Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mothers are our most powerful teachers: Mother’s Day 2015 By Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life + Enlightening Life Radio Show

Mothers are our most powerful teachers ~ by Jennifer Hoffman

"It was Mother's Day on Sunday and I had a nice time with my mother, the photos are on my Facebook page. I had to do a lot of forgiveness, release, and acceptance to make it possible for me to do that, and I  know it's something many of you share. How do we reconcile our need for love, validation, value, and acceptance with what we received from our mother? How can we resolve our feelings around our mothering so w can be happy? Our mother is our most significant karmic partner, who often teaches us our greatest life lessons in the most painful ways.

This week's message includes a letter I wrote to my children, one that I wish  my mother could have written to me. While I began my parenting path determined to be different from my mother, I found out that it wasn't always possible. I thought I would 'never' repeat my mother's behavior and yet, at times I found myself being just like her. But I did my best, which I wanted them to understand. I did succeed, as many of you have, in being a different kind of parent than I had, which was the objective of our lessons, to heal, transform, and evolve into more powerful and loving parents to our children.

I hope you had a wonderful mother's Day and whether your mother is living or not, whether you have a relationship or have disowned her, accept her as she was, know that she wasn't capable of anything else, no matter how much you wish she could have been, and forgive her and yourself so you can live without anger or regret, which only serve to limit your joy. 

Many blessings,"

Jennifer Hoffman
Author, Intuitive Energy Master, Life Innovation Strategist
Your Guide to High Vibes Living


Mothers are our most powerful teachers: Mother’s Day 2015
By Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life

May 11, 2015

It is Mother’s Day today in the US, a day when we celebrate the woman who gave birth to us.  This can be a difficult day for those whose feelings towards their mother are not warm and loving. For many, the mother experience  has been one of their life’s greatest challenges and Mother’s Day serves as a reminder of the kind of mother they didn’t have and wish they did.  We have so many expectations of our mother so when she doesn’t meet them we feel  betrayed, abandoned, and rejected on an exponential level. Mothers play many roles in the lives of their children, on many levels. And we understand those roles when our children are grown and have children of their own.

This week I’m sharing a letter I wrote to my children one Mother’s Day. Writing it helped me resolve my feelings around my parents, as well as speak to my children about how I felt, at times, that I wasn’t always the ‘perfect mother’ that I thought I would be. I always thought that I would be a ‘better’ mother than the one I had but, as I found out, there were complications in a role that was not always easy to define and I also had to do things that they interpreted as unkind or unloving. While I did my best, that didn’t always mean that they would appreciate my efforts or me, or that they would see that I really did have their best interests at heart.

While there is no excuse for abuse or some of the truly awful things that some mothers do to their children, there is a much larger karmic and energetic relationship at work in being a mother, which is the most significant connection that we can make with another human. There is a lot of karma involved in a mother relationship, as well as potential for great healing and transformation. When we get stuck in the emotions, anger, and regret, we lose sight of the healing and transformational potential.

Our mothers introduced us to a variety of energies and uses of power that we had to learn to overcome. Not by being angry with our mother, but by finding our way out of the disempowerment that they taught us, which was the source of our lessons in empowerment. We challenged them on every level and often rejected them, instead of learning the lesson so we could become more of what we wanted and knew was right for us. Where we have succeeded in creating more joy, love, and peace in our lives than they had in theirs was the purpose of the lessons we learned through them. Our mothers are often our greatest teachers, who present us with our most powerful life lessons, often through our most painful challenges which force us to dig deeply within ourselves to find the love we think they should have given us ‘because they are our  mother’.

On Mother’s Day you do not have to pretend your mother was the sweet, kind, loving mother that the media portrays. But try to accept that whatever she did was the best that she could do, find forgiveness and compassion for her, no matter what your circumstances. Acceptance is one of our more challenging life lessons, and it means that we must learn to see people as they are, and not as we wish they could be or think they can be. We each chose our parents for the lessons they could help us learn, for what we needed to overcome so we could become the highest expression of our own energy. We have succeeded in mothering our children differently than we were mothered, which was our objective in choosing our mother and we have learned to be happy and find our own joy, in spite of the pain we have suffered.  And that is our victory, which we can celebrate every day, and on Mother’s Day. To all of the mothers out there, happy Mother’s Day.

