THE ORACLE REPORT: Friday, May 29, 2015
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic
Moon in Libra
Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)
God of Will: Ian (God of The East)
Skill: aim high with feet on the ground; "let it be" when necessary
True Alignments: practice makes perfect, composure, heart alignments, hitting the mark, getting away from chaos, confidence, talents, giving things time, visionary, things coming from obscurity, magic, assistance available
Catalysts for Change: difficulties coping, self-sabotage, self-critical with focus on one particular area or thing, inexperience, demanding proof, petulance, vacillation, attacks, arrogance, closed in and closed-minded, expecting validation from others
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a mature woman reawakened to romance"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"
Mercury retrograde will make a square with Neptune today. This can make things confusing, clouded, or crazy. Interpersonal communication may be rather challenging. On the other end, we can see many things in ways we've never even considered. New ideas on how to proceed, how to improve, and how to re-do things can suddenly dawn on us.
There is almost an "alternating current" in effect that causes clarity one minute and confusion the next and things to be one way one minute and another the next. We understand that everyone is alternating between being clear and confused today, so we will be extra patient and adjust our expectations as needed. The Mahavidya Tara is on duty to provide guidance to whomever asks.
The Sun is located at the degree of "a quiver filled with arrows." It is always best to go into any important situation as well-prepared as possible, but this is highlighted today. Is the quiver filled with love arrows or fear darts? Given the "alternating" dynamics in play today, both may appear. If something comes at you that you do not like, mentally block it with an arrow from the quiver of your mind. We can reach for the sacred masculine inside each of us for whatever we need.
Choices may come into play today, especially where triangles or three of anything are present. The things involved may be extremes or opposites of each other.
One other thing, our personal skills seek expression and concrete manifestation today.
Let's give thanks to the Sun for powering down to minimize the effects of the energetics in place in the sky right now (for turning down the volume on the "music of the spheres").
Happy birthday to wise owl Andrew Foss, Oracle Report Facebook administrator who has tirelessly helped to spread the messages for years. Thank you, Andrew! We appreciate all that you do.
Aim high everyone!
(Note: In regard to the May 28th coastal event proposed by Frank at Ditranium Media that Phoenix and I discussed, I think the earthquake off the coast of Alaska is impressive data with this. I also believe that the variable in effect is the level of solar activity at the time. If the Sun had been actively flaring, earthquake activity may have been much more intensive, even catastrophic. Is there any doubt that the Sun is our ally?)
Archive of Phoenix Rising Radio episode mentioned above:
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