RETURN TO YOUR TRUTH: Cabal Attempts Coup, White Hats Counter by Mobilizing – 144k, BE ON STANDBY
October 9 | The Unknown Lightwarrior
Unseasonal (some say unprecedented) strong winds accompanied by a winter storm (particularly in the US) suggest another huge energetic equilibrium shift on the plasma plane is taking place.
A lot is getting rooted out & dismantled on the non-physical planes, including the grid layers between the earth atmosphere & lunar orbit.
The intensity & forward progress of all this is being reflected on the physical plane by big investigations & prosecutions of the biggest [Cabal] banks (including Vatican Bank), and the unprecedented mobilization of [initially] US Marines, including their reserve units …
… in response to another coup against the [White Hat point-man] US President. This coup is currently in the form of impeachment, by Cabal agents, led by the CIA.
It’s important to be aware that when any military mobilizes … it means a conventional cold war is one-inch-away from going hot. Similar to the Cuban missile crisis that triggered mobilization of all NATO & Warsaw Pact militaries.
This literally means; soldiers eating dinner … shaving … and going to the toilet in full battle-dress with their assault rifle right by them – 24/7!
Domestically … in the US, this would be a very lopsided affair, as the Cabal only has limited numbers of imported MS13 & ISIL fighters, against the US military & over 6 million US Militia, which can also be mobilized if required.
The big worry is … China.
So tune into the this week’s show to find out why China might be a real problem, and to free yourself of any fear or pain … also learn about:
‘The After Effect’ …
What is it, and who controls it!
Knowing about ‘The After Effect’ phenomena is one of the most empowering things a Starseed can know, in such intense, transitional times … that can only strengthen & unify us all, far more than in the past!Also find out, what the 144k equivalent to the AR-15 is!
Catharina & David from Medica Health.Org join us, to reveal more about EMFs [Electronic Warfare] and Black Magic.
Are the two related?
Are EMFs (weaponized communications systems) a carrier for back magic?
Do they ‘carry’ negative plasma?
Or is the EMF roll-out by the Cabal just a way to weaken us against black magic?
Find this out, and much more as I delve deep with Catharina & David from MedicaHealth.org … and what to do about it all, as we strengthen ourselves & continue the build-up to the 144k Mass Meditation on 31st of Oct, Halloween …
… for the energetic knock-out blow, to finally free ourselves & complete our purpose here:
… all on this week’s blockbuster episode of Ground Crew Command Radio
(live every Wed 8pm EDT)
... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".
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The Unknown Lightwarrior
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144k Member
" During my meditation, I was contacted by my star family. This time much more clear than the previous times. They told me, they were here this time to help me heal and to upgrade my abilities to communicate telepathically. My communication with them was clearer than ever .?.."144k Member
Gitte, Denmark
144k Member
" ... I have never felt such a sustained energy for so long in any other meditation. I held it as long as I could and I really felt that it made a large impact on destroying the dark forces’ hold on Gaia and humanity. I also was guided at times to surround her in a sparkling pinkish gold light. The whole meditation was truly a very powerful and grand experience! ..."
144k Member
Why the 144k meditation group? ...It matches my frequency in all aspects; perfect speed and rhythm of your guidance, perfect visualizations, clear objectives which match mine, perfect synchronization ( it happened in all your meditations that I was already working on something particular, before you verbalized the same.. stunning);
Maria, Suisse
And many more...
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Return To Your Truth Dot Com LLC
2155 Suite A, Shelby Dr
Arizona 86336
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My tags: RETURN TO YOUR TRUTH, Cabal Attempts Coup, CIA, White Hats Mobilizing, US Militia, BE ON STANDBY, Winter Storm, ‘The After Effect’,
EMFs (weaponized communications systems), Black Magic,
The Unknown Lightwarrior, 144k, Ground Crew Command Radio,
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