June has already gotten off to a busy start and the energy builds all month with some interesting highlights that include Mars retrograde, lots of energy around value and values, and some opportunities to put what we have been working on so far into action. This is the 6th month of 2018, the year is half over. As with previous years, the second half of the year will be different than the first, depending on how we choose to implement and integrate the energy. June’s themes include the energy around partnerships and relationships and how that plays out in our life. This is true in all relationships and on all levels, individually and globally. Also value and karma are highly aspected. We’ll see strong community action this month, the family of humanity is awakened and coming together.
The relationship and partnership themes of June will push us to consider how we connect with others. After all, we relate to those we are in relationship with and our partners are those who become part of our energy field. How do we make those choices? What roles do we play in these relationships and partnerships? Are we the healer, the teacher, the giver, and the source of energy? If so we may find that those situations become unfulfilling and run out of energy road for us because they are based on the 3D healing paradigms. If we want expansive, creative 5D relationships, we need to seek equality as a foundation in every relationship and partnership.
Karma is highly active this month because Mercury zips through its home sign of Gemini in the first two weeks of June. While Mercury is downplayed as a small player in the zodiac, I think it also rules karma and our karmic relationships. Look at how much havoc a Mercury retrograde can create in our lives. Karmic cycles are coming up for review and the question is, do we want to continue on that hamster wheel or not? The choice is ours, and the karma is over when we decide to no longer participate.
Value is another big June issue and this is more than self worth and deserving, it reflects our need for approval and desire to be liked and accepted by everyone, even those who cannot be part of our energy field. Every partnership is either an energy drain or an energy expander. Look at your relationships this month and decide whether you are willing to continue to uphold those relationships that do not add value to your life. You know which ones they are, the ones that are filled with drama, trauma, chaos, and pain. (If you are a Light Beacons Portal member this is the June lesson. You can find out more about Light Beacons at this link.)
We’re seeing a very strong desire, on a global level, to create more of what we individually and collectively value. This is going to be the theme of Uranus in Taurus so it will be in effect until July 2025. Notice what is going on in the world, the anti-EU government in Italy, people speaking up to protest the arrest of Tommy Robinson, mass protest against corruption and foul play, a desire to return to respect of the individual, and especially, the growing outrage over the trafficking and enslavement of people, and a strong desire for self and national sovereignty. These are value issues and they will continue to be sources of conflict, attention, and demand.
The value issues brought up by Uranus are compounded by its ongoing square with Mars which, with its retrograde beginning on June 26, means it’s going to be continually active until September. I see it as a movement from being focused on ‘me’ to ‘we’, from the limitations of seeing ourselves in isolation versus recognizing the interconnection of all of humanity on a global level. Remember Uranus rules Aquarius, where Mars is currently placed, and it rules communities and groups so Mars’ retrograde is turbo charged!
We have crossed an important threshold this year in the ascension process, one that we have never achieved before. If this feels a little uncertain and fearful it is because it is new, we have never made it this far, with so much support, so much awakening, and so much forward momentum. Critical mass was achieved long ago, now we’re at critical momentum.
Take note of what comes to your awareness this month — what do you notice, who or what crosses your path. Look at the choices that you are presented with and which path you decide to take.
Relationships and partnerships now have to be balanced, equal, congruent, and harmonious. Energy flows must be reciprocal so we give and receive equally. Karmic cycles and soul contracts must end now, we cannot move forward into full 5D integration until we heal those soul wounds, get our energy fields clear, and stop living in the energy of the past. Intentions create paths for energy to flow into, make yours big, bold, and beautiful. The world is changing rapidly and light beacons all over the world are lighting the path for those who are awakening with a desire to know the light of joy, peace, love, and truth. Shine on, it’s going to be a great month.
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Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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