Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Martin Geddes: Crossing the Schism

Society is divided, and this is not natural: it is the result of deliberate social engineering. A shared reality requires many to "cross the schism".

Crossing the Schism

"A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." — (Perhaps) Donald James


Evil intent has artificially divided society

In 1991, Geoffrey Moore published one of the most popular business books of the modern era, Crossing the Chasm. This highlighted the difference between visionary early adopters of a new technology, and the more grounded needs of the pragmatic majority. Whilst those of an enthusiast mindset may be willing to endure significant complexities and failures to get the benefit of a product, that is not true in general. As a result many products fail to "cross the chasm" of mass adoption.

If we think of all technologies as being expressions of a core idea, then political ideas are "products" too, which are "marketed" to the public and "adopted" by some voters. A political "hot seller" in the United States right now is Make America Great Again (MAGA). Just look at the attendance numbers for Trump rallies if you have any doubt about its popularity.

MAGA in turn is a "brand" of the Great Awakening multinational movement, that seeks to overturn 2-tier justice and endemic corruption on a global basis. It is no secret that MAGA is a "Marmite" offer — that is to say, one which people either love or hate, with little middle ground. This divide is a schism in society, and one which cannot be sustained indefinitely.

My sense is that we are close to the moment where major events, long anticipated, break through into the collective consciousness. The socially engineered chasm of belief, which is not a natural phenomenon, is going to have to be bridged for society to survive and thrive.


A nightmare has been our reality

In the next few weeks many anticipate....

Read the rest here:

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