Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself

Dear Ones, Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself.
Honor the softness of your heart, honor your ability to love others and especially remember to love and honor yourself.
Remember to put time aside every day to honor your body/mind with deep breaths.
Use your breath to stop your forward momentum several times each day,
bringing new oxygen into your body. Feel the importance of slowing down
before you feel stressed out and overwhelmed. Even though you may think
there is not enough time to stop, taking two minutes to stop, breathe
and reset your energy system will allow you feel more resourceful in
your daily life.
Honor your physical body knowing the Light of the Divine is active within working through you.
Your body is the vehicle you have been given in which to anchor your
Divinity this lifetime. This physical being becomes your Temple of the
most High when you honor it by giving your body all that it needs to
Honor your sensitive heart and the vulnerability you feel every day.
You are refining your energy system with your spiritual practices and
so you may feel even more raw and exposed.When you can honor the
gentleness and compassion that you have inside, you can recognize your
value to the world. Know that there is a powerful need for these
qualities in the world that is starving for more compassion at this
With your spiritual practice you are building a stronger field of Light
that allows you to hold greater frequencies within your energy system.
This builds your shining shield of Light that can protect you from the
inside out.
Honor your mind and recognize its gifts so you can bring
clear thinking, expanded perceptions and illuminate your thoughts with
the power of Divine Light. This expansion allows you to work in the
fields of Infinite Intelligence. As you keep an open mind you allow
yourself to learn more about how to live in Harmony and Beauty. When you
lighten your thoughts you are gifted with greater Equanimity and
Balance in which to view the world around you.
And of course Honoring Yourself means to honor the spirit within you.
You are a true spark of Divinity and this Flame burns in your heart
when it is activated by your connection to your Highest Self. This
Divine Aspect of your Soul shows you the way, so that you may also be a
Way Shower to others. People need to be given a model to promote greater
understanding of how to live a multi-dimensional life while in a
physical body. Honoring yourself radiates this blessing into the world,
and allows inner peace to soothe and be a calming presence in the midst
of change.
Your unique Soul gifts are important to the world.
They act as a missing piece of the puzzle that only you can fill.
Sharing your gifts promotes wholeness in the world. If you don’t know
what your Soul Gifts are, look at what you love to do most. Give that
gift and you will fulfill an important requirement for your Soul.
And we say again, Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself and all shall be well. All is well and so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
September 30, 2019
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