Monday, May 18, 2015

Lynda Hill: A Promise Of A Renewal And A Revival Of Life And Love: May's New Moon In Taurus

A Promise Of A Renewal And A Revival Of Life And Love:
May's New Moon In Taurus

Accomplishment of purpose is better than making a profit. Hausa Proverb

There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant. Anatole France

Perhaps middle age is, or should be, a period of shedding shells: the shell of ambition, the shell of material accumulations and possessions, and the shell of the ego. Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Business has only two basic functions—marketing and innovation. Peter Drucker

Each man takes care that his neighbor shall not cheat him. But a day comes when he begins to care that he does not cheat his neighbor. Then all goes well —he has changed his market-cart into a chariot of the sun. Ralph Waldo Emerson

We get paid for bringing value to the market place. Jim Rohn

By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others. Frederic Bastiat

The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It’s like a birth after a time of gestation or being ‘in the womb’. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are aligned – bringing a synergy of their energies together.
The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing, light candles and incense and perform rituals about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life

Occurring on May 18, this Taurus new Moon is a promising one, with lots of possibility. There are some very interesting aspects unfolding - Venus, the ruler of Taurus, will be opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus, leading to some issues in relationships, or, some resolutions. It all depends, as always, on your individual situation. These two aspects don't became exact until a few days after the new Moon, so we can ease into the energies and assess how and where we want to be. Some will feel an enormous shift in their values, desires and attitudes. Venus seems set to bring us some aha moments along the way.

We have Mercury stationary retrograde on a very intuitive and psychic degree and it is in a sextile aspect with Jupiter, so we are being urged to think expansively; to move beyond the usual confines and break out of old habits and old ways of being that no longer suit us. There is a yod - otherwise known as a 'Finger Of God' - from Mercury and Jupiter to Pluto, so we may be feeling a bit frustrated in the desire to make things happen NOW - but things are welling, and it works best if we set things in train with our hearts and minds and get into the real detail later. After all, Mercury is retrograde now - we have a chance to go back over issues from the past - to sweep our lives clean. That fresh beginning that we are looking for is more likely to bear real fruit at the next new Moon, which is in Gemini (and will be opposite the Galactic Centre = where the Law Of Attraction works wonders).

In the lead up to this new Moon, Mars and Saturn are in opposition to each other, which can bring up frustrations and anger, especially if we are not getting our own way, or, if plans that we had bring us up against brick walls. Still, this aspect can have us 'getting real' about what is and what isn't possible now. The trick is to not over react, as Mars in Gemini on the Radical Magazine can be known to do. 

Further, Jupiter is moving into a cosy trine with Uranus. This can bring strokes of good luck, breakthroughs in understanding, new objectives and a bigger, deeper, desire for more freedom. We may be feeling the need to break through old paradigms, and not only because of the Jupiter/Uranus trine - the whole lunation chart seems to be suggesting that.

This is most definitely a meaningful and amazing time. Just remember that what you set in motion now may have to wait until a month from now to really swing into action when the energy is at your back and the wind is in your sails. Now is a major time of preparation, especially on a mental or emotional level.

To hear my audio recording of this new Moon, click here.

The new Moon is on Taurus 27: AN OLD INDIAN WOMAN SELLING BEADS AND TRINKETS - the following is my interpretation from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom

'An Old Indian Woman' is 'Selling Beads and Trinkets'. She probably spends a great deal of her time selling these small products of her culture for very little reward or real monetary return. The modern, and somewhat foreign, world often shows little regard and doesn't respect the crafts and skills that are probably well respected within her tribe. Despite this lack of appreciation, the 'Old Indian Woman' can still enjoy a deep understanding of her self worth and the dignity of her identity and tribal origins. However, she may be capable of much more: that she is reduced to 'Selling Beads and Trinkets' is a measure of the poor treatment this world gives to those who are less fortunate, older, or who have fewer resources for making a living.

