Hi my friend,

I’m grateful to connect with you in this way today. We have a great deal to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

The energetic winds are picking up speed and changing their direction. This new shift began with the summer solstice, and will continue to increase over the next few months.

As a result of this shift, humanity will experience another gigantic leap in consciousness.

It has been a little while since such a leap in consciousness has taken place within the collective. All of life in the Universe will feel and notice this deeply, including all living things on our planet.

It will also have a tremendous effect on the next part of our personal and collective journey.

What a Gigantic Leap Means for Us

When we move through a gigantic leap of consciousness, or a “consciousness upgrade” as many like to call it, the fabric of the world around us changes completely.

Beginning in July, we will start to notice glimpses of the new fabric of our lives taking form, as the previous fabric starts to gently soften and fade into the background.

When a gigantic leap in consciousness occurs, we usually see it unfold in ways that affect our personal lives, such as:

  • An awakened inner fire and passion for life
  • A desire to be more active and productive
  • A desire to begin something new (project, business, career, hobby, relationship)
  • A desire to clean and simplify our home
  • A desire to learn a new language or instrument, and to travel
  • A desire to take a course, workshop, or lessons in a new area
  • A desire to think bigger, and outside of the box
  • A desire to release people, places, and experiences that are no longer supporting our greatest good
  • A desire to feel even more connected to our Spirit and the Universe
  • A desire to look at and resolve old patterns that have held us back from being our most authentic and honest self
  • A desire for community
  • A desire to make a difference
  • A desire to be more loving, compassionate, and kind with ourselves and the world
  • A desire to make our inner peace and well-being a top priority in our lives
  • A desire to take better care of our body and mind (eating healthfully, exercising, meditating)
  • A desire to recognize the divinity within ourselves and others

As a collective, we will notice outer changes as well:

  • Science and Spirituality will merge to become one and the same, as new discoveries occur that bring their concepts together
  • Things that were once hidden or unknown to humanity will come to the surface to be revealed and addressed
  • The old-paradigm institutions promoting a fear– and separation–based agenda will struggle, and no longer having the same hold on humanity as they once did
  • Anything or anyone promoting or constantly buying into separation and fear will begin to feel the heaviness of that weighing on them physically, emotionally, and mentally, making it challenging for them to continue forward with promoting these types of energies
  • New concepts, inventions, and resolutions will be introduced with the intention of helping create greater healing and unity for our world
  • Different industries (food, medicine, supplements, etc.) will take another big step forward in bringing healthy, transparent, and sustainable products to the masses
  • People from all walks of life will find they have way more in common with one another than they had ever thought, allowing people to unite and create more and greater positive changes in the world
  • Many people with platforms to make a difference will step up and do even greater things than in the past
  • The music and art that comes out during and after these next few months will also reflect the powerful changes occurring now
  • And much more!