by Patricia Cota-Robles
August 3, 2014
outer appearances it seems as though the World has gone amuck. When we
observe what is happening it looks like anything that can go wrong is
going wrong. I realize this is very confusing when we KNOW that the New
Earth has been Birthed and that what we are witnessing all over the
Planet is actually the antithesis of the patterns of Oneness, Divine
Love, and Reverence for Life associated with the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of the New Earth. In reality, however, this chaos is
expected with the unprecedented purging process Humanity and the Earth
are going through. The only way enough Light will be invoked by the
masses to transmute the surfacing human miscreations from the old Earth,
is for the pain and suffering Humanity’s human egos have inflicted on
each other for millennia to be brought into the awareness of people’s
conscious minds. That is what is happening now through the horrific
events occurring around the World which are being brought to everyone’s
attention on a global scale.
Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth are imploring us to
FOCUS ON THE BIGGER PICTURE. Please read the following words through the
Flame of Illumined Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your Heart. Ask
your I AM Presence to awaken within you the inner knowing of the
unfolding Divine Plan you volunteered to assist with during this Cosmic
Moment in the evolution of this Blessed Planet and ALL her Life. This
inner knowing will inspire you to be the Instrument of God that is your
Divine Destiny. After all, that is why you embodied on Earth during this
monumental Ascension process.
Company of Heaven want us to remember that the people who are wreaking
havoc all over the World, in any capacity, are a minuscule fraction of
the 7,500,000,000 billion people abiding on Earth. Every single day,
there are BILLIONS of people who in one way or another turn their
attention to a Higher Power and invoke the Light of God into their
lives. These heartfelt pleas are always heard and they are always
answered. The Light of God is infinitely more powerful than the
fragmented and fear-based thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs,
and memories being expressed by Humanity’s wayward human egos.
this incredibly challenging time we must all be involved, and we need
to take whatever action is possible, both locally and globally, to
assist our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. But there is a far more important and effective need of the hour that the Company of Heaven is beseeching awakening Humanity to participate in.
the old Earth our human egos continually manipulated us into believing
that we could change the circumstances of our lives by changing outer
appearances. However, outer appearances will only
change if we address the CAUSE of the problem. When we deal with just
the outer appearances of a situation instead of what is CAUSING the
problem, it is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without
changing the object that is causing the reflection in the first place.
This is a futile effort, and we will fail every time.
what is the CAUSE of the unbearable pain Humanity is experiencing now,
and has been experiencing for so very long? The CAUSE of ALL of the
maladies existing on Earth is Humanity’s distorted and fragmented
consciousness based in separation and duality. This consciousness is the
opposite of Christ Consciousness, and it is the opposite of the
patterns of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for Life that are
encoded within the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Our human
ego’s erroneous belief that separation and duality are real, and that “us against them”
is an appropriate mentality, are the CAUSE of all of the maladies and
the abhorrent things people are willing to do to each other to get what
they want.
Shifting the consciousness of our recalcitrant sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity from separation to Oneness is the greatest need of the hour.
This is a vitally important facet of the difficult purging process the
Earth and ALL her Life are now experiencing. You and I have been
preparing for lifetimes for this facet of our Divine Mission on Earth,
and we have everything we need within us to succeed God Victoriously.
All we need to do now is to consecrate our hearts and minds to be the
Open Door for the Light of God that will accomplish this mighty feat. In
order to help each and every one of us do that, our Father-Mother God
and the Company of Heaven have given us an extremely powerful Activity
of Light. Together we will serve as surrogates on behalf of every man,
woman, and child on Earth.
this time, the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness is focused on
the myriad painful things involving people, places, conditions, and
things occurring around the globe. Because so much of the attention is
being focused on the children that are being murdered and harmed during
these appalling circumstances, people are opening their hearts to new
breadths. This is resulting in a higher level of compassion flowing
through the collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness than ever before.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that because of this profound Truth,
the following Activity of Light will be amplified a thousand times a
thousand fold each time we participate in it.
Know that you are joining with selfless Lightworkers around the World as you participate in this Gift from On High.
The Shift from Separation to Oneness
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.
One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and
Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we invoke our Father-Mother God and
the entire Company of Heaven to assist us in raising the consciousness
of every person on Earth from separation to Oneness. This will be
accomplished by every person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with
his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.
Father-Mother God, we ask that you expand Your Flame of Transfiguring
Divine Love which is pulsating within the Divinity of every person’s
Heart Flame. Create from this Sacred Fire a Heart of Love. Allow this
Heart of Love to expand and expand through each person’s Heart Flame
until it envelops the entire Planet Earth. (pause)
the Legions of Light from every Ascended level of Being project their
Love into the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM,
ALL That Is. This matrix is the Body of God within which every particle
and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves,
breathes, and has its being.
unprecedented influx of Divine Love flows through our Father-Mother
God’s Divine Matrix and floods the Earth blessing every man, woman, and
child. As this Gift of Love bathes the Earth, every atomic and subatomic
particle and wave of Life on this Planet are lifted into a Higher Order
of Being. (pause)
Light of God now flows into the mental body, the conscious mind, the
subconscious mind, the superconscious mind, and the physical brain
structure of every person on Earth.
Gift of Light from our Father-Mother God balances the right and left
hemispheres of each person’s brain, and activates their spiritual brain
centers. Through this Activity of Light, each person’s pineal,
pituitary, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic centers at the
base of their brain are restored to their full Divine Potential.
this powerful Gift of Light, each person’s I AM Presence now
recalibrates the circuitry within their physical brain structure
enabling them to withstand a higher frequency of Divine Consciousness.
