A Message to Lightworkers – October 11, 2019

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
Please understand that your world is changing rapidly now, far beyond previous estimations.
You have recently passed a point, beyond which these changes will be occurring more frequently, and in ways that you will pick up on intuitively, even when you do not see the shifts happening outwardly.
Your intuitive inner sense of what is happening in the world, and what is happening in your own inner life (which determines your outer life) is increasing exponentially now.
So that even on a day when the news reports give no indication, for example, that the benevolent inhabitants of Inner Earth are creating new energetic forms to assist Light Bringers in their Earth mission, you will nonetheless be feeling the effects of that beautiful, heart-based support.
We would say also, that your own evolvement is increasing rapidly in both speed and intensity.
Do not be disturbed if your nighttime dreams seem to be a strange amalgam of symbolism and scenarios that feel disquieting or disjointed, if truthful at times.
This is your subconscious, weighing in on the astounding shifts going on in your spirit and psyche, which it cannot quite quantify or grasp at times.

Can your subconscious, and your body, keep up with these accelerated movements? you may be wondering.
Yes, but they require both support and healing now.
You are aware that you carry within you the experiences of hundreds of lives on this and other planets.
In many of those lives, you or those you loved suffered horrible deprivations, abuse, injustices, and losses that have caused numerous energy patterns and interferences to settle into your etheric energies.
These patterns and interferences then reemerge each time you rejoin the physical in yet another incarnation.
Most of you have vowed never to return to a third dimensional existence, and we understand this, and honor that and all your decisions.
Yet know that this means that this is the Earth life in which all the others must be resolved—genuine healing and release must take place in order that you do not continue to carry, as a soul imprint or otherwise, the energies of very low third dimensional life experiences.
To say that your evolvement is held back by these patterns, interferences, and by dense, lower dimensional emotions, agreements, and soul contracts, is a bit of an understatement.
You came to evolve beyond the ego, beyond the personality, beyond the fears for survival and the desire to “even out” the wrongdoing, whether your mind calls those actions Justice or revenge.
We strongly recommend energy healings and energy clearings to assist you in releasing lower dimensional frequencies—that which was bred into you, that which is sitting in your energies which do not belong there, and that which you carry due to trauma, whether you work one-to-one with a practitioner or listen to online clearings.
For those who do not prefer or cannot trust the effectiveness of those methods, we strongly recommend in-depth daily meditation, to raise your inner awareness and overall vibration to where no interfering frequency, entity, or other presence finds your being a comfortable place to be.
Let us say, for example, that you find yourself falling into times of anger—times in which you recall the wrong done to you or a loved one, or to an entire group or population of people—a particular country, race, gender, orientation, etc.

This anger, and the feelings of helplessness that often accompany it, is actually a planned result.
For those who plan and enact chaos on your planet, your emotional density is a desired side effect; the human experience of passivity and rage only stoke the fires of the denser programs all the more.
As you go into a moment of anger or other dense emotions, you fall into a frequency that then connects with a bigger frequency that feeds off of the energy of that emotion, all the time.
It is like walking into a room with loud, discordant music, and not leaving, or shutting off the music.
You are sitting down and agreeing with the discord, even as you tell yourself what is really happening is that you are fighting with and pushing against the discord.
In truth, struggle only begets more struggle.
Is this fair, that you would decide to go to battle against an event or an entire belief system that attempts to vilify or victimize you and others, and instead of winning the day, you find you have only shored up the energies of that which you object to?
Probably not. But then, nothing about the third dimension, whose forms you are now throwing off, is designed to be “fair.”
We would say, if you can come out of the old game—the old duality of the back-and-forth, “I know I’m right so why don’t you just admit it and step aside” sort of argument—you help liberate not only yourself from the dark webs this planet has been caught in for so long, but the entire human race.
“Is nonresistance to the dark aspect of life the only way to get free of it?” you may ask.
We would say, You have tried resistance to destruction for thousands of years, and it has not yet worked, unless poured into that resistance was also a strong dose of positive action, inner inspiration, and yes, even Joy some days.
This is why your inspiring Light Being known as Dr King once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only Love can do that.”

We capitalize “Light” and “Love” as these are a living, powerfully active consciousness that will not resist or ignore your call to know them better, to exemplify them as you live on the Earth.
They will not ignore your plea, not simply to “understand” why terrible things happen, but to rise above what has happened, so that you understand that This could never destroy me, regardless of how horrible it may be. It could never destroy us, as a human race of increasingly empowered souls. And yes—at least in part, we created this. We are not a victim.
When you accept your own co-Creative status in this Universe, many things fall into place.
You grow more patient with the appearance of illness or discord in the family, the appearance of financial lack, or the appearance of a lack of Loved ones who understand and believe in you.
You come to realize that that is only appearance, and not your Truth.
You realize that all is not lost on those days when one resource or another seems so low, you wonder if you will ever recover.
And you come to Love and respect yourself far more in those moments when—having released all pretenses of ego and its requirement for outer proof that all is well—you face the beauty and power of your own soul, smiling as it knows that truly, nothing is ever wrong or out of balance.
If you feel some days you do not have the inner strength to admit this calm and stillness to yourself, call upon us, dear ones—we are right here with you!
And remember that this seemingly impossible path you chose will not be thus indefinitely.
You are here to rebirth and remake all that you are, in far higher form—to evolve once more into the Light Being who knows all realms and all times simultaneously, and has never forgotten Who they are.
Nor would we let you!
Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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