Do not underestimate yourself or restrict yourself to what you think others believe you are capable of. Everybody has talents and abilities, including you. You may be placing limitations on your capabilities and it is it these very limitations that can truly reveal to you hidden talents and skills that are sometimes taken for granted. Having belief in what you’re doing will bring rewards at the end of the day. Sometimes it is necessary to do things that seem below your true station in life in order to survive, but true survival begins in your heart and your belief in yourself. Positive affirmations are useful at this time – have faith in yourself and the products of your culture. Don’t wait for passers-by to stop and pay attention to you or what you have to offer. Regardless of their actual monetary value, these ‘Beads and Trinkets’, whatever they may be, can be beautiful, worthwhile and useful souvenirs to both yourself and others

Keywords: Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to the younger, less integrated. Small, but worthy products. Adapting to changing conditions, particularly monetary or financial. Working hard for small returns and rewards. Battling against the odds. Selling the products of one's culture. Artifacts. Jewelry. Handicrafts. Retailing. Supplying the populace with beautiful things. Markets and stalls. Patience. Bartering and bargaining.

The Caution: Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Loss of culture and traditional duties. Menial jobs. Devaluing things or overvaluing junk. Feeling that you have nothing to offer. Waiting for others to validate your worth. Bickering over money. Feeling 'cursed' with one's lot in life. Lack of the respect for the arts. Being stuck in the marketplace. Sweat shops.

Just moments after the new Moon, first the Moon and then the Sun move onto Taurus 28: A WOMAN IN MIDDLE LIFE STANDS IN RAPT SUDDEN REALIZATION OF FORGOTTEN CHARMS, IN UNEXPECTED RECOVERY OF ROMANCE

This is a wonderful Symbol of second chances of romance, love, passion and starting over in life. Even when it feels like all chances of wonderful things have passed by, something comes back into your life and it can be inspiring, delicious and revivifying. The 'Woman' has found herself in 'Rapt Sudden Realization' and her 'Romantic' longings and feelings have come flooding back. On the physical level, there can be a rush of hormones that back up these feelings.

This Symbol shows that a surprising 'Realization' can lead to sudden and overpowering joy.However, it's best not to be swept off your feet and misguided by overreaction. Nor is it a good idea to just take whatever you can get, thinking nothing better will ever come along. Analyzing your options in a mature fashion, you’ll have a deep understanding of what is possible and you can choose to be involved for the right reasons.

Keywords: Finding a renewal of love, knowledge, and interest when it looked like all opportunities had passed. Second chances. Starting over. Menopause. Romance renewed. Awakening to life's promises. Flowering of love, life and joy. Sudden realizations.

The Caution: Believing love and romance long gone. Denying emotional expression because of social expectation. Losing heart and feeling unloved. Having no time for romance due to responsibilities. Being skeptical of love, thinking it not possible or realistic. Resenting the aged finding love. Fickleness.


Mercury, in Gemini (the sign which Mercury rules) is going retrograde on this rather fabulous, very Mercurial Geminian degree. It will be on this degree for several days. Mercury here can boost our intuition, clairvoyance and psychic abilities. This Symbol speaks of telepathy, but it also speaks of knowing, a quiet knowing, a connection between souls, hearts and minds, whether people are 'At Widely Different Points', or, in the same room together. This Symbol can operate regardless of distance that people are apart. Someone could be in the next room and we can pick up on each other's thoughts or emotions. They can live in very separate worlds or have very different viewpoints on life. This embodies the idea that we are never really separate from those with whom we truly belong. Let your heart tell you that you are always in their company and there is no need to feel alone.

Keywords: Conquering space and time limitations. Psychic and mental communication. Sharing and thinking the same ideas. Knowing what is felt or thought by others. Feeling connected regardless of physical contact. Being on the same frequency. Mediumship. Telepathic communication. Conversation. Direct lines of communication. Mind reading.

The Caution: Blocking out sensitive awareness for the sake of social needs or expectations. Mind and thought control. Manipulating by subtle means. Losing contact. Not getting the message. Not seeing eye-to-eye. Barging into other people's space.

Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.


