Friday, October 24, 2014

AstroFlash! Scorpio Solar Eclipse ~ October 23, 2014 2:56 pm PDT ~ by Jacqueline Lasahn

AstroFlash! Scorpio Solar Eclipse   October 23, 2014  2:56 pm PDT      

Eclipse threshold. Don't linger.
Step forward, dive deeper.
go to your core.
Intersections of darkness and light.
Crossroads of comings and goings.
Passion to change and resistance to change.
Breathe deeply and breathe deeper
each moment is magic.

Inner worlds, intimacy, emotional realms.
Investigate what undermines your power.
Resistance, anger, and fear.
Desire guides us to meet the ogres
that guard our treasures.
Cast aside denial.
Claim your darkness
           name your ogres.
Claim your beauty, your passion,
           your values, your fruition.
What do you value?
Breathe into your sacred spiral feeling breathing healing life.
Breathe deeply and breathe deeper,
each moment is magic.

Scorpio New Moon Eclipse focuses on intensity, healing, death and regeneration. Uncompromising persistence can be life-affirming or destructive. Choose the seeds of your conscious intentions. Previous eclipses that are a part of this cycle: October 1996 and October 1978.
Mercury slows down to turn direct on Saturday, October 25.

:: Solar Eclipse Scorpio Contemplations and Actions ::
What self-defeating habits extinguish my life force?
What is dying and passing from my life and what is struggling to be born?
What attitudes and activities keep me alive and vital?

Take action: Please join me in calling for the US to outlaw these bee-killing pesticides, before the honey bees are extinct:

Take action: Will this rare porpoise be next to go extinct?

May persistence, strength, compassion, and renewal be your allies,

"I have had two incredible readings with Jacqueline thus far and both have had a profound effect on my process.  I play the recordings over and over again and each time i hear them i go deeper into understanding myself, what is arising in my world right now and how to work with the planets to create the highest transformation and experience in my life.  Jacqueline's words feel to
me like a full bodied wine....  they penetrate my pores, are rich and complex and filled with passion and humor."   Erica Sodos

Gain perspective that is aligned with your life's design.
I can help you with compassionate insight through navigating uncertain waters.
Contact me if you'd like me to dive deep with you into your personal universe.
Jacqueline Lasahn
Navigation in the Mystery (415) 637-8402

AstroFlash! is a cosmic tidbit of astropoetic perspective from the celestial buffet.
Copyright © 2014 Jacqueline Lasahn All rights reserved
Art © sabrinanime on

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