Gifts from Past Lives » Earth's Pivotal Years
Past Lives & Your Intuitive Gifts
by Selacia
Since you are naturally intuitive, even without formal training, have
you wondered how you developed this gift? More importantly, would you
like to better understand how to master your intuitive gifts so that you
can live a more authentic and empowered life?
In this article, I describe examples of past life seeds that are
brought forward into this life – seeds of spiritual qualities and
mastery that often were honed in ancient times.
You know you lived before, of course, but you may not realize how
much your expression today is impacted by what you learned and
experienced before. Indeed, those very past life experiences influenced
the circumstances of your birth – including your birth family, location,
and unique predisposition.
Past Life Imprints in DNA
Inside your own DNA is an amazing package of imprints. Some relate to
beneficial qualities and connections you have developed over lifetimes
on Earth! These include your deep bond with spirit and honed qualities
needed for enlightenment.
Examples of beneficial spiritual qualities people develop in a series
of lifetimes: kindness, patience, tolerance, persistence, curiosity,
humility, and compassion.
DNA imprints of beneficial qualities and honed intuitive gifts can be
psychically seen in the field around the DNA. Not all of them are
active or accessible every lifetime, but they are there nonetheless.
You may have forgotten, but in your early life before you could walk
and talk, you likely had tangible experiences with the subtle realms. As
part of that, you may have remembered portions of your soul’s earlier
journey, and even intuitions you had in your mother’s womb about your
life path.
Talking with Invisible Beings
As a young child, not yet conditioned to see the world outside of you
as separate, it was easy for you to commune with the magical realms of
spirit. You may remember talking with invisible beings like fairies and
knowing things no one told you. As the years passed, living in the more
conventional way of your ancestors, you may have forgotten this early
Do not worry if you cannot remember now. Trust that you indeed have
numerous intuitive gifts and beneficial spiritual qualities housed
within your very DNA. You do not lose them and no one can take them
Even as you read this, your own higher self is working with you
energetically, helping you to connect the dots and accept these
unconventional ideas. A part of you already has the dots connected, but
another part of you learned to doubt what you know. Some of that doubt
comes from past life conditioning – from your own experiences or from
your ancestors – remaining with you as DNA imprints.
These imprints are in your DNA just like the beneficial seeds for
intuitive gifts. Everyone has them in some configuration: beliefs about
being unsafe sharing psychic information, fears of witch hunts, and vows
to keep spiritual gifts a secret – to name a few. The good news is that
past life seeds blocking expression of intuitive gifts can be
discovered and cleared within your DNA.
In no other lifetime has it been so vital that you remember your
soul’s spiritual journey and master your intuitive gifts. These are
challenging times to be alive. As a divine changemaker, you will need to
develop an unbreakable bond with spirit and self-trust in the
information you receive from your higher wisdom. Many times you will be
required to take action quickly, with no one to ask about which path to
take. You will be required, too, to serve in a leadership role –
sometimes by being the very first to do things that no one dared to do
Trust that you indeed have what it takes to fulfill your purpose and
in so doing, to be a shining example for others who follow. You will
never meet most of them, for they are the next generations – inspired
and guided by the light trails you left behind.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years,
healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free
to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or
website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article
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