This is one of my favourite degrees and when I see it, I know that something special is happening. The 'Chinese Woman' senses something 'Great' in the 'Baby' she is 'Nursing'. The fact that she is 'Chinese' is significant, as the 'Chinese' have had a long tradition of seeking the spiritual layers of life. The 'Woman' is sensing and seeing something in the young person that other nannies may not. She's aware that he holds great talent and gifts for the future - his 'Aura Reveals Him to be the Reincarnation of a Great Teacher'. Being able to see reverence in young people that appear to be "old" or "evolved" souls is an expression of a strong intuitive sensitivity. The 'Woman' sees that this child, this 'Baby', has a unique and special talent that can be of benefit to the world in some way. The 'Child' needs to be nurtured, nourished and cared for so he can reach his full potential.

This Symbol shows someone who is possessed of more greatness than might at first be apparent. Like the woman nursing this child, being able to recognize brilliance, truth and beauty in others, or in your own self, can bring many rewards. There is often the sense that someone is an ‘old soul’, even though they’re young in years or experience, ahead of their time or have talents beyond the norm. Dane Rudhyar said of this degree that it is 'The promise to all men that God may take birth within their souls.' Good nourishment and care will nourish this great potential

Keywords: Nurturing innocence and its rewards. Reincarnation and past lives. Charisma and presence. Channeling entities. Tibetan mysteries. Monks and the Dalai Lama. Ancient knowledge. Child prodigies. Seeing greatness ahead of its time. Indigo children. Discovering latent talent. Visions. Holistic perceptions. Potential. Nurses. Nannies. Finding "the one". Auras. Special people.

The Caution: Not seeing the beauty of youngsters. Being overcome with complexity. Demanding to be recognized. Missing inherent greatness. Under or over estimating the potential of youth. Pushy and demanding. Precocious of spoilt behaviour.

Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.

Mars is on Gemini 5: A RADICAL MAGAZINE OR PUBLICATION, ASKING FOR ACTION, DISPLAYS A SENSATIONAL FRONT PAGE - what messages are, or need to be, broadcast? Mars on this degree, especially as it's in Gemini, can have us, and others, having a lot to say. Be careful of sudden impulses to lash out at others, especially those that don't agree with your ideas, thoughts or actions. Road rage incidents can come from this energy... count to ten, if you can remember to, before responding. Having said that, we need to let loose now and then and Mars can bring up situations that allow us that freedom. Mars here can bring up the need to have a good rant :)

Sometimes, in order to be taken seriously or be noticed, people need to do or say something rousing, radical or out of the ordinary especially when there is a need, or a desire, to change things. There are probably some strong feelings that 'Action' needs to be taken – bear in mind, however, that the status quo can be very hard to awaken, change or shift. As this is a 'Radical Magazine' it can lead to moves that are disruptive or even threatening to stability or security in some measure. Further, the 'Action' that is being called for can lead to less than desirable outcomes. Events that unfold can be highly charged emotionally.

This speaks of calling for or being motivated for change. Revolution and revolutionaries come in all shapes and sizes; some instigate major changes in society, others are more into bucking the system and creating mini reforms in their own back yards. You may not be absolutely sure which direction to take, listen for messages. Look within for the change in direction you need. Dramatizing one's situation can lead to overreaction, but doing nothing can lead to inertia and things staying exactly the same. Listening may be important.

Keywords: Speaking one's mind. Messages and news that awakes or shocks. The need for reform. Challenging outlooks. Breaking out of constraints. The media. Issues of propaganda. Headlines that promise more than they deliver. Revolutions. Social or emotional causes. Conspiracy theories. Printing presses. Publishing. Publicity. Gaining attention. Speaking one's truth without fear of consequences.

The Caution: Being argumentative. Arousing others for selfish reasons. Distortions of the truth. Misinformation and disinformation. Getting the whole picture wrong. Exploitation of situations. Overstating messages. Biased information. Old and outworn news.

Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.


People really enjoy a  'Street Pageant' or a carnival, they get together to celebrate their community, even if they aren't directly involved in what's being celebrated. The 'Street Pageant' can inspire fun, joy and even a sense of pride as people come out to watch and enjoy. Some achievement may have created a desire for a big celebration, or, perhaps it’s a regular seasonal street festival - it can even be social media such as Facebook. A sense of fun and give and take and feeling at one with people in a crowded street can bring new friendships, the chance to look at what’s on display, to buy food and goods and an opportunity to rub shoulders with others in a relaxed and friendly situation. People support each other and share in the festivities if they feel invited and included.

