Sunday, October 12, 2014

Help is always there ~ by Ann Albers | Visions of Heaven - Messages from the Angels

Help is always there
~ by Ann Albers | Visions of Heaven - Messages from the Angels

There is never a time in your lives when you are without support. There is never a time in your lives when you must solve a single problem on your own. Yet so many of you struggle for solutions to life's challenges without reaching for help from the heavens. We understand that you have been let down by other human beings and we understand that, at times, dear ones, you even expect disappointment from God.

Can you have help in your life? We would ask, "Are you willing to believe and receive?" In truth help is always there. God is always there. Your angels are always there. We want to help you. We want to make your lives easier. But it is up to you to decide how much we are allowed to assist. If you are praying for help, but in your depths have a belief that "no one listens,"or "no one cares," then dear ones we can only help to a degree.

Instead, you can work to stretch your beliefs. You can stay to yourself, "Maybe I have been disappointed in the past. Maybe I don't really trust God. Maybe I should give it another try." Like an innocent child you can pray, "Dear God, dear angels, I have felt disappointed in the past and I still don't know if I fully believe in your assistance and love for me, but I want to believe. Please find ways to reach into my heart and show me your love. Please find ways to help open me kindly and gently to receive." Then dear ones, receive in the simplest way possible. Take a breath. Slowly and deeply intend to inhale love.

We are always there. God is always there. We wait patiently for you to open to fully receiving our help. When you feel your prayers are not being heard, ask yourself, "Am I willing to believe? Am I willing to receive?" If you can't get to that point on your own, ask us for help, even with that. "Dear God, dear angels, help me believe in your love. In the kindest way possible, help me open to receive." Trust dear ones. We are with you as surely as the sun is behind the clouds, waiting to shine upon you and help lend more light to every aspect of your lives.

Posted by Ann Albers at 4:30 AM
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