Wednesday, October 23, 2019

John Smallman: Anyone who presents a loving presence always has a healing and comforting effect. + Everyone wants only to be seen, honored, respected, and loved.

  Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday October 22nd

The mood worldwide is amazingly uplifting as more and more of you come to the realization that essential changes are necessary in the way in which you interact with one another, with the planet herself, and with all the life forms she so lovingly supports.  Although your physical environment is unreal, illusory, nevertheless, because the vast majority of you believe that it is real, your thoughts and intentions concerning it intensify its apparent reality, causing much joy or much suffering depending on those intentions.

When children play games for fun they enjoy themselves enormously, however, when one of them finds that others are being unfair or are cheating he or she suffers considerable distress.  Your illusory physical environment could be likened to a vast arena in which many different games are being played at the same time, and conflicts and wars arise when the players in one game get upset with the players in another game that they believe is encroaching on their space.  The thing is, because the whole environment is illusory, unreal, you can always change its size and shape to make room for all the games that the players wish to play.

This is what your awakening process is all about – making room for all the players, and embracing the differences between them instead of judging some of them as unacceptable.  There is room for everyone, and there is room for all the different games when they are played with loving intent to honor and respect all the players without exception.  You need to let go of any desire to judge others as less worthy or more worthy than yourselves; and, of course, this desire only arises because of your own negative self judgments that you then project out onto others rather than acknowledging them as issues within yourself – very painful issues you would rather deny or ignore – and choosing to release them.  You are all perfect children of God, infinitely loved by God, so since He loves you all unconditionally and never judges any of you, why would you override His loving Wisdom and judge others, seeing some as acceptable and others as unacceptable?

Many of you envisage or imagine the creator as ‘someone’ immaterial, and as such as ‘someone’ vastly wiser than yourselves, but nevertheless judging you, your thoughts, your words, and your actions, and so you feel that it is right and proper for you to judge others who are, in your opinion, wrong!  And you know that that this god would agree with your judgment.  But that god is only an imaginary idea, an improved or advanced form of human, who is not in form, that you have envisioned as god.

God does not judge because ALL that He creates is perfect, and so there is nothing to judge.  In your illusory environment of form you judge that many people are wrong, unconscionably wrong, and you want to fix them, by force if necessary, even though your history clearly shows you that this has never worked.

Right and wrong are concepts that you learn as you grow from infancy to adulthood, you are not born with them already instilled.  Initially you see your parents as right as they correct you when you spill or break things and then judge you negatively for doing so, even though what you did was unintentional, and occurred only because you were not yet able to be fully in control of your body.  What happened were mistakes and errors due to your youth and inexperience, but you accepted those negative judgments to which they led as correct, leaving you feeling increasingly unworthy and unlovable as you continued to make mistakes and have or cause minor accidents that upset your parents leading to further negative judgments of you.  This was extremely painful for you and so you learned to project those feelings onto others, possibly often blaming ‘them’ for what you had done, and even claiming that ‘they’ had done it.  And as you grew it became far too painful to admit to your mistakes and errors, and to undergo the shaming that often followed.

Awakening is coming to the realization that God is perfect and that everything He creates is perfect, flawless, immaculate, because What is perfect can only create like unto Itself.  On attaining that realization it becomes apparent that to judge another is insane.  The thoughts, words or actions expressed by another may well be totally unacceptable, but at the center of that other is divine perfection.  To judge that other only intensifies the apparent unacceptability, while loving that other helps to bring into view its perfection, although initially that perfection will probably be seen only dimly.

The awakening process is a collective process leading to a collective outcome in which every human is involved by his or her own choice, made prior to incarnating, along with the firmly held intent to assist all others to awaken.  Love is the most powerful assistance that you have to offer to one another, and your preincarnate intent was to do precisely that.  You all knew that incarnating as a human would very heavily veil your memories of your divine nature, your Oneness with Source, but you also knew that you would each have an amazing spiritual support team permanently on call to assist you in every moment.  That team responds instantly to you whenever you call for help, but, because when you call you are often feeling desperate, your calls to them tend to be non-stop and extremely vociferous thus drowning out their responses.