Keywords: Demonstrations of joy. Spectacular shows of solidarity. Ticker-tape parades. Community celebrations of victory or faith. Food and drink stalls. Mardi gras and gay pride parades. Being a participant or an observer. Having a following. Gaiety and spectacle. Performers, musicians, magicians. Street stalls. Traffic management. The mob. Lots of people. Cul-de-sacs. Carnivals.

The Caution: Egocentric displays. Blowing one's trumpet. Closing off some areas of life, overplaying others. Problems with neighbors or people. Displays with little warmth or genuine communal feelings. Feeling like sardines in a can. Noisy neighborhoods. Loud music that annoys. Disruptive behavior. Hooligans and louts. Looting. Lack of privacy and quiet. Garbage on the street. Barriers between people.

Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.

Saturn is on Sagittarius 3: TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS

'Two Men Playing Chess' is an image of people concentrating and planning moves in order to defeat their opponent in a game. They have to be quiet, focused and attuned to what it is they're doing if they want to succeed. The theme of 'Chess' is to knock the opponent out, to literally kill the king, and to take his position and his territory. There can be a certain degree of tension in the air as each tries to "checkmate" the other. First, one may appear to be "winning", and then the other may make a sudden, sometimes completely unexpected or unforeseen move, get the upper hand and take the whole game. Alternatively, it could be an all-out slaughter if one person is more practiced or efficient at the game than the other.

This Symbol shows the ability, or the necessity, to indulge in strategic games, arguments or competitions. There can be a strong sense of knowing how to maneuver situations in order to come out on top, with an eye to possible outcomes. There's a need to be thoughtful and cautious, taking into account the wider picture. Impulsive acts with no forward planning can be risky. It probably pays to not show your weak side, but do everything with the possible objective of winning (whatever that might mean to you). However, especially with Saturn here, it can be difficult to relax in competitive environments; one often feels that they can't let their guard down because they might be taken advantage of. Take one step at a time and move with purpose and forethought.

Saturn here can also show how we tend to go over and over things - the "if I do this, they will do this, then if I do this, they will do this" syndrome. Worrying about things can lead to further difficulties.

Keywords: Strategic competition. Seeing the picture several moves ahead. Arguments that can go on and on. Finding justification for being combative. Throwing down the gauntlet to the other. Taking lives. The need for peacekeeping. War strategies. Matching wits. Facing each other head on. Being royalty or being a mere pawn. Tactical maneuvers. Lawsuits. Custody. Having the bigger stick. Divorce. Disputes. Wit against wit.

The Caution: Depending on pure luck. Underestimating the opponent's skill or strategy. Arguments and arguing for the sake of it. Bickering and trying to get the better of the other. Always taking an opposing side, no matter what is really happening.

Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.


'A Magic Carpet' is a wonderfully rich image of fantasy and escape. That it 'Hovers Over the Depressing Reality of Everyday Life in an Industrial Area' shows the contrast between life based on material production and consumption, with its resulting pollution, and the need for escape to the magic and beauty of life. The 'Magic Carpet Hovers'—it observes ugliness, noise and hustle and bustle, without being touched by it.

This Symbol shows that you can use your imagination to lift your level of understanding into other, perhaps higher, realms. By elevating ourselves above the everyday world we can transcend worry and strife. There is a clear message here that you can lift yourself above negative situations and by doing so, you can attain a calmer, more creative and spiritual life. With expanded awareness you can have an elevated perspective that reveals greater truths. However, be a little careful not to lose your self in the longing for escape or the exotic. You probably have to come back down to the earthly plane every now and then. Uranus here can lead to wanting to escape realities, especially with Neptune on Pisces 10: The Aviator In The Clouds.

Keywords: Practicing meditation. Finding a vehicle for transcendence. Elevated views and perspectives. Rising above problems. Astral travel. Meditation or levitation. Lateral thinking —'Magic Carpets' travel sideways. Rugs, carpets, the Middle East. Fantasy and fiction. Transcending worries. Escaping the depressing realities of the everyday world.

