Monday, June 4, 2018

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: June 3 – 9, 2018

Weekly Forecast: June 3 – 9, 2018

6/5 ~ Mercury (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. You will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) make quite an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, then mentally and certainly within your own area, you will take in more information per square inch than usual. Pay attention! You may even gain the much-deserved recognition from others that you have worked so hard for.

6/5 ~ Venus (relationships & resources) ~oppose~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
Classic opposition: anything with Venus is usually softened, while anything with Pluto is always intensified, and the opposition automatically brings up the push-pull between these two. You are encouraged to tune into your own heart and then you can trust what is rising from your own depths. Also, any opposition gives you a look back at your starting point, so you have more clear vision than you may be giving your Self credit for. Either way, this energy intensifies experiences where your relationships & resources are concerned. If you have focused on love, to the exclusion of money, then your finances will probably come up at this time for a rebalancing of sorts. If you've been focused on money, to the exclusion of supportive relationships, then that may be your focus. The bottom line is your true values are up for a purification of sorts. What/Who is really, truly important to you? How do you spend your resources of time, energy & money? What/Who are your real priorities right now?

Often, we operate completely unconsciously (Pluto), being driven by deeper forces than we can fully understand. And periodically, we must allow them to come up/out so we can distill or release them so they become compost rather than toxic. Since you may feel 'compulsive' in some way, you may as well use that energy to make a deeper commitment to getting to the root or source of any imbalance rather than let it take you away to feed some unidentifiable famine in your life. Often, this activation tends to make you uncontrollably drawn to someone you know is not good for you, which can only result in problems. This energy provokes manipulation, jealousy, guilt and other negative emotions that always come when you are trying to maintain something that wasn't meant to be in the first place. Again, don't try to force YOUR will, it can only lead to a broken heart in the end. If you are already in an intense relationship, beware of subconscious impulses, hidden resentments, unexpressed anger or frustration. Expressing it at this time can be helpful if you present your concerns in a constructive way, however, you will have to be personally strong and vigilant in monitoring your own emotions in order to do that. Ultimately, if change needs to happen in your relationship, this will be the catalyst. This energy is only "bad" if you are unwilling to get to the real root or source of the given conflict. Otherwise, it is like a storm that clears the air and makes everything grow better.

6/6 ~ Mercury (communication) ~square~ Neptune (dissolution):
This is a mixed blessing energy. On one hand, it's good for spiritual study and giving your dreams a little energy (if your schedule permits). On the other hand, it makes for major miscommunications between people. Try to think before speaking, because if it's possible to misunderstand or not 'get it' altogether, it will happen this week. Be careful not to let "longing" for your dreams to come true, distort your judgment and mislead you into believing the illusion. With this energy, some people will deliberately deceive and others have to be careful not to be misled. Stick to the facts or stay quiet, for now. You may even be inclined to withhold information to avoid a confrontation - don't do it. Communicate with your Self and God today, otherwise plan to be very clear in explaining yourself to others (humans) so there are no misunderstandings.

6/7 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions):
This activation can cause self-doubt, self-delusion and an overall confusion that seems to be sourced within or self-directed. It’s only temporary, this is just the Universe’s way of slowing you down so you can see where your goals may have been unrealistic or based on flights of fancy. If your energy is low and you’re feeling challenged to see the bright side of things, it is better to just time-out, rest & replenish (if possible) and most of all, do not initiate any grand plans as you are not really seeing things as they truly are at this time. Luckily, this is a pretty short-lived activation.

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

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