When you call on your support team for their assistance you need to let go of judgment and expectations – “this is bad, unfair, unconscionable, and must be put right” – to allow the loving guidance that you are seeking to move up into your awareness.  It will often present you with a new way to look at the issue, perhaps surprising you with an “aha” moment which completely resolves the issue in a previously unforeseeable way.  Remember, your support team is always with you, and that it has great wisdom to share with you if you quieten or slow down your thoughts enough to allow it to find a gap between them into which it can slip a suitable suggestion.

As you have often been told: “Love is the solution to every issue,” whether between individuals or between nations.  Of course it appears to be far more effective between individuals because the resolution is far more easily seen and recognized, whereas between or within groups it takes longer, as disagreements or differing view points have to be discussed and then synthesized before the resolution becomes apparent.

The main thing to be fully aware of is that Love always succeeds in Its aim which is to establish peace within the one expressing It, sharing It, and extending It.  Thus you can be in a war zone and at peace within yourself if you choose only Love.  In human terms that seems to be very counterintuitive, because it would seem that to be at peace in a war zone indicates a complete lack of concern or compassion for those who are there and who are suffering.  But if you are at peace in a situation like that you do bring peace to others who are there with you by your mere presence in their company.

Love is amazingly powerful, so choose to engage with It and share It, and then enjoy the spontaneous expansion of Its effect as It flows out through you and into the energy fields of those in your vicinity.  Anyone who presents a loving presence always has a healing and comforting effect on those with whom they interact.  There are very few among you who have not experienced this at some time in your lives, so understand that you too can most positively and meaningfully effect the environment in which you find yourself just by setting the intent to be loving whatever arises.  It is a very powerful intent to set, and Love will always honor that intent and make Its Presence felt, even if those in that local field – your field – are unable to account for the effects that they are experiencing.

Your awakening is the awakening into fully conscious awareness that there is only LOVE, and that You and Love are identical, and therefore what an absolutely magnificent experience your awakening is going to be!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Everyone wants only to be seen, honored, respected, and loved.

  Saul Audio Blog for Thursday October 17th.

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly now, and signs of this are plainly evident on the mainstream news media channels.  People have chosen no longer to accept the rhetoric and promises made by politicians and other well known figures who express their views and opinions publicly, because it has become utterly apparent that they are meaningless.  Those in positions of authority or in high office are, for the most part – there are a few exceptions – solely interested in maintaining or strengthening their positions, because they are addicted to power, particularly to power over others.  However, the majority of the world’s population are no longer prepared to give their power away, to empower others to rule their lives.  As I said in my previous message: No one has the right to override your own sovereign authority.  And humanity is now demonstrating that it is no longer willing to allow this to happen.

Changes that are inevitable and essential aspects of humanity’s awakening, of humanity’s ongoing spiritual evolution, are occurring at an ever faster rate everywhere on your beautiful planet, as more and more of you decide to wake up, to become aware that, as humans in form, each of your individual lives has a divine purpose that can only be brought to fruition by the individual living and experiencing that individual life.

A life lived in fear and that is driven solely by the need to survive is meaningless, and yet for a long time the majority of humans have believed that survival was the sole purpose of life, consequently that became the waythat the majority have attempted to live it.  But that way of life has not been satisfying; it could not be because you are so much more than the human forms with which you mostly identify – forms that age, decay, and die.  You have just forgotten that divine Truth, by your own choice, because you wanted to experience separation from Source.  You wanted to experience independence, a state of self reliance and freedom that you momentarily thought you did not have – rather like the New Testament parable of the prodigal son.  As in that parable, an extremely happy ending awaits your awakening into the realization that you are, always have been, and always will be, One with Source in the eternal moment of Now, where you reside in infinite joy.

The chaos, confusion, and suffering now being experienced by such a large proportion of humanity, is clearly demonstrating that a fear and survival driven life, where it seems that all are competing aggressively for essential resources that will soon be exhausted, leads only to conflict and further suffering.  This chaos and confusion is leading many to seek new ways to interact locally, nationally, and internationally, so that cooperation replaces competition.  Then new designs and plansthat will enable all to live together harmoniously on Planet Earth – in willing interdependence that acknowledges and honors the rights and needs of all – will be brought into being.  This is the only sane way forwards for humanity, and grassroots groups are forming everywhere with the intent to engage with similar groups in other places, to create new and sustainable life styles that honor and care for all, and that bring planet damaging industrial activities to a halt.