The Caution: Self defeating detachment. Not being able to cope with the real world. Losing one's self completely in flights of fancy. The longing for escape. The lure of the exotic. Using drugs or alcohol in order to escape drudgery or difficulties. Smog. Filthy air. Feeling stuck. Pollution and muck. Industrial landscapes. Losing touch with the body and physical realities.

Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.

Neptune is on Pisces 10: AN AVIATOR IN THE CLOUDS -

This so backs up the energies of Uranus on The Magic Carpet degree. We can rise above things, but, sometimes, we find that we are just avoiding or evading realities.

'An Aviator in the Clouds' is an image of a pilot in his plane flying at such a high altitude that he is amongst the 'Clouds'. It must be exhilarating to be up so high and observing this wonderful other realm. However, flying high can lead to feelings of being cut off and separate from reality and the real world and it is only a matter of time before the 'Aviator' must come down out of the 'Clouds' as the constraints of his more earth-bound existence eventually kick in.

This shows being able to stay on course, not allowing distractions or difficult or confusing issues to deter you from your destination. Perhaps you need to rise above and transcend the more nitty-gritty realities of earthly existence and its difficulties, just be aware that you may not be seeing the complete picture very clearly sometimes. If you take special notice, you may be able to see through illusions, seeing past the surface appearances to things that others miss. You may be able to rely on your spiritual, creative or intellectual skills to take you above and beyond those things that others have to deal with. However, you may also be evading the real truth.

Keywords: Elevated views. Always seeing the best in people and things. Peace and tranquility. The longing for transcendence. Not seeing limitations. Being in a refined "head space". Mastery. Flight, planes, pilots. Avoidance of time constraints. Pollyanna attitudes. Free flights of fantasy and escapism. The need for accurate navigation. Being in charge of the controls. Seeking higher truths. Maps. Compasses. Global satellite positioning. Clouds. Mist and fog. Hang-gliding.

The Caution: Sailing through difficulties or missing what's really going on. Escapist use of alcohol and drugs, etc. Lack of grounded energy or reality. Being unearthed. Escaping responsibilities. Isolating oneself. Completely missing the point. Feeling high and mighty and above everyone else, particularly with intellectual skills. Wrong turns. Missing the signs. Feeling like you're living in a fog. Disconnecting from others, leading to isolation. Losing the plot. Taking huge risks. One's head being separate from the body.

Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.


'School Grounds Filled With Boys and Girls in Gymnasium Suits' brings to mind images of youthful people, doing their exercises, playing with and enjoying each other on a physical level. The 'Boys and Girls' learn how to interact with each other in the 'School Grounds'. There is the sense that they are having fun, regardless of their individual level of fitness. Some will be very good at sports and be the stars in the 'Gym' whilst others are there because they want to join in the fun or because they are instructed to be there and have no choice. Many of their relationship lessons are first learnt here.

This degree shows being vibrant and alive and in the physical body with enthusiasm and excitement about life and the future. The “Gymnasium Suits” shows the need to get active and to stay active, to have time in your life to drop into the physical body and enjoy it. If you've been neglecting your physical well-being, it is good to reestablish that affinity with your vitality. Spontaneous enthusiasm and the joy of being 'alive' can regenerate and revive and bring about carefree contact with like minded people. The trick is to bring some form of physical discipline into your life while enjoying it and not feeling forced to do what you don’t want to do.

Keywords: Developing muscular coordination. Sexual energy, attraction or satisfaction. Playing, marching, competition, rivalry. Singing songs of unity. New anthems for the young. The search for identity. Being able to accomplish things on the physical level. Physical fitness. Uniforms and uniformity. Gymnasiums. Exercise equipment. Conscription. Being one of many. Learning how to get along with the opposite sex. Bodybuilding. Level playing fields.

The Caution: Physical showing off for sexual attention. Relationships based on purely physical or sexual attraction. Having to do things that one isn't capable of physically doing. Not joining in.

Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy.


