Monday, January 25, 2016

HILARION 2016 ~ January


Hilarion ~ January 24-31, 2016

Beloved Ones,
As the energy influx continues, your human operating systems are receiving downloads of information that relates to you personally on your spiritual journey of life. There is a direct interaction that is beginning to take place with your Divine Essence and it comes softly at unexpected times and places. As you begin to pay more attention to these communication attempts, you will be establishing a stronger connection to this higher aspect of yourselves. This will take a bit of time so practice being patient with this process. We are making this known so that you are aware and can be observant to this process.
There is much work ahead for those who have been prepared and you will be guided to those actions and activities which will require your participation and assistance in the days ahead. This work will involve working with the higher realms in order to accomplish certain tasks to help the planet stay stabilized and able to receive the higher cosmic energies. This work involves utilizing your energy, for you are now moving from the task of increasing your energy to the next step, which is maintaining and using your energy. This is wonderful to see from our perspective and we applaud each and every one of you for the gains that have been made! Well done!
For the most part, your journey involves realizing your own higher potential in your everyday lives, so there will be a lot of opportunities to step beyond the status quo and comfort zones and these will make their way into your awareness. Stepping out of your comfort zones can seem a daunting task but it is imperative that you do so, for the universe responds to those who step up and begin to move forward in the direction their inner guidance takes them. Whatever goals and dreams you have been nurturing within your hearts requires you to take the bold first step towards manifesting that outcome. It cannot happen if you sit and wait for something to occur! Just start doing it! This sets into motion the power, grace and magic to make it so!
Many of you are now discerning the transformations that are taking place within those in your sphere of influence and we say that this will continue growing exponentially as the year unfolds. The most recalcitrant souls are now turning within and becoming aware of the need for a different life style, in order that they improve their lot in life. These may come as small changes at first, such as changing their dietary habits, but will ultimately lead them to seek ever greater purity of their body, mind and spirit. The renaissance of love has begun to unfold upon your planet! It is enabling others to seek higher and more peaceful solutions and resolutions to all that they find challenging in their lives.
In this, you are a shining example of what a fully balanced and integrated person truly is. By your loving example, they discern that there is a better way and they become seekers of that way and how they may also become that. This is a very positive turn of events in the daily interactions that take place between people and will, hopefully, expand the consciousness of everyone upon your planet. As humanity’s consciousness is lightened by living according to higher principles of conduct, greater Light upon the Earth takes hold.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Excerpts of the messages as short quotations in written reviews is given permission by the scribe.
Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.
Hilarion ~ January 17, 2016
Part 3 – (cont’d)
You ask what more could be done, what more should be done. Problems that emerge over time gestate and form, hidden at first, unseen, brought about by mans greed, allowed to be by mans ignorance, cannot be resolved within days or minutes or hours, not even by the forces of miracles themselves - it is time and persistency that will win the war. You must continue to encourage people to focus their loving thoughts, to focus their thoughts of Light upon the world, each and every day, this must be done. The world must be consistently bombarded with love! People must not grow faint hearted believing that it is not working; people must acknowledge, must see that such forces will need to build slowly over time, that such forces need to be consistently applied, if they are to have effect; that such forces must come from a united and focused legion of people who believe, trust and know the truth.

