~ Recalibration is a regular 2-year “maintenance process”. Your desires change & evolve over time, so this is your opportunity to check in and tweak things accordingly.

6/27 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~oppose~ Saturn (physical limits & definition of reality):
This is an annual process of development. The Sun makes it personal and about you the individual. Saturn helps move your timeline along and build the literal aspects of life, the basics of providing for yourself (food, shelter etc) and your personal limitations. What renewed aspect of Self got activated about 6-months ago and how do you want that to fully develop over the next 6-months? This is a potent midpoint, the most powerful course-correcting time in any cycle, this one being an annual meeting between Sun & Saturn, a check-point between you and your responsibilities. Each year, you evolve, some years more consciously than others so this is a good time to check in with your own personal definitions of what you are or are no longer responsible for. Often, this energy activates a push-pull between who you are and who you want to be; between what you want to do and what you have to do. My age-old advice is to: do what you gotta do so you can do what you wanna do. And it while it may not be the easiest path, it's usually worth it for the peace of mind it brings. You may swing between extremes of fulfilling all your obligations to the neglect of your Truth & Purpose -or- neglecting your obligations and doing whatever you choose, which only means those obligations will be there when you get to them and they will have most likely increased by the time you do. Balance is the key! Practice, there is no perfection and it's time to practice handling business before pleasure.

6/28 ~ CAPRICORN Full Moon:

This is your Annual opportunity to release that which you no longer want to be part of your reality or responsibility. Look to what you *Initiated* at Winter Solstice and how far you’ve progressed.

What’s working? What’s not? What needs to be released? What needs to be strengthened structurally? What foundation-work needs to be done to support you better going forward? The Full Moon is shining a light in a corner for first time in a year (the Capricorn House of your chart) revealing any weaknesses or cracks in the foundation of your current focus. Whatever you *Seeded* with the Capricorn New Moon (1.16.2018) 6-months ago, has run its course and now the Full Moon shows you what is solid and can be expanded on – as well as what is weak and must be fixed, replaced or released altogether. This is the time every year when you determine what is truly feeding, nourishing, supporting & protecting you ~ on ALL levels ~ mental, physical, emotional & spiritual. Here, we are reminded that often, internal shifts precede external shifts.

6/30 ~ Mercury (lower mind & ideas) ~square~ Uranus (Higher Mind & awakening):
This energy challenges you to expand your mind or consciousness in a way, pushing you to think differently and respond to information in new ways. Uranus brings sudden ah-ha moments, personal awareness and radical new ideas, which is great for you adventurous souls who thrive on change and new ideas. However, if you are personally attached to your routine and things 'going as planned', then this energy can cause aggravation and tax your nervous system because things will seem sudden (even though it is more likely that they have already been brewing under the surface for some time now). You will have to adjust and be more open & mentally flexible than usual. You may not be able to control the excessive mental activity or information-overload coming in, but hopefully you can direct it a bit. It's good to activate or clean your personal filters by taking some time in nature to process things at your own pace and generally clear your head. This can be a very inspiring & creative time, so try to tune into that, while keeping in mind that anything you begin or get into, may require a review later so you can check over the details of your revelations (or creations). You're just cracking the surface, this is all about the revelation or awakening, you will eventually have to figure out the logistics or effective actions necessary to bring your ideas into form.


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

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