Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jen Eramith: What energy and experiences can we expect in June 2015? | Akashic Transformations

Phoenix Boulay's photo.

-What energy and experiences can we expect in June 2015?

There is a big, rich abundant energy this month.  The feeling is that the month lasts longer than the number of days would indicate.  Every day, every hour, and every moment is expanded.

You may find yourself losing track of time and becoming so involved in an activity that the moment feels bigger than it would appear to be on the clock.  This is a good time to be childlike in the way you relate to time.  Remember to be fully present and really enjoy what you are doing, rather than to suffer through or try to rush.  Do anything you can to cultivate that sense of timelessness and total focus.  Strengthen the skills that help you be present – breathing, listening, meditation and focus. 

The energy this month is also very fertile.  It is a good time to begin new things.  It is a good time to share ideas that you hope will come to fruition in the future.  It is a very good time to explore ways that you can grow. 

The energy this month is stable and stabilizing.  It will be useful to focus on what holds you secure in your life.  Nourish the relationships, the routines, the habits, and the belief systems that help stabilize you and that help you make the world make sense.  This is a good time to invest in spiritual practice.  It is a good time to invest in the people around you and in whatever you need in your home, your work environment, in your everyday life, to help you feel stable and secur

-Are there particular activities that would help us best harness the energy this month?

There is a small exercise that would be incredibly beneficial this month.  Simply pause throughout your day, on a regular basis, to feel the Earth beneath your feet.  Take a deep breath and feel a sense of connection.  Pay attention to the way gravity keeps you in secure in one place, and allow that to become a grounding force and a stabilizing influence on your mind.  This is very simple, but if you gently place your attention on your physical connection to the Earth, and allow your energy to move downward as if you have roots like a tree, you will find that everything else falls into place.

This exercise is something you can do all day if you wish.  It is a small, simple exercise that is especially well suited to the energy as it exists this month.  It is nourishing and this will help you draw energy up from the Earth to help you grown into the beautiful, abundant energy that is moving through this month. 

Is there anything we should avoid this month?.....

For additional information about this month, including specific information about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!
You can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings, and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter.

This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by  Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.   

It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations.  Please include this message with all redistribution.
For official distribution rights, please contact Jen.  

You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter.
If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen.

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