Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars? October 27-November 2, 2014 ~Contributed by Hillory Skott

What's Happening in the Stars? October 27-November 2, 2014
~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Is full of magical opportunity. Neptune is emitting higher feelings
of love. Beauty and pleasure are swirling through time and space.
Spend the first part of the week In Joy. It's time to go with the flow,
to let things go: “If a thing is worth doing, its worth doing late.”
-Frederick Oliver –

Thanks Fred, I like that one. By the weekend though, the urge to
make contact and show them what you’ve got will be strong and
clear. You are in the right place- this is the time.

Neptune aspects the Self directed Scorpio Sun, beauty seeking Venus,
and fast acting Mars this week. Neptune is a shimmery planet of
ideals and illusion. It dissolves to create.  Movies, music, and mystery
are under the domain of this watery energy. It can lift you to the highest
high and introduce you to your angels and higher guides; it reveals auras
and our ethereal connections to all of it. It coaxes the songs in our souls
to come through.  Without Neptune we would have no compassion or
empathy. Neptune has us dreaming, and sensing the subtleties. It washes
 our pain away with fantastic possibilities. And, it whispers. . .
"You can do anything" 

On the other hand, Neptune can make you a bit...nuts. The best of the bad
is the exhaustion and confusion you might feel.  It can influence tremendous
escapism. The overdose victim got lost on the dark side of Neptune.
Neptune makes you sensitive, you feel it all, all the pain of the world
moves through you and it hurts.  So a shot of whiskey here, a box of
wine there, soften the edge of a harsh world and arbitrary obligations.
Be careful. Remember, no pleasure is worth tomorrow's regret, or ending
up in rehab, or under a mountain of debt, or bad health.

To get the most out of this week start a dream journal. Dreams will be
fruitful. There is opportunity to connect with other realms.  Remember
your bubble of light, the one that surrounds and protects you; remember
to intend it into place.  We can be more sensitive to energy that disturbs.
So keep your invincible shield of Love and Light with you while you
explore your psychic superpowers.  Messages are easier to receive in the
haze. Your spirit guides or crossed over loved ones can get through now.
The veil is thin. The misty Neptune energy is perfect for intangible
communication.  Write about it. You will want to capture what's coming
through. Pose a question and observe.

By the weekend Jupiter and Mercury connect and give you a blast of
courage and enthusiasm to communicate something important.  Whatever
it is you have a golden opportunity this weekend.  Your vision is supported
by helpful lucky passionate energy. Pluto and Venus connect to create deep
deep love and a rare kind of sharing. Reach out now. Mars and Neptune
connect mixing the infinite power of your imagination with a thrust of real
world energy- You might pull an all-nighter to finally get that book, or
proposal or love letter out of you.

Much can be accomplished when we ride the right waves.  This week is
full of fabulous potential. It's time to add your own magic to the mix.
Dancing helps. The time is now, not when, or then. Godspeed.

~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more....Live more
and Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6

(403) 320-0979

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