These people will have their own challenges of course, their own lives to contend with. They must fight against their doubt, they must fight against their disbelief, and they must fight most powerfully of all, against the feeling that they are powerless to make changes to their reality. No one is powerless. Everyone has the ability to focus and use the energy of the Divine within them and to set it to task. In order for them to do this, they must be persistent and enduring and they must join together with others in order to bring change and transformation to the world around them. This is very, very important! This must be shared; this must be applied above and beyond all other things.
In conclusion then, we would say this: everything is ending and beginning. Everything draws to a close that it might be born again. This is the nature of reality at this moment in time. If new things are to emerge, old things must die and disappear. What occurs now is this process on a grand scale. In order to tip the consciousness of the human race, in order to enable them to see that their world is not working, that it is not functioning as it currently is, they must recognize that something drastic must occur - a shift, a change in reality - the likes of which they have not experienced before in their lifetime. The world must experience something utterly transformative. Atlantis experienced this, it ultimately led to Atlantis’s demise but it also led to Atlantis’s rebirth, led to the Atlanteans venturing out into the world and shaping and changing the nature of the world’s history forever, by passing on their secrets to those people who up until that point, had never heard their Atlantean truths before.
Although it is difficult at times to acknowledge, although it is difficult at times to see, you must try to recognize that what transpires is part of the plan. It is not part of the Divine Plan, not the original plan, but it is part of the plan that has been brought about through humankind’s creative powers that the Divine now improvises with in order to set humankind on a course that will ultimately lead them back to the Source, back to the beginning, that will lead to their ascension and evolution.
If things are to continue flowing in the right direction, if the casualties are to be minimized, if the world is to awaken sooner rather than later, then the world must be doused in love and Light, the hearts of humanity must be opened to the Presence of the Source. The minds of humanity must be given the Light that they need, in order to recognize truth, and this can be done by you and yours, if you focus your energy together and in earnestness, apply the power of your spirits and your souls. Go forward then, hear our words, use this truth, use this Light, share this message, this understanding. Let people know, let people be blessed, that people might be freed.
Take then, our love, Dearest One, take then our blessing, share our messages, know that we are with you as you walk upon the path and that I and my kind, that the Angels and the Divine, do everything within our power to aid and assist with the transformation of your planet in the most peaceful and positive way that it can be achieved.
In love and Light, let this be so for the greater good of all. (Conclusion of parts 1-3)
Until next week,
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion ~ January 10-17, 2016
Part 2 (Cont’d from last week)
You ask what can be done to further the awakening of humanity and their subsequent Ascension in the midst of the seeming chaos of our current times:
“The Divine, the Universe, has a way of reordering things, restructuring the process of time itself in order to ensure that everything continues to flow as it is meant to. As a result of this, nothing is ever truly out of sync, the Divine recycles opportunity, brings things into manifestation that will ensure that everything serves a purpose, serves a function, has a higher perspective, a higher power, a higher use and this is the case here.
So although in part, your world is behind, the Divine has used that to the advantage of all. What occurs now throughout the planet is part of the process, it is part of the plan, it is how things are meant to be. Shifts and changes cannot occur without risk and danger, cannot occur without systems and structures being broken and pulled apart, rearranged and transformed, without some pain, some difficulty, some conflicts. This is always how it has been but not always how it will be. In the future, further evolution will be more natural, more flowing and more graceful in time.
So, your world needs constant care and attention, that is what it requires, that is what it will be given. The Masters and the Angels bend their attention to the world, focus their thoughts upon it; work through the Lightworkers of the world, monitoring and maintaining peace, focus and function, helping to restore, re-align and reconnect; helping to give comfort and reassurance, understanding and truth.
You ask what more can be done and our answer is simple. Love is the answer, it has always been the answer, will always be the answer. Love is what is lacking, love is what is needed, love is what must be given. Love always, love ever! To those who hate and destroy, to those who attempt to save, to those who suffer, to those in fear; love, love, love, it is the way! And so we would encourage you, and we would encourage you to encourage those others to send love, always and only and ever love. Love and Light! Love and Light! Love and Light!
It is difficult, we know, when there are those that would kill, those that would destroy love on both sides of the world, who see that this is a solution, when everyone knows that it is not. It is easy to hate, it is easy to think that love must be reserved only for the victims, only for those who are in the right, but love is unconditional and universal and it must be applied to all, and if it is needed by anyone, it is needed by those who have fooled themselves into thinking that might is right and that hate and destruction serves God. They are in need more than anyone else, of love.
Love is transformative. Love can and will transform the world, the Earth. In time, everyone will see this truth, but at first in the beginning, hate will arise to the surface. Hate and fear. This must be countered then, with love. Know that love is ever, that love is eternal, that love is infinite, that love is the greatest power that exists, that it is capable of miracles, transformations and changes beyond imagining!"
Until next week…   (Part 3 Next week)
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Note from the Scribe: The following words from Hilarion came through a trance channelled reading done for me personally when I employed Edwin Courtenay to do one for me…Hilarion has asked me to share these words with the world. This is part 1 and part 2 will be next week. I will be putting these words as a preface in The Hilarion Connection©, Book Two but felt they are important to get out to as many people as possible at the beginning of this year, to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the import of this message. It is one I am hearing through other channels also -- so let us listen and ponder and act on this concern that is being brought forward from the higher realms of Light.
Hilarion ~ January 3, 2016
Beloved Ones,
It is in love and light and truth that I, the Ascended Master Hilarion, step forward at this time in order to provide you with guidance and understanding. Open then yourself to me, hear my words, hear my wisdom, let my truth surround you, flow through you, aid you, that you might use it for yourself and others, that you might take it forward at this time, that you might benefit all those that have eyes and ears to see, recognize and know the truth, that it might grace the minds and hearts of those who are in most desperate need. In love, in light, in truth, I speak the words that the world needs to hear.
The world begins with each person, with each individual, and so the words that I might offer you and for all those other individuals whom you might share this understanding with, is that there is a need now for cleansing - for cleansing on the quantum level, for transmutation of the microscopic energy that lies between the atoms and the molecules of the mind, heart, spirit and soul. These forces are so minute that we might forget that they exist, that we might believe them to be nothing of concern, nothing at all; forces that surround us at all times constantly, working their way in to our feelings, our life, our being.
The energies of the radio and the microwave, of the blue tooth and the wi-fi - the invisible forces of light and life, energy and power that would do us harm; they clog the flow and grace of our life and being. They hinder us and harm us and we must not fall into the trap of thinking that they are insignificant and not worthy of our attention because they are. Call upon the powers of Oustacarti, the Angel of Quantum Cleansing, call upon the powers of the Unicorn whose fine light can clear and transform. Call upon the magic of the unseen and let it lift and clear and free you from harm.
I have spoken about the importance of quantum clearing. I realize this must seem a thousand miles away from the problems of your world and yet, people do not fully comprehend the true potential danger of how insidious this energy is, of how harmful this energy can be, of how it affects us and how it damages us, of how it weighs upon the nervous system and threatens to influence our thoughts and feelings detrimentally.
There is a tendency you see, to look to the larger causes, to look to the problems in the world which seem big and overwhelming, to content ourselves with feeling that there is nothing that we can do about these things, that we are too small, when in truth, some of the problem lies not in the macrocosm but in the microcosm and how it affects the greater world, how it affects the consciousness of the people, damaging the thread of Light that binds us all together, damaging the energy that holds all as One, breaking down communication, making it impossible for people to hear each other and know the Truth.
(Note from Scribe: I have been hearing so many stories of our younger generations who seem addicted to their cell phones, to texting, to playing games on them constantly, to the point that they do not know how to interact with real people and this is creating a gap in the human web of life, I feel, for we need to connect with each other through our personal attention, interacting and sharing our energy with each other through our hearts and our minds.)
Balance is also key, the need to balance the heart and mind, the left and the right brain, the need to balance action and inaction, the need to know when and what must be done and how. It is not easy, but balance helps. Balance can restore truth and peace and a deeper sense of oneness. You must look then to the path of alchemy for some solution, for in the mystic marriage there is hope, you see. In the mystic marriage and its union and its promise of union, there is hope. When the inner masculine and feminine co-join and combine as one, peace flourishes.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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