Monday, May 18, 2015

Inspiration for the Week - You are a Radiant Spirit of Light ~ a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel

Inspiration for the Week - You are a Radiant Spirit of Light 

 Shanta Gabriel

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

Sometimes we get so bogged down in daily life that we forget who we truly are. This message from Archangel Gabriel shows up to remind us that we are constantly developing spiritual beings.

When we can look with more clarity at the experiences of our lives and all we have cleared to bring us to where we are now, there is more compassion for ourselves. This opens our hearts to who we truly are and allows us to shine our Light into the world around us in a more whole and loving way.

Every day we are growing stronger and creating our lives in ways that offer new levels of growth and awareness. It is important for us to remember this truth so we can support ourselves as much as we support others.


Divine Presence,

May I truly realize how much I have grown and changed recently in beautiful heart-centered ways. May I honor the new patterns of Well-being I have established within me so my life can be a reflection of this spiritual quality to the world..

Help me to open my mind and heart to see the radiant spirit within myself and all beings on the planet. Fill me with the Courage I need to thrive in these shifting dimensional frequencies so I can anchor more Love and Light within me, as well as the world.

Thank you for creating an opening to new levels of Freedom, Empowerment and Joy in my life, as well as in the lives of all of humanity. And so it is.


The Gabriel Messages #37
Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

Dear One,          

You are radiant spirit. That is your essence, your connection to the God Source. This is the part of you that never dies, that lives in oneness with all that is, was and ever shall be. When you recognize the truth of your pure essence, and remember it, your daily life can take on a lighter quality. You will be able to look at each situation from a more expanded perspective.          

Who you are is a wondrous being growing towards wholeness, peace within and joy-filled awareness. Through this growth, you are finding there is an ultimate truth that runs like a strong current throughout your life. This truth leads you homeward to that place within you where God dwells eternally.      

As you hold to this radiant truth, old patterns of thought begin to drop away. You respond more honestly to life in the moment, rather than reacting from old patterns of thought that no longer serve you. As fear and self-doubt cease to run your thinking processes, a radiant presence emerges - your true self, the one who is in harmony with all life.          

You are courageously moving toward the light that you know to be ultimate truth. You feel yourself growing stronger in the new patterns of thought you now embrace, thoughts that encourage love and peace within you.          
It is a time of profound change on the planet. You are recognizing the need to find the still, peaceful center within you to come back to when the world becomes tumultuous. Every day you receive glimpses of this place, so it becomes easier to access. You know that with practice and a clear intention to find peace within, this will occur.          

Courageously you look beyond surface appearances of craziness in your world, and ask for the peace of God to be your only reality. As you do this, a new world opens - a world where miracles become normal and the wings of Angels are ever present to enfold you in Divine Love.          

Hold to this place of peace within you. Allow yourself to receive guidance and wisdom from the powerful light-filled Presence that is God working in your life, and know the truth of your message from the Angels today:
Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

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