Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars ~ October 13-19, 2014 ~By Hillory Skott

What's Happening in the Stars ~ October 13-19, 2014 ~By Hillory Skott

"This is a week of ease fortune and fabulous conversations
with people we admire.  We are motivated to connect and
share.  We naturally harmonize well now. You can be who
you are without offending anyone, such a blessing. Your
mind is sharp and capable and you have the energy to
focus on the good you have already, which draws more
goodness into your sweet life.

Life does not always seem so fabulous, but this week it will
be hard to miss the little sprinkles of luck and magic everywhere.
Tuesday October 14, 2014 PST Venus is feeling pretty dignified
as it travels its own sign of Libra. It will form a lucky connection
with Jupiter, bringer of awesome luck and happy expansions.
Charm and beauty soothe the soul.  Money, opportunity, friendship,
love and ease can come into focus now. Open your heart to others
so you don't miss opportunities to connect. Be cautious with your
 money because you probably won't want to be.  It is possible
you find some treasures you love to add to your home-just skip
the electronics as Mercury is still retrograde until the 25th.

Wednesday the sun will be in a great place with fire cracker
Mars in honest to a fault Sadge. Be who you are!  Now is the
time to shine that “You-ness” out into the world. Also, if you feel
the need to bare your soul and share your thoughts with someone-
now works.  The planets are aligned to support honest and close
connection.  Even unpleasant topics will have an easy to swallow
digestible quality.  I have a lot of Sagittarius in my chart and I just
must be me at all times. I am terribly uncomfortable in relationships
that require me to filter my true thoughts and feelings. This Sadge
trait isn't always a huge friend winner. But it can be counted on to
make sure the right relationships for my kind of happy are in my life.
Take a risk and bare your soul, life is much nicer when you live it
from the bottom of your heart.

Thursday Mercury is fusing with the Sun, all in Libra. Speak, write,
draw, beauty will be spilling out of all of our communications. Try
your hand at poetry; write a song or a love letter. Your mind is bright
and clear now-paradoxically, you might find choices tricky as you
can see all sides of everything.  Great for cooperation, crap for
making a decision.

That same day Mercury forms a sextile with Mars that has us
humming along.  Getting things done in a high paced orderly
fashion.  It feels like you have a ton of fuel to go forever. So
ride this wave of productivity and the next time you find yourself
in a glorious state of getting nothing done- remember the energy
you have now- remind yourself that there is a time and place for
everything.  Now is the time, so it must be the place.

This wonderful week ends, with an encouraging connection
between Mars and Venus. You are going to find reason to
Love and adore the people around you.  Life is an interesting
adventure and you are not alone. Use th is energy to connect
even more than you already have been with those you love.
You are likely to be motivated to harmonize and understand
others better than usual now.  Put yourself out there- it's nice
when we can catch these lovely waves of ease and appreciate
life and all its offerings.

To you I offer with a Navajo Blessing I Love: 
May beauty be before you. May beauty be behind you. May beauty
be above you. May beauty be below you. May beauty be all around

Thank you for reading."

~Contributed by Hillory Skott

Seize the wonderful energy of this coming week!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more....Live more
and Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
(403) 320-0979

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