'A Little White Lamb, a Child and a Chinese Servant' is a Symbol that shows the innocence and purity of both childhood and the animal realm. The 'Child' is symbolic of potential and curiosity and the need for care and supervision; and the 'Chinese Servant' shows the freedom for self-development apart from family influence or dominance. The 'Little White Lamb' is of no threat to the 'Child' even if things get out of control. The 'Chinese Servant' shows that the safety concerns of the 'Child' and, indeed, also of the 'Lamb', will be watched over and monitored. Being a 'Chinese Servant', the care will probably be more lenient than if a parent were involved. There is likely to be more consideration of the value of life experience and lessons rather than domination and discipline. The 'Child' pictured may need the guidance, help and nurturance of the 'Chinese Servant' because of special needs or because the parents are too busy with their own lives to provide childcare.

This shows being able to provide care, safety and comfort to those who need it. The “Child” has a “Servant”; he is well looked after. He also has a “Little White Lamb”, an animal companion, one he can be with, hug and enjoy. In our early years it was the sense of touch that was initially satisfied. If you felt cradled and comfortable, you could grow knowing that all was safe and well. You could find yourself in a place of privilege; cradled from those things that could hurt or challenge you, having someone to look after you. Conversely, you could be the one who’s always there for others, supporting and loving them regardless of who they are or where they’re from.

Keywords: Being protected by higher, more aware, energies. The privileges money and social status bring. Awareness of the different levels of situations. Differing perspectives. Helpers, servants. Care. Being watched over. Watchfulness. Pets and animals. The supervision of youngsters. Purity of vision. Caring for the child within.

The Caution: Social incompatibility. Purity merely by nature of wealth. Not having to grow up because of the social environment. Not taking responsibility for one's self. Acting like a brat and getting away with it.

Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds and it is known as The Wounded Healer, it also shows The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.


This Symbol speaks of getting through difficult times in life and coming out the other side. It also infers being able to bring calm reassurance that a time of calm is approaching. The difficulties may have been arduous, but they've added to your experience to cope with any difficult times that are yet to come. The calm is a time to review what has past and how you've come through difficult straits. Realizing that you're on safe ground brings a sense of relief, and it will give you time to catch your breath. You may be the kind to go white water rafting in order to stir up your life somewhat; if there’s nothing whipping up around you, you may go looking for it.

As this is the Moon's north node, which can bring issues of 'karma' in our lives, it pays to concentrate on this image. Picture yourself having gone through the rapids and out the other side. Ah, the serenity ;)

Keywords: The calm after the storm. Navigating difficult straits and coming out okay. White water rafting.
Skydiving and other risky activities. Rough waters vs. plain sailing. Recovery. Remission. Light at the end of the tunnel. Personal initiations. Trials of test and defeat. Being stoic. Retaining dignity and graciousness. Exercising care and restraint. Avoiding over exaggerated enthusiasm. Deliverance on many levels. Salvation. Staying on track.

The Caution: Neglecting to take a time to rest. Taking foolhardy risks, believing that all will be okay. Pre-empting situations without completing things in the present. Thinking that "lightning never strikes in the same place twice". Shooting more rapids. Freezing up and not moving.

North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.


This Symbol shows someone who can take a thing or a situation and transform and update it. The 'Traditional Images' can be ideas, objects, icons, beliefs; things we are familiar with. That a 'Teacher Gives New Symbolic Forms' shows the ability to restructure, reinterpret and present them more in tune with the times. It indicates a need for a fresh and revitalized perspective on things. This is what Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler did with the Sabian Symbol "experiment". I have this degree in my chart and my work has taken the Symbols a step further, giving them further depth and insight. What can you re-write now?

Keywords: New dimensions breaking old thought forms or behavior. Quantum science. Innovation and re-creation. Working with educational tools. Finding new inspiration. Being "ahead of one's time". New-age consciousness. Ideas out of the past for the future. Sticking one's neck out. Rewriting the book.

The Caution: Rejecting old ideas because they are old instead of reforming them. Throwing things of worth out, without examining them. Having little respect for things that are really worthwhile or traditional. Sticking with the tried and true, no matter what. Thinking that no one will be interested in your ideas. Heresy. Dogma.

South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past

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