Monday, June 11, 2018

Spring has sprung, ~🐱 and Summer's about to come! 🌞

Spring has sprung, ~🐱
and Summer's about to come! 🌞-p

Image may contain: cat

The little impish neighbor Calico cat that I occasionally see (so cute I want to steal her) spooked me the other night late when I was sitting our front on the steps, suddenly rubbing against my legs then bounded off just beyond reach. Then she was lying in the driveway, rolling around, but just as I was about to rub her belly, b~o~i~n~g~ -gone!

She should not be out at night, especially around here, we have coyotes here in the city. The cat I used to pet-sit disappeared years ago when out at night, we had seen coyotes on his street just up the hill from here. There are patches of woods despite all the construction and gentrification.

Anyway, she was chasing bugs and things and pranced off towards the back yard, which has access to the next street over. But even a smart, quick cat can't out-run a pack of coyotes, which we learned with McKinley.

One night, right after I had been pet-sitting, I was asleep and felt the weight of a cat walking on me. I was astonished when I opened my eyes to find that I was in my own bed, and not pet-sitting. I didn't know what it meant until a few weeks later when I got an email letting me know he was gone, just a few days after I had been pet-sitting, and they believed the coyotes got him. 😔

I do believe McKinley's spirit found me and came to say goodbye.

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