Friday, October 24, 2014

Best and Worst Water Filters: Independent Laboratory Testing | Laura Bruno's Blog

This is by far the most comprehensive, in-depth, thorough water filter evaluation study I've ever seen ! I did my own research several years ago for a filtration pitcher or dispenser that I can use at my massage studio or at home, and ended up choosing Zerowater. I didn't want the hassle or expense of installing a larger filtration system. I'm glad to see it was by far the best for it's category. (Thanks for sharing, Laura, and thanks to Mike Adams for his dedication to our health and well-being. I added a title to Laura's link and also a link back to Mike's bio.)  ~PB

Best and Worst Water Filters: Independent Laboratory Testing
Posted October 23, 2014 by laurabruno
in Uncategorized.
Tagged: Detoxification, Water, Water Filters.

People often ask me about water filtration. Over the decades, I’ve had everything from a Brita, to a Pur, to an electronic distiller, to my favorite, the Travel Berkey. Mike Adams of Natural News has finally finished his laboratory testing of filtration of heavy metals and radioactive isotopes — with some possibly surprising results for some people. The Big Berkey (just a larger size of the Travel Berkey) came out tops. No surprise there. Several others, however, actually increased aluminum content sometimes by a lot. The Brita is one of those filters that upped the aluminum, and I wasn’t surprised, since I used to get a metallic taste whenever using mine. That’s one reason I switched to other methods.

On a side note, since this study does not include distillers, my personal experience with distilled water is that it has its place for cleansing, but it contributed to my own demineralization. I have known others for whom this eventually happened, as well, despite some people swearing by distilled water. I think it depends what else is happening in your body. It’s extreme and not natural, and with extremes come widely varied results. The main reason I bought a Berkey is because I wanted something that didn’t require 6 hours of electricity to clean one gallon of water, and because my body kept rejecting the distilled water. I couldn’t even get myself to swallow it some days. Water from the Berkey, by contrast, always tastes delicious and hydrating to me. Nice to know my body knows what’s good for it! (Note: I do have the optional arsenic and fluoride add-on filter for the Berkey.)

Anyway, here are the offical results:

Independent laboratory testing results of popular gravity water filters

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