There are a lot of different energies to cope with this week. It is so very important and really simple to ground yourself every day. Put your feet on the earth, dig in the dirt.
The earth provides us the nurturing support we need to be strong healthy productive people!
~Scroll down for this week’s forecast~
May 18-24, 2013
Starts with the fertile energy of the earthy Taurus New moon. What you plant now will bloom.
Tricky Mercury is back sliding until mid June, reminding us how truly important all the details
really are. All this in its own sign of Gemini which the Sun moves into this week too. The pace
is picking up. Peace loving Venus in Cancer is opposing mighty little Pluto in climb that mountain
Capricorn. The truth is coming home to roost. You are being called to do the work, whatever
that means to you. Lean into responsibility and this weeks trying Sun Saturn opposition will be
positive and productive, rather than rigid and restrictive.
The first 48 hours after the new moon are the most potent for successful beginnings. Get clear
now, about what you want to accomplish. What do you want to bring into your life?
What are you willing to work for?
The earthy energy is turning very airy this week. The Sun skips to curious Gemini from satisfied
Taurus. The mind is alive, receptive and even deceptive at times, being as busy as it is. Gemini
likes to play and poke its nose into all sorts of things- some less forward moving than others.
If you have something to communicate or organize in a positive way, this energy is of benefit.
The gift of charm and wit are available to all of us now. Write, speak, be funny and clever, and
be curious. If you can harness a bit of discipline you will be unstoppable. State your case, make
your claim.
Venus and Pluto are at odds Thursday PST. Part of you wants to turtle, a very strong and
convincing part. An equally strong part of you wants you to leave that safe little shell of yours
and work your ass off for something you really want. Perhaps it's time to face the facts. What do
you dream for yourself? Does it match up with the game plan of your partner? You'll accomplish
more with a heart to heart that addresses the big questions. Head must come out of sand. Always
think win/win when dealing with Pluto: thoughtless selfishness is usually met with resistance. Life
will teach us what we need to know. Questions about work and home life come up. Time to intend
on balance.
Saturn really is being felt this week. Saturn likes us to work. To be responsible and serious and
grown up. Saturn is right; we really need to be all these things to live a healthy happy life. When we
are stable and secure our inner creative can come out to play. The child in us all needs to know that
things are taken care of. The bills are paid, life is safe. When we take responsibility for living a happy
life our inner child can rest easy and create more joy for us.
If we are reluctant to step up to the plate usually life gets burdensome, Saturn is kind a dark when
out of balance. Channel the energy properly and you get a great deal of real world work
accomplished: paint the deck, put together the portfolio, move. Avoidance is not a long term
solution (in most cases).
All this and Mercury is going retrograde too.
The past is likely to revisit you now. It's your chance to renew and redo. If you have an old project
or friendship the still deserves the effort, make it. This interruption in the normal pace of things is
a chance to be sure. Things are never as they seem in Mercury retrograde, which is why you should
avoid contracts and buying anything to do with the realm that Mercury rules. Which is everything to
do with communications, thinking, connecting, and being mobile. Take a step back from life so you
can see more clearly. Mid June we can all move sure footedly forward.
There is a lot of different energies to cope with this week. It is so very important and really simple to
ground yourself every day. Put your feet on the earth, dig in the dirt. The earth provides us the nurturing
support we need to be strong healthy productive people. Do your part and take care of yourself with real
food, simple foods like seeds and nuts are so simple. Eat apples. The Earth really is providing everything
we need. You'll rest more peacefully when you come to understand how truly supported you have
always been.
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Create Amazement!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Karen & Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more
And Never Settle for Less
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Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
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