Well here we go, into the wild blue yonder of October and beyond to the end of 2019 and the celebrated Saturn/Pluto junction of 2020. This is a month to celebrate freedom, empowerment, energy congruence, and the whole path that got us here. It is also a time for us celebrate new beginnings because while we’re nearing the end of 2019 we are really just starting the energetic potential of this year. Buckle up and hang on, the ride is beginning and it won’t stop until December.
Since the beginning of 2019 the energy has felt a little odd, dense, and slow. While we had glimpses of its potential, somehow it never seemed to manifest in the new ways we hoped for. Instead we got a lot of the repetition of the past, old lessons coming up, situations we thought were over arriving back at our doorstep again, with the same people, same lessons, same pain, and same questions. Did we take a big jump back into the past?
I noticed something when I was looking at the planet Saturn which went direct in September. I said then that this was a big movement forward because it had been in retro since May but in shadow retro since mid-January. One of October’s big events is that Pluto goes direct on the third, after having been in retro since late April but in shadow retro since December 31, 2018.
And there you go. We started the year ready for action, hoping for new opportunities but we didn’t get too far since our energy powerhouse was directing us to clean our energetic houses rather than making forays into new potentials. It’s like being told you can’t go outside until you do your homework.
The entire year has been that way but now we’re in the home stretch.
These final months of 2019 are actually the start of the new energy we have been waiting all year to work with. And now we can because we have done the foundational work to prepare us for access
into new potentials.

But before you think it’s going to take 9 months for us to cover lost ground or make any progress, it won’t. I think we’re going to blast through these next few months at light speed. That said, don’t expect to gloss over any lessons or learning either, everything points to energetic congruence now, the fit and flow of divine harmony.
If it doesn’t fit or flow it is not going to work.
While it’s tempting to want to leave the painful past behind and start something new, we know that as much as we may want to do that, we are always directed to clean up our old energy situations before we start examining new potentials. We can no longer hide from our own truth, ignore our fears and doubts, pretend that everything is OK when we know it is not, and dim our lights to make others happy.
Energies of different frequencies are not compatible and cannot co-exist in our energy field. Now that we’re shifting between dimensions, from 3D to 5D, in our ongoing ascension integration, those energies are even less compatible with each other. And we need to have a stronger energetic focus too, with fewer leaks, distractions, and dramas and traumas that take us off of our path.
And if you’re not feeling the joy right now, don’t worry. Sometimes we have to have a break down before we can break through; we need to know we’re in the dark before we can figure out it’s time to turn the light on. And we need to get tired of the pain before we rise up and seek healing.
Now, more than ever, the past and the present do not resonate in harmony, especially when you’re trying to create a fulfilling, congruent, high vibe, 5D integrated present and you’re trying to do it in a 3D density reality – without changing anything. ‘This is an integration, not a takeover’ but it is an integration of 5D energy into our 3D realities and it is relentlessly pushing us forward into our energetic sovereignty and divine being, the true merging and blending of spiritual and material, human and divine. Welcome to the Light Age.
But before we bask in the celebratory glory of our accomplishments, we have some more work to do.

On the astrological level we are in Libra season now, whose glyph is the scales. Libra rules balance, justice, equality, and ‘open enemies’. This is balanced giving and receiving, the karmic cycles of reaping what is sown, justice and not revenge, equality that requires the acknowledgement of energetic sovereignty. All we can do is balance the equations in our own lives and allow everyone to find their own energetic balance point.
We are preparing for the final Mercury retrograde in 2019, which begins its shadow on October 12 and goes full retro on October 31. It stations on the same degree of the long Saturn retro in Scorpio of June to August of 2015. Just a heads up to pay attention to what arises from that period.
The October full moon of the 13th is at 20 Aries, exactly square Pluto, an important energetic marker and this is going to be a very strong full moon so watch out for a lot of emotional energy flareups, especially those of you who are empaths and sensitive to others’ energy.
The new moon of the 28th at 4 Virgo is giving Uranus a big nudge. So expect big energy downloads, understandings, insights, and new awareness of your potential and possibilities as we gear up for the home stretch, straight into the historic Saturn/Pluto conjunction that is active from now through March 2020, when Saturn moves into Aquarius.
What does this mean? Considering the previous Saturn/Pluto conjunction in 1516 resulted in the protest of the corruption in the Catholic church – the most powerful entity in the world at the time – and this marked the beginning of its downfall, as well as the downfall of the monarchies in many parts of the world, it is quite a powerful symbol for global transformation at every level.
This impacts all of us, individually and collectively. We are all part of the Great Awakening and each one of us plays a role in the ascension cycle for ourselves and for the world. True transformation occurs when we are willing to expand our awareness, embrace our power, ignite our intuition, and live from our brightest light.
The call is being made for us to unite, to be our light, and to stand together and hold the light of truth, peace, joy, love, compassion, and understanding.

“Those who have found the light are the dawn for those who are still in the dark.”
Have a wonderful month.
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