This Activity of Light heals the fragmented circuitry that has prevented
Humanity from communing with their I AM Presence and the Company of
I AM Presence within each person’s Heart Flame now creates the sacred
space that enables that person to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown
Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each one to
communicate with their I AM Presence and with the Company of Heaven on a
conscious level while reaching ever higher into Christ Consciousness.
I hold the focus of my attention on the Light of God that is now
flowing through every person’s brain, I clearly see Humanity’s physical,
etheric, mental, and emotional bodies being flooded with the
resplendent Light of God.
multidimensional, multifaceted, free-flowing 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Light expands into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly
Bodies allowing the I AM Presence of each person to take full dominion
of this experience.
all is in readiness. Through their I AM Presence, every person on Earth
will participate at both inner and outer levels in this Activity of
Light, which will raise the consciousness of the masses and assist every
recalcitrant soul to shift from a consciousness of separation to a
consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.
continue to breathe rhythmically and deeply. The Legions of Light
throughout Infinity are with me now as I greet this sacred moment from
within the Eternal Peace of my I AM Presence. I AM One with all Life. I
now realize that I AM One with ALL Humanity and together we are standing
forth as the collective 5th-Dimensional Solar I AM Presence on Earth.
now reach up into the Infinity of my own Divine Consciousness. As I AM
lifted up, all of Humanity is lifted up with me. In this frequency of
Divine Consciousness, Humanity’s free will becomes one with God’s Will,
and Humanity’s Divine Consciousness is reclaimed here on Earth.
Humanity’s Divine Consciousness reveals the profound Truth that We are
One. This Higher Consciousness pulsates with Divine Love and Reverence
for ALL Life.
the embrace of Divine Consciousness, Humanity experiences an endless
ocean of Light that is flowing forth from the very Heart of our
Father-Mother God. Every person on Earth receives this influx of Divine
Light and KNOWS, “I
AM That I AM. I AM the Open Door that no one can shut. The Light of God
is flowing through the cup of my consciousness unimpeded. My time for
higher service to Humanity and all Life is NOW.”
this cosmic ocean of Light intensifies through every person’s physical,
etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. As each one assimilates this
Gift of Divine Light, he or she releases into the Light all thoughts,
feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories that are based in the
consciousness of separation or duality.
The I AM Presence of each person now affirms, “All
that I AM, all of the God Perfection that flows into my Crown Chakra of
Enlightenment is manifesting through me now on the New Earth. I AM at
Peace on the New Earth. I AM resting in supreme God Confidence; I AM
opening the 5th-Dimensional Stargate of my Heart. I AM One with my
Father-Mother God and the Powers of Light throughout the Universe. I AM
ready now to Love ALL Life FREE!”
I see the Truth of every person on Earth. I see all of my sisters and
brothers in the Family of Humanity, even the most recalcitrant souls, as
precious Children of God, no matter how far their behavior patterns or
their life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. I perceive all
of the painful human miscreations associated with these Children of God
as innocent primordial energy entering my awareness now to be
transmuted back into Light and Loved free. And I affirm:
“Precious Children of God enter the Divinity of my Heart and be raised up into the Light and Love of our Father-Mother God.” (repeat 3 times)
happily greet all of my sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity
and all of their misqualified energy the same way my Father-Mother God
would greet them. I greet them with Love from within the embrace of
Eternal Peace, Detachment, God Confidence, and Supreme Authority.
an Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Love I take these souls into
my Being, and I hold them in my arms of Light as I would an injured
child. They cannot overwhelm me or control me in any way, nor do I need
to fear them or shun them. I simply hold them and Love them until they
surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to rejoin the
Kingdom of Heaven, which is pulsating within the Divinity of my Heart.
rather than feeling rejected and thus perpetuating their negative
behavior patterns, my sisters and brothers feel accepted and Loved as
the innate Children of God they are. They voluntarily release themselves
into the Light, and they become One with all of the great forcefields
and momentums of Divine Light throughout the whole of Creation.
these precious souls surrender to the Light, their consciousness is
raised and they begin to remember that they are Beloved Sons and
Daughters of God. With this sacred knowledge, they once again find their
proper place in the Universe. In perfect Divine Order, they are set
FREE to live and cocreate the patterns of Love, Oneness, and Reverence
for Life associated with the New Earth.
rejoice that recalcitrant souls and unascended energy are finding their
way Home through me, and I release myself into the Peace of KNOWING:
“My I AM Presence is handling ALL imperfection perfectly.” (repeat 3 times)
God, from your glorious heart I came into being, and into your Loving
Heart one day—when my service here on Earth is through—I shall return. I
thank you for the privilege of having Life and for my physical
embodiment during this sacred time when Divine Love and the patterns of
perfection for the New Earth are being established on this Planet.
deep humility, I offer you the cup of my consciousness as a Holy Grail
through which the Light of Creation will flow to fulfill the Divine Plan
for Planet Earth.
Father-Mother God from this moment forth, with every breath I take,
empower me with the ability to radiate the Love of my I AM Presence to
every particle and wave of Life belonging to or serving the Earth at
this time. And so it is!
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Phone: 520-885-7909 FAX: 520-751-2981
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through
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Thank You.
©2014 Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesThank You.
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Posted By Patricia Cota-Robles
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