Monday, June 18, 2018

NorthPoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for June 18 to 24, 2018 By Pam Younghans

Photo: Solstice sunrise over Stonehenge (photo credit:
​Max Alexander, STFC, SPL, posted on
By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Neptune stations retrograde
TUE: Venus quincunx Saturn, Venus conjunct North Node, Mercury trine Jupiter
WED: Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Mercury trine Neptune
THU: Sun enters Cancer/Solstice 3:07am PDT (10:07am GMT), Venus opposite Mars
FRI: Mercury conjunct Pallas Athene, Sun sextile Uranus
Mercury opposite Pluto, Sun square Chiron
FROM EARTH'S PERSPECTIVE, the Sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky this week, marking the solstice and the change of seasons. The word "solstice" comes from the Latin solstitium, which means "sun-stopping." If we monitor the Sun's location, we will observe that the point on the horizon where it appears to rise and set, reverses direction after this day.

Astrologically, a chart run for the solstice is said to provide insights into events that will transpire over the coming season -- for the June solstice, this means summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and winter in the Southern.

THE SUN enters Cancer and marks the solstice on Thursday at 3:07 a.m. PDT (10:07 a.m. GMT). The North and South Nodes are emphasized in the solstice chart, speaking to the potential for increasing polarization over the next three months. During this time, we will have clear choices, individually and collectively, that can either move us in the direction of our greater evolution or keep us stuck in old patterns.

The chart also contains two cardinal t-squares, a fixed grand cross, and a grand trine kite, so we have lots to explore. But let's start with the location and condition of the Moon -- Luna is always important as a barometer of the public's emotional state.

THE MOON is in Libra for the solstice, bringing forward themes of partnerships and alliances, and the values of peaceful and equal relationships. Libra also rules trials and lawsuits, negotiations and diplomacy, so these issues are likely to be highlighted in our shared experience.

The Moon is also involved in one of those cardinal t-squares mentioned earlier, being square Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury in Cancer. This puts the Moon at the all-important apex of the configuration, which astrologer Bil Tierney says indicates "hair-trigger emotionality" and the tendency to "easily take offense." Mr. Tierney writes that our way through this emotional landmine is to:

"... exert greater self-discipline or control in the manner in which we vent our feelings. This can be better accomplished once we allow ourselves to feel what we feel more deeply, to reflect upon the reasons behind our actions, and to deliberate before we outwardly respond to these feelings."

THE SUN is part of the other cardinal t-square, being opposite Saturn and square Chiron. This configuration brings out the "mama bear" in protection of those who are victims of systems and the misuse of authority.

It usually takes a great deal of courage to stand up to authority figures, and to break rules, even if they are clearly wrong-minded. But the Mama Bear is one of the most ferocious of all archetypes, driven by the instinctive need to protect those who are young and vulnerable.

And, with Chiron in the mix, this is our opportunity to heal the aspect of ourselves that is fearful, lacks confidence, and feels controlled by those with seemingly stronger self-determination.

THE FIXED grand cross in the solstice chart involves Jupiter, Venus and the North Node, Mars and the South Node, and Uranus. A grand cross adds complexity to any chart, and increases the necessity of change, since otherwise we continually hit our heads against a wall. 

The alignments of Venus and Mars with the Nodes are particularly significant. Venus represents the feminine/receptive principle; her alignment with the North Node in Leo indicates we are at a point in our evolution where we must learn to express power in more heart-centered, creative ways. Mars, representing masculine/assertive principles, is at the South Node in Aquarius, revealing the need to overcome isolationism and aggressiveness.

Jupiter in Scorpio complicates matters, exposing more secrets and darkness that may rile our anger and increase finger-pointing, creating deeper divisions. And, Uranus in Taurus throws a wild card on the table, activating sudden or unexpected changes in the status quo.

A grand cross indicates tension that requires us to bring the best of ourselves to the situation. All of this push-pull is designed to focus our attention on the need to embody and express the best qualities of Venus/North Node in Leo: generosity, warmth, and courage of the heart.

THE KITE PATTERN is an indicator of potentials for opportunity and success. This configuration stimulates heightened creative and spiritual possibilities, while increasing our capacity for empathy. It can elevate our thinking, helping us to be open to inspiration and creative solutions.

In comparison to the influence of a simple grand trine, which is dormant energy until we take the initiative, a kite is highly activating, propelling us forward. For this reason, it often seems to manifest situations that are part of our larger destiny.

Pluto in Capricorn is at the focal point of the kite on the solstice, at the point that astrologer Erin Sullivan calls "the exit point" of the pattern. This means that the opportunities inherent in the kite formation are catalyzed in "plutonian" ways -- through exposing secrets and revealing truth, through clearly seeing ways in which we have given our power away to those in authority, through a willingness to face and overcome fears and negativity, and through a deep awareness that we can no longer settle for superficial fixes.

NOTE: Please see right-hand column on this page for news about my upcoming teleclass! Hope you can join us!

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year provides you with experiences to heal your capacity for taking charge of your life. If you have felt overly vulnerable and overwhelmed by events in the world, find sustenance in the fact that a new courage is growing within you. Through your determination, you are developing a new level of self-assurance that cannot be undermined by discouraging situations. Harness the strength of your convictions, and you will emerge as a new, more self-confident version of yourself.

In light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All rights reserved.

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