Monday, October 7, 2019

NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your weekly guide to planetary influences October 7 to 13, 2019 by Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

by Pam Younghans

continue to appear and grow deeper in the foundations around us, we have ever clearer choices of how we want to respond. We can opt to live in fear and anger, caught up in the dramatic antics of the external world, or we can decide that we want to hold a different vibration.
As old systems crack and crumble, it is up to each of us, as individuals, to provide the energetic building blocks for new forms that will take their place. With our focused intention, exhibited in how we live day-to-day, our new world can be constructed upon a more heart-centered foundation.
Our choice is simple in these very complex times: What kind of thought forms and emotional energy do we want to add to mass consciousness?
THIS WEEK, in particular, we will be required to make that choice on a daily basis. The Sun is activating the effects of the powerful Saturn-Pluto alignment throughout the next eight days, with the focal point being the transformational Full Moon next Sunday.
The most pivotal days are likely to be:
  • Monday, October 7 (Sun square Saturn)
  • Thursday, October 10 (Sun conjunct the Saturn-Pluto midpoint)
  • Sunday, October 13 (Full Moon square Saturn/Pluto)
  • Monday, October 14 (Sun square Pluto)
This process of choosing a higher frequency is not an exercise in avoidance or mere wishful thinking. It is a clear and focused intention, and it has the capacity to shift our collective trajectory.
TRANSDUCER Peggy Black, author of the Morning Messages books, provides one example of how we can apply this intentionality. As her 'team' explains, Peggy does what she calls "news homework" every day:
"Every morning, she has her hot beverage, and reads the headlines. When she's finished, she closes her eyes and goes to her heart and says, 'I call upon Divine Beings to minister, to transform, to uplift, and to heal every situation that these headlines represent.' So at the very beginning of her day, she invites other Divine Beings to participate--Divine Beings who are awaiting an invitation. These beings want to work on this planet, they want to help you with evolution, but they have to first be invited. So begin to invite Divine Beings, named or unnamed, to help in this way."
 THERE ARE MANY WAYS to focus our intention. This type of "news homework" is just one option. But it is up to each of us as individuals to contribute to the collective the type of energy that we wish to see in the world.

Knowing what we want to contribute and "making it so" is one of the most powerful and positive ways we can use this Saturn-Pluto alignment. And, given how strong the energies are this week, having some sort of exercise or routine that focuses our attention productively, will be vital--both for helping each of us to personally ride the waves and for the advancement of humanity.
As Dorothy said after being transported to the Land of Oz, "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas any more." Like Dorothy, we are learning, with the help of this Saturn-Pluto alignment, to rise above our fears and feelings of victimization, and to powerfully claim our capacity to make a difference in the world.
LEADING UP to next Sunday's very dynamic Full Moon, we'll be working with a few other notable aspects. Here's a bulleted description of the highlights:
  • Mars: Exact on Tuesday, a Mars-Chiron opposition indicates that actions are driven more by fear and insecurity than by confidence. On a personal level, this is a healing opportunity. When we feel disrespected and unseen, we can turn inward, pouring love upon the aspect of our personality that does feel fearful, that may question its very right to exist and to have its wants and needs met. On Saturday, a Mars-Uranus quincunx complicates any intentions we may have set earlier in the week, through surprises that require a course adjustment.
  • Venus: Venus enters volatile Scorpio on Tuesday, then is involved in hard aspects for the rest of the week. Events on Saturday will likely be the most shocking or spectacular, courtesy of the Venus-Uranus opposition that perfects on that day. As Venus rules both relationships and financial matters, we may experience some upheaval in these areas. Secrets are revealed that drive change, and emotional reactivity is intensified.
  • Neptune: We may be feeling pretty foggy or confused on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ethereal Neptune is in hard aspect to Ceres, Venus, and the Sun on those days. We may feel disappointed in loved ones who do not live up to our expectations, and we may even feel deceived in some way. Our challenges are not to play the victim card as a way to get the attention we desire, and also not to slip into avoidance or escapism--manifestations of Neptune's shadow. 
CRACKS in the foundation deepen around the time of next weekend's Full Moon, which perfects at 2:07 p.m. PDT on Sunday, October 13. The reason this lunation is so powerful is because the Moon is at 20°13′ Aries, the Sun is at 20°13′ Libra, and Pluto is at 20°39 Capricorn. This places the three planets in very tight aspect with each other, creating a powerful cardinal T-square, and augmenting the intensity of their interactions.
Also involved in the equation are disgruntled Eris, which is conjunct the Moon, and stern Saturn, just six degrees away from Pluto. These additional planets will increase the impact of the lunation.
THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES when we will see very clearly where we are headed with respect to the full Saturn-Pluto alignment that occurs on January 12, 2020. Whatever transpires this week is an integral step in the process of disintegration that is underway.
Pluto and Saturn are both at the "apex" of the T-square (at the bottom of the stem of the T), so their influence is central to our experience at this Full Moon:
  • Saturn at the apex indicates great frustration if we push too hard for immediate resolution. In his book Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, astrologer Bil Tierney writes that apex Saturn "suggests a certain domineering, take-over quality," and manifests as resentment against anyone who interferes with the achievement of our goals or ambitions.
  • Pluto at the apex represents compressed power that is looking for release. Tierney explains that with this T-square, we will be managing "a willful desire to fulfill ambitions through force, manipulation, or subversive actions." He also writes that with apex Pluto, "Life forces us to undergo explosive endings of one phase of our personal development in order to make fresh starts in another phase." 

No, we're not in Kansas any more. Life is in full, dramatic color now.

a supportive influence for our successful navigation of these Full Moon energies, the Moon is conjunct the fixed star Revati. In researching his book The Magic of the Stars, Roderick Kidston found that this star's influence is "dynamic, dramatic, ardent, and dedicated." As we access this energy at the time of the Full Moon, we likewise feel more deeply passionate about whatever cause we have chosen (or has chosen us).

According to Kidston, with Revati's influence activated:
"Our imagination is strong and our powers of communication and persuasion are equally vivid. If we take on a cause, we'll embrace it wholeheartedly. This creative urge can be channeled into many conduits, bringing many kinds of rewards."
It doesn't sound much like a sit-back-and-relax kind of Full Moon! If we are drawn to any kind of activism--whether literally demonstrating in the streets or actively doing our energy work--we feel even more passionately about making a difference. Our challenge will be to channel this energy through our hearts in productive ways, instead of allowing anger and resentment (Eris) to drive our reactions, which would only multiply those lower frequencies in the field of consciousness that connects us all.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Since early 2019, Saturn has been challenging you to find greater clarity in some area of your life, and in your knowing of your true needs and desires. Certain obstacles may have appeared, causing frustration and requiring you to become more objective and decisive. This reality check may be asking you to trim away certain activities or relationships that do not support you or do not reflect your higher aspirations. As 2019 draws to a close, you will gain a stronger knowing of who you are and what will bring you the greatest personal fulfillment going forward. This clarity frees you to make new choices. (Solar Return Sun sextile Ceres, sextile Jupiter, square Saturn, quincunx Neptune, square Pluto)
In Gratitude and Light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Sun square Saturn
TUE: Venus enters Scorpio, Mars opposite Chiron, Neptune square Ceres
WED: Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune, Sun quincunx Neptune
THU: Venus quincux Chiron
SAT: Mars quincunx Uranus, Venus semisquare Jupiter, Venus opposite Uranus
SUN: Sun sextile Jupiter, Full Moon 2:07 p.m. PDT, Jupiter sesquiquadrate Uranus, Mercury sextile Saturn (Sun square Pluto at 12:37 a.m. on Monday, October 14)
 About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

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