A Mother’s Day Letter to My Children

Each Mother’s Day brings me back to the day you entered my life, the awe I felt when I looked at the miracle of a new life, and the responsibility I knew I had undertaken in choosing to become your mother. No one could have prepared me for the joy, pain, tears, laughter, fear, and most of all, the love that I would experience on this journey. Every day of your life I wondered whether I was doing the right thing, would my best be good enough, and how my choices and decisions would impact the rest of your life.

I know that there were times when you didn’t like or approve of me. There were times when you were angry with me, when harsh words were spoken and apologies were slow to follow. There were times when I had to say ‘no’ and see the disappointment on your face but I had to stand my ground because, as I learned, motherhood is not a popularity contest. In these situations you saw me as standing in your way but I was merely trying to keep the path clear for you. You had no idea how permanent some choices are and how much damage can be done to your life in an instant. Some things cannot be undone, some choices are irreversible and have life-long consequences. It was my job to know these things for you and to guide you to learning how to make powerful choices, and to create consequences you could live with.

Each of your disappointments broke my own heart because I wanted to protect you from those things. But I knew that you had to learn through your own experiences and while I grieved silently for you, all I could do was remind you that you deserved the love, and validation you wanted and while you had it from me, you had to create it within yourself so you could eventually have it from others too.

When you looked to me for support, it was there for you, even though I often had no one to support me. Many times I had to be brave for you, even though I was scared on the inside and I longed for someone to be brave for me. When you needed love from me, you always had as much as you wanted, or would receive, even though I often felt unloved in my life. It was my job to give to you from whatever resources I could muster, without making you aware that my life was not always fun, easy, or wonderful. You never saw me afraid or sad or lonely but I lived with those emotions too and  my joy often came from the pride I had in you and in your accomplishments.

You don’t know that I sat up with you when you were sick, listening for each breath, praying you to wellness. You probably were not aware that you were in my thoughts, every moment of every day, that I prayed for you, sent you strength and love, and tried to create the best outcomes for you, in every situation. When you were in trouble I supported you, even if that meant making difficult choices that you rejected me for because I sometimes had to point out that you were on the wrong path, and let you live with the consequences of your choices.

I knew that eventually you would understand that in all things, I loved you and wanted you to be safe, secure, happy, and to feel loved. Sometimes that meant keeping you at home when you wanted to go out, making you learn about consequences when you would have preferred to be with your friends, or giving you advice that you didn’t want to hear, in ways that you didn’t want to hear it.

Although I tried to show you my best side, I know that there were times when I was impatient, thoughtless, and inconsiderate. I tried to be a better parent than my own and at times, to my dismay, I found myself repeating their behavior. You will understand these things when you have children of your own.

I want you to know that everything I did, as your mother, was the best that I was capable of then and that no matter how much you think I failed you, or I think that I failed, I always did the best that I could. Sometimes I look back and wish that I had known more, been more aware, less scared, and more at peace. There are things I wish I had done differently but we chose each other and the path we would walk together. Being your mother has been a great joy in my life and I love you and am proud of the person you have become. I hope that whatever you think I did wrong you can forgive me for because I never did anything to deliberately hurt you. And I have learned, over the years, to forgive myself. The thing I hope you remember me for is the love, support, and caring that were always yours, whether you wanted them or not. I love you with all my heart and no matter where life takes us, you will always be the child I brought into the world, who chose me to be their mother, and walk that path with you.

I love you always,



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Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites


Enlightening Life with Jennifer Hoffman
Empowered Info, readings & more
Broadcast in Spirituality

It's Wednesday, and episode #353 of the Enlightening Life Radio Show, airs live at 8PM US Central time tonight.

Tonight we're talking about mother energy, energy boundaries, why you should not try to heal others (and what happens to your energy when you do), the BIG thing that is coming up, and more.


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