Life on Planet Earth can be good for everyone, and today’s young people are the ones who are going to make that possible.  They are far more aware than the older generations of the essential need for change so that ALL can live with freedom and dignity worldwide.  The old beliefs that societies and cultures honored, and which many of your laws support and enforce, are either changing rapidly or are being discarded because it can be clearly seen that they are totally lacking in compassion.  You are all divine beings, your true nature is Love, and the reality of that is becoming ever more apparent.  There are large numbers of books, seminars, and workshops readily available that are teaching this truth and helping people to find that truth within themselves.  It has always been there, but, because of humanity’s deeply held belief that its survival depends on weapons and defense systems in order to protect itself from known and unknown enemies, that truth has been denied or buried below the level of conscious awareness, and the distrust that belief has encouraged has inevitably led to conflict.

In truth everyone wants only to be seen, honored, respected, and loved, but for eons that desire has been made subservient to the seemingly far more pressing fear driven needs of survival.  Love and fear cannot coexist.  However, as humans in form, it seems to most of you that they can, that you can love those who are your friends, your family, and who are of your ethnic, religious, political, or cultural persuasion, while hating or despising those who appear to be different from you.  But in these circumstances the love is conditional, and if one of those you love – a person, a team, a group, an organization – changes its beliefs or opinions and is then in disagreement with you, or crosses you in some other way, that “love” can turn to hate!

These apparent differences between you can be found in groups all across the world where people identify with “my” family, “my” friends, “my” school, “my” team, “my” employer, “my” church, “my” country etc.  Emotionally identifying oneself with a group provides a sense of belonging, of being seen and accepted, while that underlying sense – that practically every human experiences – of not being good enough, not being fully acceptable, not being lovable is then projected outwards onto the groups to which the pronoun “my” does not apply, turning them into enemies who must be fought and defeated.

The insanity of this kind of belief is now widely acknowledged.  Nevertheless, there are still many who hold onto these beliefs very firmly and who, it seems, are not yet ready to question them seriously and honestly.  These beliefs are so much a part of their personal sense of identity that to question or alter them would be to self destruct.  They have so much internal unacknowledged pain, causing them intense personal suffering, that they absolutely need to belong to like minded groups so that they can project the fear it entails outwards in anger towards groups unlike themselves.  It is for them an essential way to avoid admitting to and feeling the intense pain within themselves.

As they go through life they will encounter events and situations that strive to draw their attention inwards, to become aware of and open to their suffering so that it may be healed; but until they are themselves willing to look within, all that others can do is be aware of their pain and intend to send them love.  Doing that is not a cop out!  Holding the intent to send love to another is one of the most powerful and effective ways that you can help them, even though you may get no sense of it.  In fact over the last few decades many have been setting this intent daily and it is having an enormous effect worldwide, and there are many reports of people who have been badly hurt offering compassion and forgiveness to those who have hurt them, thus healing both parties.

Remember, LOVE is your nature, It is who you are.  LOVE is All That Exists.  You can call It Mother/Father/God, Divine Wisdom, Supreme Intelligence, Source, or any other word or phrase that works for you.  But of course there are no words that can get anywhere closeto describing or defining the Reality in which all life has its eternal and joyful existence.

However, when you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides in every moment of your eternal existence, you can access the deep inner knowing that you are One with Source.  Experiencing that for the first time is amazingly uplifting, an empowering sensation that absolutely assures you of your eternal divine nature as One with All That Exists, most positively confirming for you that there is NO SEPARATION!

To awaken is to become consciously aware of this divine Truth, and as that happens all within you that is not in complete alignment with Love will just fall away.  Being fully awake and fully conscious you will be unable and unwilling to retain or hold onto beliefs, emotions, or feelings that are unreal, as the Light of divine Love shines out through you, and extends beyond you embracing all others equally because you are all others.  And yet, of course, there are no others, and the realization of that is indeed reason to celebrate!

With so very much love, Saul.

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