New Moon Phase: begin, intend
Moon in Gemini/Cancer (9:56 am ET/1:56 pm UT)
Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)
God of Will: Ian (God of The East)
Skill: stay centered and grounded
True Alignment: indulgence, connections, graceful, leaps of faith, supportive, expanded vision, ideas and understanding, new opportunities, shifts in relationships, fun, satisfaction, good tidings, cohesion
Catalysts for Change: jealousy, over-indulgence, unsupportive, lack of trust, fear of the unknown, not seeing the depth or vision, unsatisfied, disconnected from emotions, cracking, not taking good advice
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a mature woman reawakened to romance"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"
Today's energy is what let's call "swirly."
We are at the pivot point or entry point for shifting dynamics. A realignment is occurring. This is happening on all levels of everything, so it causes a shaking or disequilibrium as things try to come toward a better balance. It drives people, places, and things a little crazy -- a little swirly.
Many things are coalescing to shift the energetics tomorrow, and we are sensing and anticipating it today. Here's what's in play:
1- Tomorrow we begin the Crescent Moon phase, which will double the theme of facing challenges that is in effect this month. The Crescent Moon phase is Thursday, May 21 through Sunday, May 24. This is the Crescent Moon phase of the lunar month that is like a month-long Crescent phase, so it is double Crescent (challenge) energy. Recall that this is just the source field/universe/Sophia and Thelete seeing if we are dedicated to what we hope and intend for the future. It's the time when spiritual warriors muster.
2- Tomorrow the Sun will enter Gemini, opposing Saturn throughout the Crescent Moon phase. This is aggressive, controlling energy on the low octave. The old imprint of it is about putting up barriers, blocks, and restrictions to freedom of expression and movement, as well as attempts to take power and control. In the new imprint, these are petty attempts by pettiness itself to try and keep control over people, places, and things. Saturn will be in the direct line of electrical current if the Sun becomes active over the Crescent Moon phase. This would shift things dramatically.
3- The Moon will be in Cancer for half of the Crescent Moon phase, enhancing the energetics for shifting/rebalancing/recalibrating/changing - especially within relationships. This is significant now because the Moon will activate the strong dynamics between Venus, Uranus, and Pluto. The music of these spheres is certainly belting out over the next few days.
4- Today Venus is disseminating the energy of "a very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast." In the old paradigm (pre-April 18, 2015), this energy was like falling into a void. Now, in the new paradigm of consciousness (5D), this energy is like awakening to the vast field of possibility. Dark is not as dark anymore. Anything that seems otherwise is in flux and trying to come into balance and sanity.
So, you see why things are swirly and maybe even "squirrely" today. A lot is moving around. We will move with it. And we won't give up!
Note: It's a happy day at Oracle Report! My conversation with wise owl Carolyn Barnes about her book Return to Ease: Gently Reconnect With Your Body's Natural Wisdom and Joy is posted at the top of the homepage. I was honored to write the Foreword to Carolyn's book. Return to Ease is a magical manifestation of the Second Renaissance and a beautiful work of art. I hope you enjoy the conversation. It is a great joy for me to share the projects of wise owls with the rest of the parliament. Let's bring this to life!
Carolyn'S website:
2-minute video about the book and pre-sales (eye candy for nature lovers):
(P.S. In the audio, I describe how this work has helped me heal my back, and how, after I couldn't walk for three days, I was elated to go shopping. To clarify, I was excited not to be able to shop for cat food, but to be able to walk again!)
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